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Getting Started

Q: Is there a page of general help information available?
A: Learn how to log in and manage the view permissions on your site

Q: What plugins and themes are available on Sites@Duke Express?
A: To view a list of plugins and themes, please log in to and enter any site. The Plugins and Themes (under Appearance) lists are on the left column of the site dashboard.

Q: How do you get started customizing a site?
A: Learn how to design the look and feel of each page with themes, plugins, and widgets

Q: How do you control who can see your site?
A: Get more in-depth regarding site visibility

Q: How do I install a plugin or theme that I have purchased?
A: It is against our policy to install purchased plugins or themes. Plugins and themes must be sourced from and requested for evaluation.

Using Your Site (General)

Q: Can I use a different URL (vanity domain) for my site, like or
A: Yes! This is called domain mapping. Learn more about the domain mapping process

Q: How do you turn off comments for a page or post?
A: Learn more about managing comments

Q: What file types can be uploaded to the Media Library?
A: Learn the acceptable media types for your site

Q: What are the file size limits?
A: Learn about file size limits and ways to optimally share media

Q: How do you use a custom (vanity) domain for a site?
A: Learn more about custom domains, also called domain mapping

Q: How can I track my sites visitor stats?
A: Activate the Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) plugin and follow the included setup wizard

Q: How do you make feature requests for Sites@Duke?
A: Learn how to submit plugins and themes for vetting

Q: How do you change Site Admins?
A: Learn more about user management

Q: How do you add Duke users to your site?
A: Learn more about user roles

Q: How do you give a non-Duke person access to your site?
A: Learn about guest access

Q: What are some tips for Student Organizations?
A: Learn best practices for student groups

Using Your Site (Course-Specific)

Q: How do you re-use a course site from a previous semester?
A: Learn how to export and import your site content

Q: How do you combine multiple course enrollments into a single site?
A: Learn to leverage course rosters for site access

Taking Down Your Site

Q: What happens to your Sites@Duke Express site when you leave Duke??
A: Learn about our retention policy

Q. How do you renew a Sites@Duke Express site?
A: Learn how to renew your site

Q. How do you delete a Site@Duke Express site?
A: Learn how to delete your site