[Participants Needed] An Online Experiment: Can you accurately recognize pain from others’ facial expression?

Interested in participating in a fun and easy cognitive psychology experiment? Join us!

This survey aims to know whether racial differences can affect the recognition of pain evaluation through facial expressions. Healthy individuals who are age 18 above, first language is Chinese are all welcome! You will be receiving compensation after you finished!

Check the flyer for more information. Feel free to participate by scanning the QR code!

July 19 MediHealth Podcast LIVE | A Sweet Spot at Work

MediHealth Podcast is hosting its first live interview session this July-themed “A Sweet Spot at Work”. Many employer-employee relationships end in disillusionment, discontent, and disengagement.

Is there something amiss about our employer selection process, and how can we make better strategic career choices that deliver more meaning, fire our passion, and direct us to be the best versions of ourselves? Get more insight at MediHealth Podcast’s first live session!

We would be discussing making strategic career choices with Anthea Kiu, an Access and Policy Lead and Patient Partnership Centre of Excellence Lead at Roche. Interviewers Reika Shimomura and Sue Meng Chan would be hosting the virtual live session on the 19th of July at 9 PM CST (9 AM EST). There would be opportunities to ask live questions from you and discuss key issues with our hosts.

You can RSVP here by entering your NetID and receive a calendar request or scan the QR code to the survey link: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_07CTQliraCRbo5U


Anthea Kiu was formerly Breast Cancer Foundation’s General Manager before pursuing her Master of Business Administration, having been privileged to receive a scholarship from the Queen Mary University of London. She has 15 years’ experience in strategic marketing and management, with strong Private-Public-People partnerships established for non-profit organisations and consumer brands.

Driven by the purpose to empower cancer patients in living full lives, Anthea joined Roche with the aim to accelerate their access to innovative and superior treatment options and advocate for a patient-centric healthcare system where patients’ voices define which outcomes matter the most to them in healthcare policies. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, hiking, travelling, pilates and cuddling with her dog.