HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface

Ege Duman, a 2nd year DKU undergraduate recently published an open-peer commentary in the American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience entitled “The Continuity of BCI-Mediated and Conventional Action.” The article was written with Professor Daniel Lim, Co-Director of the Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (PETAL).

This is the first paper published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal by a DKU undergraduate with a DKU professor. Continue reading “HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface”

Discussion with Astrobiologist and Author David Grinspoon

The PETAL lab mainly focuses on the ethical issues related to Planetary Science and Artificial intelligence. As part of our exploration of these concepts, we interview famous authors, scientists, and researchers who do work related to these fields. We share the audio and a brief description of the interviews online, so that everyone can have the opportunity to listen. Continue reading “Discussion with Astrobiologist and Author David Grinspoon”