The Superdeep Workshop

The Workshop is Superdeep‘s work-in-progress research…—you guessed it—…workshop. It’s a forum for DKU’s philosophical community to discuss & refine philosophical ideas & projects (essays, presentations, signature work projects, etc.). Meetings generally feature a presenter’s brief presentation followed by general Q&A. Snacks and refreshments are served.  Everyone (faculty, students, staff, guests…) is welcome to attend; no prior knowledge of philosophy required.
The workshop usually meets Thu ~6pm in IB 2026.

If you are interested in presenting or in otherwise getting involved in the Workshop, follow this link; for other feedback, follow this one; for more info on Superdeep generally this one.

Continue reading “The Superdeep Workshop”


As part of their residency project Drawing the Lines: Politics and Technology in China’s Industrial History with DKUNST Art on Campus, artist Ho Rui An and curator Zian Chen are seeking research assistants for their archival and field research within the Yangtze River Delta region and participants for a workshop that will culminate in a research-based exhibition.

Expanding the narrative developed in Ho’s recent film, Lining (2021), which examines the rise and decline of the textile industry in Hong Kong, their residency considers the development of the industry within the Yangtze River Delta region before their displacement to Hong Kong in the late 1940s as well as the subsequent “return” of industrial capitalism to the mainland following the launch of China’s economic reforms. A key line of inquiry looks into the shifting relations between labour, technology, and capital within this history, with a focus on the (de)politicization of technology as a result of these changes.

As an extension of their research, the artist and curator will also organise a two-week workshop, during which they will share their research process with the participants and explore with them different ways of engaging with industrial history. Topics to be covered include industrial modernity and cinema, mapping (post)industrial space, and aural/oral industrial history. Following the workshop, participants will have two to three weeks to work together with the artist and curator to realise a research-based exhibition at Ming Contemporary Art Museum in Shanghai.

More information on the residency: Artist Ho Rui An in Residence at DKU: Public Lecture
Watch the presentation recording (scan the QR code to watch)

Requirement for research assistants

Research assistants will assist the artist and curator during their archival and field research between July to August 2023. They will also participate in the production of a film and work together with the artist and curator to realise the exhibition at Ming Contemporary Art Museum. While participation in the workshop is optional, they are also welcome to join should they be interested and available. All research assistants will receive an honorarium and be covered for all travel-related expenses.
Period of Commitment
Induction for research assistants: 10 July 2023 (TBC)
Onsite and archival research: 17–28 July 2023*
Film production: 7–20 August 2023*

* Research assistants should ideally be available for the entire period as indicated. However, they can discuss with the artist and curator to work out a feasible schedule should they have other commitments during this period.

Requirement for workshop participants

Workshop participants will have to attend all four sessions of the workshop and work together with the artist and curator to realise the exhibition at Ming Contemporary Art Museum. They should also be prepared to be involved in the public programs that will be organised to accompany the exhibition. All participants will receive an honorarium for their involvement in the exhibition and its related programs.

Period of Commitment

Workshop dates: 25 (Fri) & 26 (Sat) August, 1 (Fri) & 2 (Sat) September 2023
Installation period for exhibition: 16 – 20 September 2023 (TBC) *
Exhibition: 21 September – 8 October 2023 (TBC) *

* Workshop participants should work out a feasible schedule with the artist and curator for their involvement in the installation and public programs for the exhibition.

Application deadlines

For research assistants, please complete your submissions by 9 May 2023, 23:59.
For workshop participants, please complete your submissions by 18 August 2023, 23:59.

Click the link to apply:

Student Report on Women’s History Month Student Workshop

Reported by Vicky Yongkun Wu, Class of 2026

This workshop was part of the Women’s History Month 2023 events organized by the HRC’s Gender Studies Initiative. 

The Women’s History Month Student Workshop 2023, hosted by Professor Titas Chakraborty, focused on 9 student papers. On Friday April 21, after Professor James Miller’s opening remarks, student presenters, who were accordingly distributed to three panels, gender in China, women and conflict, and feminism and media, were given approximately 10 minutes to introduce their projects, followed by professors’ comments and the Q&A session. The wide range of gender topics covered in the workshop was impressive and truly enhanced gender studies at DKU. Continue reading “Student Report on Women’s History Month Student Workshop”

Report on the Live Tour of Prehistory: Exploring the Lascaux Cave of Southwest France

Reported by Scott Mauldin

The DKU Community was invited on Friday, April 7th, to a live tour via Zoom of the Lascaux Cave complex, one of the world’s most famous and significant sites of prehistoric cave paintings. For nearly two hours, Lascaux guide Olivier and Lascaux IV technical coordinator Laurent Puichaud demonstrated the wealth of paintings, carvings, and other archeological traces from the cave system, located in Southwest France, which was inhabited and decorated more than 17,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. The more than 600 paintings and 6000 figures in the cave depict many of the animals that the artists shared the area with, including images that resemble extinct species (aurochs), species no longer found in the area (Przewalski’s horses), or even mythical animals (unicorn). Significantly, the cave also depicts geometric and abstract shapes, giving insights into the development of human art and psychology, and possibly spirituality. The guide answered many questions from the more than 50 students, faculty, and staff in attendance.

The event was organized by Emmanuelle Chiocca, Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics and International Education in the Language and Culture Center, and was originally planned only for the students of her French 102 course. However, after high excitement and interest, the event was opened to the entire DKU Community. The event was sponsored by the Third Space Lab, Humanities Research Center, Language and Culture Center, and the Office of Undergraduate Studies, which helped to cover the fees for the tour as well as refreshments for attendees of the on-campus viewing.

If you are interested in watching the recording of the live tour, please email Dr. Emmanuelle Chiocca at or join the Third Space Lab Sakai site with your Duke Net ID.

Superdeep is DKU’s extracurricular philosophical* ecosystem, comprising:

    • the Workshop: a work-in-progress research workshop for DKU’s philosophical community (students, faculty, & guests). Presentation followed by Q&A (& snacks & refreshments). The Workshop meets on Thursdays ~ 6pm in IB 2026. More info here.
    • the Philosophers’ Cave: a quiet space for writing & other Superdeep work (& coffee, tea, & snacks). The Cave opens every Monday 9am till late in IB 2026, to start the week on a Superdeep high note. More info here.
    • the Well: Superdeep‘s joint research & reading group. The Well opens on Tuesday ~5pm in IB 1017. Current theme: Creatures of Habit. More info here.
    • the Nighthawks: a space for late birds to savor Superdeep respite — over weekly movie screenings — after a week of classes. The Nighthawks converge Thursdays ~8pm. More info here.
    • Superdeep Space: an entirely student-curated & -run Superdeep space for activity, creation, happiness. More info here.
    • …& the occasional Party: self-explanatory, for our community, happening roughly once a semester. Like this one.

* If you ask yourself who qualifies as philosophical, you already do 😉

* * * Continue reading “”

Curator Nikita Yingqian Cai in Residence

Nikita Yingqian Cai is Artistic Deputy Director and Chief Curator of Times Museum. She has curated exhibitions such as Times Heterotopia Trilogy (2011, 2014, 2017), Jiang Zhi: If This is a Man (2012), Roman Ondák: Storyboard (2015), Big Tail Elephants: One Hour, No Room, Five Shows (2016) , Pan Yuliang: A Journey to Silence (Villa Vassilieff in Paris and Guangdong Times Museum, 2017), Omer Fast: The Invisible Hand (2018), Zhou Tao: The Ridge in the Bronze Mirror (2019), Neither Black/Red/Yellow Nor Woman (Times Art Center Belin, 2019) , Candice Lin: Pigs and Poison (2021) and One song is very much Like another and the boat is always from afar (2021). She initiated the para-curatorial series in 2012 and launched “All the Way South” research network in 2016. She was awarded the Asian Cultural Council Fellowship in 2019.

Public Lecture: When a Trebuchet Met a Museum
Tuesday 25th April 15:00 – 17:15 | AB 3107

Over the past five years, Nikita Yingqian Cai has been focusing on curating an interdependency in the evolving network of Times Museum. By referring to a case of how a trebuchet entered a contemporary art museum, how it was fabricated and contextualized in an exhibition she curated in time of the pandemic, Cai maps the variety of human agencies and non-human actors in the network of a museum, and unpacks the disparate tools of ‘curating’ and the expanded field of ‘the curatorial’.

In Candice Lin: Pigs and Poison, the artist offers a speculative archaeology of the ‘Black Death’. Rather than being an inert object, the ‘trebuchet’ (used by the Mongol army to siege the town of Caffa in 1347) materializes how the Asiatic ‘other’ might have become associated with disease and condemnation in the fourteen century European context, connects the administrative activities of exhibition-making with the formative events of the curatorial to tell a history of the present. By inserting things into already existing conditions and setting up a friction between them, a shadowed context is activated and may subsequently change what we think it is all about. In this sense, the curatorial allows us to blur boundaries and categorizations thus challenging their constraining powers, and forms a constellation of meanings. So when a trebuchet met a museum, it sent off a recurring process of unlearning which inquires what might have or could have been.

In this public lecture, Nikita will also share some insights into different career paths in the broad field of museum, exhibition making, and contemporary art.

(organized by prof. Zairong Xiang, with support of AH, HRC, and DKUNST Art on Campus)

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Being John Malkovich” (Jonze 1999) | Thu Apr 20, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Superdeep Nighthawks Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Spike Jonze‘s 1999 Being John Malkovich (Malkovich & food & drink…Malkovich). Malkovich Malkovich Thu, Apr 20, 9 pm, IB Auditorium. Malkovich.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks Malkovich Thu eve (9pm till late, Malkovich). Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich HouTu Research Malkovich Unforgotten Dreams. Malkovich Malkovich.

Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.

llustrator Aura Lewis in Residence at DKU

Co-organized by AH, HRC, and DKUNST Art on Campus

EVENT 1: [Celebrating Women’s History Month]

“Writing & Illustrating Women’s Histories”

Presentation and Q&A with Aura Lewis

Time: April 18th, 11:45 am – 12:45 pm

Location: IB Lecture Hall

EVENT 2: [Quilting Workshop]

ATTENTION: On April 21st, Aura will host a workshop!

“Women’s History Quilt”

Time: April 21st, 10:00 am – noon

Location: AB Beauty Salon (Glassroom next to the east gate)

In the workshop, we will create collages on canvas, inspired by ‘personal’ women’s history. We will meet twice; in the first meeting, we will create art pieces, using photographs, drawing, painting, writing, and collage techniques. In the second meeting, each student will discuss their work, and finally, we will stitch the pieces together to create a collective quilt of our stories.

Please scan the QR code below before April 19th to register.