Report: Josephine Ho on Sexual Politics in the Age of Globalization

By Sinan Farooqui

The first keynote lecture for the Duke Kunshan University Fall Conference 2019: The Future of the Humanities: The Gender/Sex Turn was led by Professor Josephine Ho, the chair of the English department of National Central University, Taiwan, and coordinator of its Center For the Study of Sexualities, who spoke on the topic of Gender as Governance: Sexual Politics in the Age of Globalization. Continue reading “Report: Josephine Ho on Sexual Politics in the Age of Globalization”

Yingying Huang on Changing Sexualities in Mainland China since the 1980s

The second keynote address held at the DKU Fall Conference: Future of the Humanities: The Gender/Sex Turn 人文学的未来:性/别转向” was given by Yingying Huang on the topic of Changing Sexualities in Mainland China since the 1980s. Professor Huang is Associate Professor of Sociology, and Director of the Institute of Sexuality and Gender at Renmin University of China. Her work focuses on female sex workers, women’s body and sexualities, social aspects of HIV/AIDS, and qualitative methodology. Continue reading “Yingying Huang on Changing Sexualities in Mainland China since the 1980s”


作者:于明鑫 & 朱润洲 

何春蕤教授是台湾国立中央大学的讲席教授(Chair Professor)和荣誉教授(Professor Emeritus),是远东最前卫的性别研究学者之一。她广泛而又立场鲜明地研究很多焦点问题,从1990年开始,她便在她所处的地区倡导有关女性性行为、性别与性教育、酷儿研究、性工作者研究、跨性研究的积极观点。她创建并继续领导着以其持久并卓有成效的智囊作用和社会实干主义而闻名的国立中央大学性/别研究室。她最近的研究集中于记录与分析在不断加强的良性、文明的全球治理体系下,不断增长的非传统性行为法制化趋势。 Continue reading “听何春蕤教授讲性别政治”


作者:朱伦稷 & Eldar Wang



第二个原因是,从她的语气与词措里,我能感觉到她的“试探”。这里的学生对性学的接受度到底如何?说到哪个程度,才是又能被理解又不失原意的?黄盈盈教授的词措越是小心,我越感受到她这些年在中国做性学会议汇报与田野调查的不容易,越对她感到钦佩。 Continue reading “直面上世纪八十年代以来“性”的流变-在中国做性学研究”


作者:赖効祺 &朱润洲

9月20-21日我校人文研究中心筹办的“人文学的未来:性/别转向”主题活动邀请到了著名学者何春蕤教授、黄盈盈教授、甯应斌教授与《琥珀》作者闻⼈人悦阅作专题讲座。讲座主题涉及“Gender as Governance”、“Changing Sexualities”、“Sex Work and Modernity”、“Commonsense Morality in History”等。我有幸参加了整个活动,而印象尤为深刻的,是甯应斌教授的主题演讲。 Continue reading “探讨性工作与现代性–记甯应斌教授9月21日主题演讲”



作家闻人悦阅的交流会在九月二十一日举行,分为上午和下午两场,分别在研讨室和礼堂举行。上午签过到之后,每位与会同学都得到了一套《琥珀》新书。沉甸甸的重量,暗示这本书和宏大历史有关。书籍封面被两个巨大的竖直排版的“琥珀”占据,字体以一张斑驳的牛皮纸地图为底色,地图上路线交错,像极了琥珀里细细的裂纹,仿佛历史太多太重,要将这枚琥珀撑破。在作者娓娓道来之中,我们随她走入这枚尘封百年的琥珀,探索书写大河历史的各种可能。 Continue reading “历史百年激荡,人物仍留余温—作家闻人悦阅《琥珀》分享会”



宇宙之旅是由来自耶鲁大学的Mary Evelyn Tucker和John Grim教授制作,一部获奖的纪录片和教育项目。融合了宇宙论、天文学、天体生物学、演化学,宇宙之旅以一种诗意和引人深思的视觉形式,娓娓道来从创世大爆炸至今的宇宙故事。宇宙之旅旨在使观众为孕育地球生命的宇宙历史感到惊叹,进而反思在面临气候变迁和环境铺害时,个体对于一切生命形态的责任。这部纪录片将于十月十日在创新楼的礼堂放映,并在放映前举行和制作者的问答环节。

在放映前,昆山杜克大学将迎来全球首演的群众艺术项目。由宇宙伦理和人工智能研究中心(Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab) 的学生研究员设计,并由大二学生Rudy Lu和Ryan Trombly筹划,这项艺术项目将回溯宇宙历史,并在昆山杜克大学的校园内以北斗七星的形式呈现从创世大爆炸至当代的七个阶段。


The seven stars of the Big Dipper point towards Polaris 北斗七星指向北极星


journey of the universe qr code


Journey of the Universe Film and Mass Participation Art Project


Journey of the Universe is an award-winning one hour documentary film and education project produced by Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim from Yale University. Uniting cosmology, astronomy, astrobiology and evolutionary theory, It narrates the story of the universe from the Big Bang to the present day in a visual, poetic and evocative manner. The film seeks to give the viewer a sense of wonder at the cosmic history that has enabled life on earth to develop, and a sense of responsibility toward all forms of life in the face of environmental devastation and climate change. The film will be shown in the IB auditorium on Thursday October 10, starting at 7pm, and there will be a Q and A with the film-makers afterwards.

Preceding the film will be the first world-premiere mass participation art project at DKU. Designed by student researchers in the Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (PETAL) of the Humanities Research Center, and led by DKU sophomores Rudy Lu and Ryan Trombly, the art work will trace seven stages of the story of the universe, from the Big Bang to the present day, in the form of the constellation of the Big Dipper mapped out on the inner campus of DKU.

For this art project to occur, we need approximately two hundred DKU students, with their phone or other flashlights to process through the campus of DKU from the Student Residence Hall, via the Water Pavilion and the Conference Center to the Innovation Building. The phone-light procession will symbolize the unity of the DKU community with the guiding presence of the Big Dipper and with the 14 billion years of cosmic evolution that have brought us together to this place. The art project will be filmed by eight cameras and a drone that will capture the formation of the Big Dipper constellation on the DKU campus.

The seven stars of the Big Dipper point towards Polaris

The Big Dipper, known in Chinese as the seven stars of the northern dipper (Beidou qixing 北斗七星has great significance in Chinese culture and science. Beidou points towards Polaris, the northern point around which the heavens were thought to rotate. In Chinese mythology, the personification of the dipper is known as Doumu 斗姆, or Mother of the Dipper, an important goddess in Daoist religion. In modern China, Beidou is the name of the Chinese GPS system that was the life’s work of former DKU Chancellor Liu Jingnan. Through history, culture, mythology and science Beidou continues to provide orientation and meaning for human beings within a universe of immense possibility.

To participate in the art project, register online, and bring your phone or other flashlight to the student residence halls at 615pm on Thursday, October 10.


Call for Student Researchers and Artists: The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive

The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive (KDH) is a pilot project for the Humanities Research Center’s Computing in Arts and Humanities (CAH) Initiative. The pilot project, and the initiative as a whole, aim to foster the integration of computing, data, humanities and arts. Continue reading “Call for Student Researchers and Artists: The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive”

Drawing Workshop With Edén Barrena

By Yinan DU

During the second weekend of the fall semester, DKU welcomed its first drawing workshop and it turned out to be a huge leap towards the growth of Arts and Humanities o n our campus. The Spanish visual artist Edén Barrena is invited to instruct this three-days’ drawing workshop. She is fully experienced in interpreting the world around us and able to transmit the message she perceived to the audiences through various media forms. This drawing workshop aimes to help students do their research profile by integrating the creative practice. Through working with Edén , students were given abundant chances to explore arts and themselves and they start to develope a new spectrum for communication: talking through arts. Continue reading “Drawing Workshop With Edén Barrena”