Humanities Research Center 2024 Fall Conference Program

Humanities Matter: Ecological Crossroads, Past, Present, and Future

All conference participants are invited to attend a concluding gala dinner with keynote speakers and guests on August 31 (Saturday).

Students who register for the conference may also attend an exclusive seminar with one of the keynote speakers.

Register to attend the conference here by 26th Aug.


08:30-09:00    Breakfast and Registration


09:00-09:15    OPENING CEREMONY

AB1079             Carlos Rojas, Professor of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Duke University

Selina Lai-Henderson, Associate Professor of American Literature & History, DKU

Scott MacEachern, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, DKU

John A. Quelch, Executive Vice Chancellor, DKU

09:15-10:45    KEYNOTE LECTURE 1:  Shen Hou, “An Evolving Blue Planet: Writing about Ocean History in a Planetary Age”

AB1079             Chair: Joseph Giacomelli

10:45-11:00    Coffee Break

Stream A:



Stream B:

11:00-12:30    FACULTY PANEL 1: Plastics, Cities, and Borderlands: Thinking through History, Race, and Belongings 

AB1079             Nellie Chu: “Ecologies of Plastics: Dupont Corporation and the Birth of Synthetics during World War II”

Keping Wu: “Materiality and Multivalence of Water: Environmental Encounters of Indigenous Peoples in Sino-Tibetan-Burmese Borderlands”

Renee Richer & Lorenzo Maggio Laquidara: “Citizens, Cities, and Nature: Humanities as a Tool to Investigate Environmental Attitudes in Segregated Urban Contexts”

Chair: Zach Fredman

12:30-14:00    LUNCH

Community Center

14:00-15:30    KEYNOTE LECTURE 2: Brian Roberts:Archipelagic Thinking and the Environmental Humanities”

AB1079             Chair: Selina Lai-Henderson

15:30-15:45    Coffee Break

Stream A:



Stream B:

15:45-17:15    FACULTY PANEL 2: When Poetry Meets Space and Chinese Modernity: The Tightrope of Confucianism, Children, and Buddhism

AB1079             Stephanie Anderson: “A Reading of Poetry & Fiction”

Ben Van Overmeire: “Inner and Outer Space in the Thought of the Buddhist Modernist Alan Watts”

Qian Zhu: “Civilizing China in Everyday Life: New Villages and Harmonious Modernity, 1928-1936”

Chair: Yitzhak Lewis

17:30-18:30      NEW SPACE LAUNCH


19:00                   Dinner for Faculty and Guests



08:30-09:00    Breakfast


09:00-10:30    KEYNOTE PANEL 1: Visualizing Environmental Change

AB1079             Panelists: Joseph Giacomelli, Binbin Li, and Chi Yeung Choi

Chair: Selina Lai-Henderson

10:30-10:45    Coffee Break 

10:45-12:15    KEYNOTE PANEL 2: Pedagogy for Sustainability: An Interdisciplinary Approach

AB1079             Panelists: James Miller, Coraline Goron, Renee Richer, Wumeng He, Joseph Giacomelli

Chair: Carlos Rojas

12:30-14:00    Lunch

Community Center

14:00-15:30    KEYNOTE LECTURE 3: Erika Weinthal: “Protecting the Environment and Infrastructure during War: Humanitarian Challenges”

AB1079             Chair: Carlos Rojas

15:30-15:45    Coffee Break

Stream A:



Stream B:

15:45-17:15    FACULTY PANEL 3: Artifice, Mud, Theater, and Christianity: Ecological Implications

AB1079             Anna Greenspan (NYUSH): “The Nature of Artifice & Gardens Unbound”

Jennifer Egloff (NYUSH): “Humanity’s Responsibility for ‘Natural’ Disasters: Parallels Between Early Modern Providence to the Contemporary Carbon Footprint”

Erica Mukherjee (NYUSH):Thinking with Mud: A Comparative Approach”

Jennifer Nan Dong (NYUSH): “Beyond Disney Musical The Lion King and Chinese Dance Drama The Soaring Wings: A Glimpse of How Contemporary Theatre Addresses Ecological Sustainability Concerns”

Chair: Adrien Pouille

17:30-18:30    Closing reception

Water                   Celebration of Faculty Publications


18:30                     Banquet

Executive Dining Hall


Shen Hou is a professor of environmental history in the History Department, Peking University, Beijing, junior Yangtze River Scholar. She was a Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in 2011 and 2013. She is the author of The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism (English, 2013), and Cities without Walls: Nature and Urban Places in American History (Chinese, 2021). She has published around 50 articles, essays, and book reviews in Chinese and English, and is the translator of Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West (2018) and Planet of Desire: Earth in the Age of Humans (2024). She is currently finishing a book on Boston’s environmental history and working on a book project about coastal cities.


Brian Russell Roberts is a Professor of English and Director of the English Graduate Program at Brigham Young University, where his scholarship and teaching have focused on American studies, archipelagic and oceanic studies, African American literature, modernism/modernity, and the environmental humanities. His work has appeared in in journals including American Literature, American Literary History, Modern Fiction Studies, and PMLA, and he has received the Darwin T. Turner Award for best article of the year in African American Review. His books include Artistic Ambassadors: Literary and International Representation of the New Negro Era (Virginia, 2013), Indonesian Notebook: A Sourcebook on Richard Wright and the Bandung Conference (Duke, 2016), Archipelagic American Studies (Duke, 2017), and Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America (Duke, 2021). He has worked in Indonesian-to-English literary translation, translating fiction by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Sitor Situmorang. His own work on archipelagic American studies has been translated into Spanish, and his book Borderwaters appeared in Russian translation in 2023.


Erika Weinthal is a Professor of Environmental Policy and Public Policy and a member of the Bass Society of Fellows at Duke University.  She specializes in global environmental politics and environmental security with an emphasis on water and energy. She is author of State Making and Environmental Cooperation: Linking Domestic Politics and International Politics in Central Asia (MIT Press 2002), which received the 2003 Chadwick Alger Prize and the 2003 Lynton Keith Caldwell Prize. She co-authored Oil is not a Curse (Cambridge University Press 2010) and Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus (Cambridge University Press 2022). She has co-edited Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Shoring Up Peace (2014), The Oxford Handbook on Water Politics and Policy (Oxford University Press 2017) and The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics (2023). She is also a founding Vice President of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association and an associate editor at Environment & Security. In 2017 she was a recipient of the Women Peacebuilders for Water Award under the auspices of “Fondazione Milano per Expo 2015”.



Stephanie Anderson is an assistant professor of literature and creative writing at Duke Kunshan University. She is the author of several poetry collections, most recently Bearings, as well as the editor of Women in Independent Publishing. Her scholarly and creative work has recently appeared in Post45, Textual Practice, Fence Steaming, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere.

Chi-Yeung (Jimmy) Choi is an applied ecologist with expertise in animal ecology, conservation biology, wetland ecology and environmental management. He studies the relationship between animals and their environment. Current study systems include the ecology of migratory birds, with a focus on their foraging and movement ecology within and between coastal intertidal wetlands.

Jimmy has published in leading conservation journals including Conservation Letters, Conservation Biology and Biological Conservation. He has served as an editorial board member for Avian Research and Stilt, and an associate editor for Journal of Applied Ecology. He was appointed as a specialist by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People’s Republic of China, Shenzhen Mangrove Wetlands Conservation Foundation and the Zhilan Foundation.

Jimmy has a B.Sc. (1st class honors) in biological ecology from the University of New South Wales (Australia), an M.Sc. in ecology from Fudan University (China) and a Ph.D. in ecology from Massey University (New Zealand). Before joining Duke Kunshan, he worked at the University of Queensland (postdoctoral research fellow), Deakin University (associate research fellow) and Southern University of Science and Technology (research assistant professor).

Nellie Chu teaches Cultural Anthropology, Global China Studies, and Global Cultural Studies at DKU. Her work focuses on global supply chains, fast fashion, urbanisation, migration, and labor. She has published in positions: east asia critique, Modern Asian Studies, Culture, Theory, and Critique, and the Journal of Modern Craft.

 Jennifer Nan Dong: Teaching fellow and specialist in academic activities at New York University Shanghai, Business. Before joining NYU Shanghai, she worked for the Shanghai Disney Resort Grand Opening Team as a dancer and served an auditor focusing on entertainment industry. Jennifer is also a producer, a translator and a performer. Her theatre productions were presented at many International Arts Festivals.

 Jennifer Egloff earned her PhD in Early Modern Atlantic History and the History of Science from NYU New York. Combining her undergraduate training in Mathematics with her graduate training in History, Egloff’s research explores multivalent ways that Anglophone individuals utilized numerical methods and mathematical techniques to confront challenges brought on by the opening of the Atlantic to increased exploration and commerce, competing religious philosophies, and the increased availability of information. Her current book project has the working title, Apocalyptic Atlantic: Elite and Popular Eschatology in Early Modern England and British North America. A strong advocate of interdisciplinarity, Egloff teaches History, Writing, and Mathematics at NYU Shanghai.

 Joseph Giacomelli is an assistant professor of environmental history at Duke Kunshan University. His research focuses on environmental history and the history of science, primarily in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century United States. His book Uncertain Climes (2023) examines late 1800s cultural and political struggles over climate change. Currently, Joseph is researching more recent histories of weather modification.

 Coraline Goron is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy and co-director of DKU 102. She holds a double PhD Degree in Politics from the University of Warwick and the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Before coming to DKU, she was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Oxford University China Center in 2018-2019. Her research centers on environmental politics with a specific focus on China, both domestically and as an increasingly influential actor in global environmental governance. Her recent scientific publications include “From targets to inspections: the issue of fairness in China’s environmental policy implementation”, with Genia Kostka (EP, 2020) and “Becoming Scientific-Environmental Citizens Through Citizen Science in China”, with Anna Lora-Wainwright and Shuling Huang (STHV, 2024). Professor Goron is also a co-leader of the DKU sustainability initiative and a professor in the iMEP program.

 Anna Greenspan is an Associate Professor of Global Contemporary Media at NYU Shanghai. She is also Co-Director of NYU Shanghai’s Center of AI and Culture. Anna maintains a website at

 Wumeng He’s research explores the interactions between human behaviors, government policy and the environment in the context of developing countries, with special interests in land use, conservation, natural resource management and rural development. Trained as an economist with a strong interdisciplinary background, he is particularly interested in incorporating economic thinking with non-economic methodology. His teaching interests at Duke Kunshan University include environmental and resource economics, environmental policy analysis and the statistics of program evaluation.

He has a B.A. in environmental studies from Brown University, an M.A. in economics from New York University and a Ph.D. in environmental policy from Duke University. Before joining Duke Kunshan, he was an assistant professor at Wuhan University.

 Maggio Laquidara received his B.A. in Environmental Science and Public Policy from Duke Kunshan University, and is now a PhD student at North Carolina State University’s Forestry and Natural Resources Program. His key research interest is understanding the ways historical race and class segregation practices impact modern-day ecosystem service distribution in South U.S. cities. He is also interested in understanding how low-income immigrant communities navigate marginalization in the U.S. and Europe, especially in his native Italy.

 Binbin Li is an Associate Professor of Environmental Sciences at Duke Kunshan University and holds a secondary appointment with Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. Her research focuses on the intersection of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, particularly under climate change. She employs innovative technology, market tools, citizen science, and policy to address conservation challenges.

Dr. Li has received numerous accolades, including being named an EC50 by the Explorers Club. She holds leadership roles in various IUCN commissions and is actively involved in science communication and nature education. She holds a PhD in Environment from Duke University, an M.S. in Natural Resources and Environment from the University of Michigan, and a B.S. in Life Sciences and Economics from Peking University.

 James Miller is Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Initiatives and Professor of Humanities at Duke Kunshan University. He is a scholar of Daoism, China’s indigenous religion, and in particular Daoist views of nature and the environment. He has published three monographs and four editor or co-edited volumes, and currently serves as editor-in-chief of the journal Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Environment.

 Erica Mukherjee is a historian of mud and empire. Her research examines the application of East India Company land revenue legislation in the Bengal Delta from the late eighteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries. She is a clinical assistant professor of history at New York University-Shanghai and a co-founder of Elemental Histories, a public environmental history project in Manchester, UK.

 Ben Van Overmeire is Assistant Professor of Religious Studies at Duke Kunshan University. A comparatist, he examines how premodern Zen Buddhist genres and ideas are understood today, particularly in popular literature. His first book, American Koan: Imagining Zen and Self in Autobiographical Literature, will appear in the Fall of 2024 with the University of Virginia Press. This book describes how and why American Zen autobiographical narratives incorporate koan, Zen riddles revolving around seemingly unsolvable questions such as “What is the sound of one hand clapping?” His current book project examines the Buddhist imagination of outer space by examining astronaut memoirs and space opera novels in tandem. Apart from this, he has also published on the appearance of Zen tropes in modern detective fiction. His work has appeared in Religions, Contemporary Buddhism, The Journal of Popular Culture, Buddhist-Christian Studies, and Hualin International Journal of Buddhist Studies, among other journals. Chapters have appeared in The Oxford Handbook of American Buddhism; The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Buddhism. He is a review editor for H-Buddhism, and apart from this his reviews have appeared in The Journal of Chinese Philosophy, Twentieth-Century China, and online on Reading Religion. Van Overmeire has presented his work at the annual conferences of the American Academy of Religion (AAR), the Modern Languages Association (MLA), and the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). For more about him, visit his personal website at

 Renee Richer is currently an Associate Professor of Biology at Duke Kunshan University, China. Her work is in the field of physiological ecology, with emphasis on the impacts of climate change. She has worked extensively in semi-arid to hyper-arid environments addressing plant and biological soil crust ecology.  Her teaching interests include biology and environmental science. She has edited a book on developing university courses for environment, development and sustainability studies and recently published a guide to the flora of Qatar (Akkadia Press). Richer has a B.A. in biology (with honors) from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D. in biology from Harvard University.

 Keping Wu is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Duke Kunshan University. Her research touches upon religion, charity and urbanization in China. She is the co-author of Religion and Charity: The Social Life of Goodness in Chinese Societies (Cambridge 2017).

Qian Zhu holds a Ph.D in history from New York University. She is a historian of 20th century China, whose research areas include history of the Chinese left, intellectual history of modern China, history of Chinese feminism, and social theory of everyday life. Her first book is on Chinese leftism and culture, and she is currently writing a book on grassroots community building and public housing in China in 1920s-1940s.



Shen Hou, “An Evolving Blue Planet: Writing about Ocean History in a Planetary Age”

The ocean is a place which has been long forgotten by historians. The history written by us is often exclusively terrestrial and dusty. Even the works about human experiences on the sea usually tell stories happening on the continental edges—the floating land—like trading, voyaging, or warring at sea, while the oceans vanish again. In our common understanding, oceans are infinite, mysterious, and eternal; therefore, oceans have no history. Yet, oceans are not only a massive waterbody covering 2/3 of the earth’s surface, they are also the place where life first appeared, the place which continues to create new lives all the time. Their evolution has been entangled with the evolution of the blue planet and of all lives including Homo Sapiens. The beginning of life is one point where history begins. As modern science has brought us into a planetary age of knowledge, making us acknowledge that all organisms and non-organisms have been interdependent and intertwined, historians and scholars in humanities have had to realize that the human terrestrial past has been deeply interwoven with the existence and evolution of oceans. Shades of blue, not green, ought to become the new color for environmental history and humanities, from which we can find new ways to understand the creation of the modern world and new possibilities to practice inter-disciplinary research.

In this talk, I will use the Pacific Ocean and its relationship with coastal cities along its rim to explore the complex relationship between oceans and human history. We can see, on the one hand, how modern science has changed the boundary and content of historical studies and other relevant fields of humanities; on the other hand, how oceans have shaped human history and been transformed by new technologies, values, and new human desires.


Brian Russell Roberts, “Archipelagic Thinking in the Environmental Humanities”

This lecture offers an overview of some intersections between the environmental humanities and what the Martinican philosopher Édouard Glissant and others have described as archipelagic thinking, or thinking that finds thought templates and collaborators in the notion and materiality of ocean-island spaces. In so doing, the lecture traces the pivotal and provocative roles that islands and oceans have assumed in the work of key EH thinkers. As a case study for the role of archipelagic thinking in the environmental humanities, the lecture examines the question of oceanic plastic pollution as it surfaces in the United States’ marine national monuments, the failed anti-littering campaigns advanced by US corporations, the British writer A. S. Byatt’s short story “Sea Story.” Marine plastic pollution, as it is strewn across these interrelated cultural formations and institutions, coalesces into a material form and critical thought experiment: albatross-curated archives of the Anthropocene.



FACULTY PANEL 1: Plastics, Cities, and Borderlands: Thinking through History, Race, and Belongings 

 Nellie Chu, “Ecologies of Plastics, Dupont Corporation and the Birth of Synthetics during World War II”

Recent debates and scholarly studies have unveiled the long-term damage that plastics pose upon the environment and global health. Microplastics and “forever chemicals” attest to the detrimental effects that stem from consumers’ long-standing dependence on plastics, while highlighting the ways in which global capitalism continues to rely on the mass production and consumption of plastic materials. My paper explores the historical background behind our global reliance on plastic materials, with a particular focus on E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Company (Dupont’s) invention of nylon in the United States during the late 1930s. I examine how rising nationalism and economic competition with Japan during World War II laid the foundation for the mass production of nylon and other synthetic materials, which range from women’s stockings to parachutes, ropes, and other combat equipment for the U.S. military. This historical context, I argue, compelled scientists and industrialists to manipulate and re-construct nature through the invention of so-called man-made materials. Through this historical sketch, I then briefly introduce my second book project on bio-synthetics in China, Japan, and the U.S, and their relationships with the natural world.


Keping Wu,Materiality and Multivalence of Water: Environmental Encounters of Indigenous Peoples in Sino-Tibetan-Burmese Borderlands”

Despite global NGOs’ protest dam building on the Salween River in Sino-Tibetan-Burmese Borderlands, why was there little local activism against dams among the indigenous population? This paper offers an explanation by addressing the multivalence of water in an indigenous celebration that has been marked as National Intangible Cultural Heritage. Divergent from the state that regards water as an economic resource and NGOs that upheld water as sacrality of the environment, the indigenous peoples of Nu, Dulong, Lisu, and Tibetan origins here celebrate the March Festival mainly as a fertility ritual in which the water from the mountains nourishes and heals the community. Water and indigenous communities engage in a “co-becoming” through the media of mountains, caves and human bodies. Due to the lack of such material and intimate transactions with the Salween River, the dams’ potential adverse effects on the living environment are not directly experienced or cognitively registered.


Lorenzo Maggio Laquidara & Renee Richer, “Citizens, Cities, and Nature: Humanities as a Tool to Investigate Environmental Attitudes in Segregated Urban Contexts”

Individual attitudes about urban nature can be surprisingly diverse. In US cities, socioeconomic status (SES) and racial/ethnic identity have been found to inform environmental attitudes profoundly. While high-SES White majorities seem to view urban beautification as a policy priority, urban green spaces often rank low among among low-SES residents and Black and Brown minorities’ policy interests. In Jim Crow South, redlining practices concentrated public investments in White neighborhoods, diverting infrastructural development away from Black communities. Currently, urban green space developments tend to displace Black and Brown communities by accelerating gentrification processes. Urban green space literature devotes much effort to measuring urban green space quality, health, and accessibility, but few studies gauge resident attitudes on urban nature directly. Could history, sociology, and anthropology provide the necessary conceptual and methodological frameworks to investigate citizen-nature interactions in segregated cities? This presentation wishes to address this question, drawing examples by existing literature and the authors’ previous and current research.


FACULTY PANEL 2: When Poetry Meets Space and Chinese Modernity: The Tightrope of Confucianism, Children, and Buddhism

 Stephanie Anderson, “A Reading of Poetry & Fiction”

Stephanie Anderson will read from her recent poetry chapbook, Bearings, and from new prose work.

 Ben Van Overmiere: “Inner and Outer Space in the Thought of the Buddhist Modernist Alan Watts”

Among the manifold of figures who interpreted Asian philosophy for western audiences in the twentieth century, Alan Watts (1915-1973) was among most prolific and influential. Sadly, Watts’ work remains understudied, perhaps exactly because he took on so many topics. One of these topics is his connection of the exploration of outer space to the exploration of consciousness or inner space. In programmatic works such as The Joyous Cosmology (1962), the autobiographical narration of an LSD trip with a preface by Timothy Leary, Watts argues that outer space needs to be thought together with inner space. In his unedited lectures, Watts elaborated his argument supporting this position. Watts examines “space” as something that is beyond conceptualization: just like we cannot quite “get” outer space (because, as he argues, space is not a “thing”), we cannot solve the hard problem of consciousness. While making this argument, Watts often draws upon astrophysical knowledge of the known universe to dismiss materialist and nihilist approaches to the problem of the meaning of human existence. At the same time, he also draws on Asian traditions, mainly the Mahayana Buddhist notion of mutual interpenetration articulated in the Flower Garland Sutra and Zen riddles called koan, to build a new eco-spiritual version of planetarity where human consciousness is an important component of material reality itself.

 Qian Zhu,Civilizing China in Everyday Life: New Villages and Harmonious Modernity, 1928-1936”

This paper investigates the planning and mechanism of state-sponsored public housing projects—new villages for the commoners—to house war and flood refugees and urbanites in Shanghai from 1928 to 1936. These projects, which aimed to create a modern lifestyle for the masses, were imagined and materialized in response to crises of capital accumulation, the displacement of labor, and processes of urbanization. In Shanghai’s new village projects, sociospatial relations are produced through perpetual, conflict-laden interactions between opposed spatial strategies to overcome class antagonism caused by the alienation of labor under capitalism. Whereas the state and capital attempt to “pulverize” space into a manageable, calculable, and abstract grid, they simultaneously attempt to create or extend spaces of everyday life as where civilization through teaching was realized. Physical spaces of the new villages were created to achieve “the unity of the heaven and human beings”—the Confucian doctrine of “the Great Harmony.” These settlements sought to rationalize and coordinate practices on a national scale, accelerating the pace of modernization in places that were perceived as lagging behind. Through these major “livelihood” projects, the Nationalist government would exhibit the party’s power and to obtain an international reputation of “modern harmonious Chinese nation.”

FACULTY PANEL 3: Artifice, Mud, Theater, and Christianity: Ecological Implications

 Anna Greenspan, “The Nature of Artifice & Gardens Unbound”

Contemporary culture is riddled with anxieties about the artificial. We fear crises from an immersive artificial environment and are apprehensive of the increasing powers of AI. This project seeks to confront this sense of foreboding, of a looming threat to the natural world, through the study of gardens.

For thousands of years across a myriad of cultures, gardens have functioned as a site of experimentation between nature and artifice. Gardens are, as Shakespeare writes, ‘an art that nature “makes.”

“The Nature of Artifice” focuses on the garden arts at seven specific sites around the world, treating each as an expression of a particular moment in intellectual history in which experiments with material elements (soil, sun, rocks, water, plants) combine with changing socio-economic conditions, as well as variations in the aesthetic cultures of taste and design. Ultimately, the goal is a shift in mood, from fear, anxiety and apprehension to wonder, an affect or emotion tied to terror but also to reverence and awe.

This talk will outline this new research project while also introducing “Gardens Unbound,” a larger collaborative project across NYU’s global sites, which involves the creation of a rooftop garden at NYU Shanghai.

Jennifer Egloff, “Humanity’s Responsibility for ‘Natural’ Disasters: Parallels Between Early Modern Providence and the Contemporary Carbon Footprint”

Few images induce pathos as quickly as families begging for help from their rooftops during floods, newborn babies suffering from pneumonia due to poor air quality, or emaciated polar bears searching for food on melting glaciers. The messaging accompanying these images often blames this, and other suffering caused by global warming and pollution, on humanity’s greed, vanity, and decadence. While the notion of man-made climate change is relatively new, the idea that human beings are responsible for natural disasters is not. During the early modern period (c. 1500-1800), Western Christians interpreted natural disasters as providential punishments—signs from God that they needed to repair their sinful ways or face even greater calamities. My presentation discusses parallels between early modern providential explanations of natural disasters and contemporary fear-and-blame tactics that portray one’s carbon footprint as a secular “sin,” with the implication that if they do not “repent” all of humanity will face dire consequences.

 Erica Mukherjee,Thinking With Mud: A Comparative Approach”

What happens when one accepts mud as a conceptual framework? My research is about the relationship between eighteenth-century British imperial legislation meant to create a permanent system of land taxation, and the watery landscapes of the Bengal Delta that resisted such codification. As such, I spend a lot of time thinking with mud. My paper will explore the process and outcome of this practice through a comparative approach.

From historic, textual mud found in the archives of the East India Company to my own intimate, embodied relationship with the substance, mud reveals itself, in turn, as dangerous, playful, radical, and romantic. It is at once a state and a process. Such an encompassing conceptual framework welcomes environmental humanists to embrace ambiguity both within archival sources and their interpretation thereof.

 Jennifer Nan DONG, “Beyond Disney Musical The Lion King and Chinese Dance Drama The Soaring Wings: A Glimpse of How Contemporary Theatre Addresses Ecological Sustainability Concerns”

Circle of Life, the opening chant from Disney’s Musical The Lion King, is probably the most distinctive sound of theatre history. Sung in Zulu, a home language in South Africa, it’s hard for audience worldwide to understand the language but not hard to be filled with tears. That is the power of theatre. The musical further interprets the chanting when Mufasa says to Simba, “Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance … respect all creatures.” What if this balance is not respected? The Chinese Dance Drama The Soaring Wings conveys a similar concern through a love story of human and crested ibis. The threat to the planet seems to lurk just off stage. This paper studies theatre in conversation with ecology by exploring the environmental ethics in theatre, varied from commercial productions to artistic practice. The relationship between human body and the planet body is examined to verify how theatre and performing arts address ecological sustainability concerns and operate as a test field for confronting ecological complexities.



 Photograph Exhibit:

Binbin Li, “Notices”

(Curated with message by students Sue Wang, Feiyang Zhou, Muqiu Tian, and Chengxi Yin)

When the lens—a mimetic eye—fixes on the eyes of the wildlife, where does the power of observation go?

– The person who holds the camera, or the creatures in front of it?

– People who stand in front of the photographs, or what is in the frame?

“Notices” is a reflection on the reciprocal awareness between species, where the act of observing and being observed intertwines, blurring the line between humans (What does it even mean to be human?) and wildlife. The exhibition invites us to contemplate our place in the Anthropocene: even with the power to inscribe, photograph, and record, humanity is no longer the center of action. The images of nature mirror our own visage, encouraging us to see ourselves not as separate from the wild, but as kin, intricately connected in the fabric of life. The relationship of noticing and being noticed becomes a bridge, co-authoring a shared narrative that transcends the boundaries of species. The blurring of the boundary between the observer and the observed

calls us to consider the deeper connections that bind us all.

 Art Piece:

Nick Nie, “Hike Me”

Luce Irigaray argues that women constitute a paradox, if not a contradiction, within the discourse of identity itself; woman remains several. The undesignatability of Women can somehow find itself compatible with the treatise of Ludwig Wittgenstein, that “The limits of my language means the limits of my world”. What exists beyond the “world” of humans is the cosmos, which I regard as the ultimate representation of Women: multiple, the ceaseless exchange of herself with the other, and parallels, as the existences are unidentifiable within themselves. Women envelop the earth, a womb with sphericity.

Mankind always has an uprush of conquering nature, in this case, mountains, and it is always galvanizing to know how much mankind is appealed to the affinity of the peaks, despite their danger. In my vision, they are perceived as pursuits of taboo excitement, or like sex. Also, the peak and even the whole mountain became feminized as soon as it was conquered. From that macro point of entry, I add in multiple elements such as the man and the divine calling to create an abstract sense of the mountain peak and its ramifications. To make it more interactive, l use a straightforward foam board to give the audience a sense of creating mountains, I encourage them to think not only about how height is created through comparison but also about how frivolous and random acts are powerfully affecting our surroundings. Hopefully, this piece can provide people with a unique way of getting insights into our relationships with nature and the possible extension into multiple fields related to the symbolism of a mountain peak in a cosmic backdrop.

Video Installation:

Chi-Yeung (Jimmy) Choi, “The Promise to Return”

(Reimagined and executed by student curators Davit Kavkasyan, and Aastha Mangla)

Although the coastal wetlands of China, Russia, Alaska, New Zealand, and Australia are separated by hundreds and thousands of miles, they are connected by millions of migratory waterbirds that travel between these wetlands annually and tirelessly. When the spring and fall migration seasons come, migratory birds fly over mountains and cross the sea, fearless of storm and rain, day and night, chasing after the call from their hearts. Some people compare this persistence to a promise: a promise to return.

China’s coastal wetlands are an important stopover region for migrating birds, providing energy supplies for their long, sleepless flights, acting like a petrol station along a highway. However, the excessive destruction of intertidal wetlands over the past 50 years has led to the disappearance of more than half of the coastal wetlands, and the migratory waterbird population plummeted.

In addition to providing homes for migratory birds, coastal wetlands also play an important role in purifying water, preventing floods and mitigating disasters, as well as supporting sustainable fisheries. Therefore, there is an urgent need to conserve the wetlands for both people and migratory waterbirds.

These videos were taken not only for our research on the migration ecology of birds but also to leave our future generation a record of these beautiful creatures, in case the birds can no longer keep their promise and eventually become extinct.

Register for the 2024 Humanities Research Fall Conference

The Humanities Research Center is excited to announce its Fall 2024 Conference,  “Humanities Matter: Ecological Crossroads, Past, Present, and Future.” This conference will explore the intersection of humanistic inquiry and ecological concerns, examining how past insights and current practices shape our understanding of environmental issues and future possibilities. Join us as we delve into critical discussions and innovative perspectives on the role of the humanities in addressing ecological challenges.
Students who register for the conference may attend an exclusive seminar with one of the keynote speakers, as well as a gala dinner with all the presenters.

Conference Dates: August 30-31

Venue: AB1079

Register to attend the conference here by August 26.


Brian Russell Roberts is a Professor of English and Director of the English Graduate Program at Brigham Young University, where his scholarship and teaching have focused on American studies, archipelagic and oceanic studies, African American literature, modernism/modernity, and the environmental humanities. His work has appeared in in journals including American Literature, American Literary History, Modern Fiction Studies, and PMLA, and he has received the Darwin T. Turner Award for best article of the year in African American Review. His books include Artistic Ambassadors: Literary and International Representation of the New Negro Era (Virginia, 2013), Indonesian Notebook: A Sourcebook on Richard Wright and the Bandung Conference (Duke, 2016), Archipelagic American Studies (Duke, 2017), and Borderwaters: Amid the Archipelagic States of America (Duke, 2021). He has worked in Indonesian-to-English literary translation, translating fiction by Pramoedya Ananta Toer and Sitor Situmorang. His own work on archipelagic American studies has been translated into Spanish, and his book Borderwaters appeared in Russian translation in 2023.

Shen Hou is a professor of environmental history in the History Department, Peking University, Beijing, junior Yangtze River Scholar. She was a Carson Fellow at the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society in 2011 and 2013. She is the author of The City Natural: Garden and Forest Magazine and the Rise of American Environmentalism (English, 2013), and Cities without Walls: Nature and Urban Places in American History (Chinese, 2021). She has published around 50 articles, essays, and book reviews in Chinese and English, and is the translator of Rivers of Empire: Water, Aridity, and the Growth of the American West (2018) and Planet of Desire: Earth in the Age of Humans (2024). She is currently finishing a book on Boston’s environmental history and working on a book project about coastal cities.


Erika Weinthal is a Professor of Environmental Policy and Public Policy and a member of the Bass Society of Fellows at Duke University.  She specializes in global environmental politics and environmental security with an emphasis on water and energy. She is author of State Making and Environmental Cooperation: Linking Domestic Politics and International Politics in Central Asia (MIT Press 2002), which received the 2003 Chadwick Alger Prize and the 2003 Lynton Keith Caldwell Prize. She co-authored Oil is not a Curse (Cambridge University Press 2010) and Water Quality Impacts of the Energy-Water Nexus (Cambridge University Press 2022). She has co-edited Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding: Shoring Up Peace (2014), The Oxford Handbook on Water Politics and Policy (Oxford University Press 2017) and The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Environmental Politics (2023). She is also a founding Vice President of the Environmental Peacebuilding Association and an associate editor at Environment & Security. In 2017 she was a recipient of the Women Peacebuilders for Water Award under the auspices of “Fondazione Milano per Expo 2015”.

Humanities Research Center Fall Conference 2024 Call for Papers (submission deadline: July 31)

Humanities Matter: Ecological Crossroads, Past, Present, and Future

Conference Dates: August 30-31

Venue: Duke Kunshan University

Photograph by: Binbin Li, Associate Professor of Environmental Science at DKU

Why do the humanities matter in times of climate change, environmental unsustainability, and threats to biodiversity? What roles have the arts and the humanities played at different ecological crossroads—both past and present—in helping to ensure a more sustainable future?

The 2024 annual Fall HRC conference will foreground a set of concerns relating to environmental humanities, with keynote speakers, exhibits, screenings, and other activities. We also, however, invite faculty presentations on any topics relating to the humanities, interpretive social sciences, and creative arts.

Please send a title and a 150-word abstract to Faye Xu at by July 31, 2024.

Top Takeaways from The Spirit of Space Conference

Last week, my colleague Ben Van Overmeire and I were pleased to welcome a dazzling array of visitors to the beautiful campus of Duke Kunshan University to talk about all things space. We timed the conference to coincide with China’s Dragon Boat Festival, which commemorates the hero Qu Yuan who, among other things, wrote one of China’s most famous poems, Li Sao, which describes his ascent into space to meet with goddesses and immortals. It was also the time in which China’s space program completed its journey to the far side of the moon, the long-awaited Boeing Starliner successfully launched its mission to the International Space Station, and SpaceX launched its fourth Starship test. Continue reading “Top Takeaways from The Spirit of Space Conference”

Visitor Registration Open for the Spirit of Space Exploration Conference

Scan QR code to register

The Humanities Research Center at Duke Kunshan University is pleased to announce that visitor registration is now open for its conference on The Spirit of Space Exploration in China and the West, which runs from June 6-8, 2024.

A full conference program may be viewed online here.

The conference features four keynote speakers and some fifteen panelists who will discuss topics related to the humanistic interpretation and cultural contexts of space exploration in China and the West.

Visitors may attend the conference online or in person by registering online by June 4, 2024. For those attending remotely, a Zoom link will be sent on June 5, 2024. Please note that all times are China Standard Time (UTC+8). Unfortunately we are not able to provide subventions for visitors.

The Spirit of Space Exploration in China and the West: Conference Program

Visitors who wish to attend the conference should register by June 4, 2024.

Download a copy of the program book here.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

0900 Welcome and Introduction from the Organizers (James Miller and Ben Van Overmeire)

0910 Welcome and Introduction from the ASU Space Intersections Conference (Jack Traphagan)

0930-1030 “Shooting Down Souls… Good Luck with That”: Some Paradoxical Thoughts on the UFO Phenomenon from a Historian of ReligionsJeff Kripal

Jeffrey Kripal holds the J. Newton Rayzor Chair in Philosophy and Religious Thought at Rice University. He is the author of many books, including Esalen: America and the Religion of No Religion and The Serpent’s Gift: Gnostic Reflections on the Study of Religion. he is known worldwide as a leading theorist of religion, the paranormal, and the impossible.

1030-1100 Coffee

1100-1230 Panel 1: Sincizing Outer Space

Alexander C.T. Geppert and Lu Liu: The Face of Space: Qian Xuesen and Chinese Astroculture

Tonio Savina: “Sinicizing” the Moon: the Promotion of Chinese Astroculture through Lunar Nomenclature

Evander Price: Chinese Perspectives on the NASA Voyager Golden Record

1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1600  Panel 2: Comparative Perspectives

Brad Tabas: The Question Concerning Technology in Outer Space

Olga Dubrovina: Dreaming of Space in the USSR

Vladimir Brljak: Dark Space in NewSpace: Jeff Bezos’s “Great Inversion,” William Shatner’s “Black Ugliness,” and the History of the Cosmological Imagination

Thore Bjørnvig: Transcendence of Time and Space: Outer Space Religion as a Trans-Cultural Phenomenon

1600-1630 Coffee

1630-1730 Keynote 2: Su Meng

Su Meng, founder and chief scientist of Origin Space is one of the world’s leading space scientists. Professor Su received his BSc from Peking University and his PhD in astrophysics from Harvard University. He received a Pappalardo fellowship from MIT, an Einstein fellowship from NASA (now part of the NASA Hubble Fellowship Program), and was the co-winner of the 2014 Bruno Rossi prize for high-energy astrophysics for the discovery of the bubble structure of the Milky Way.

1800-20:00 Dinner

Friday, June 7

0930-1030 “For All Humanity: Chinese Transvaluations of American Space Rhetoric”:  Mary-Jane Rubenstein

Mary-Jane Rubenstein is a philosopher of science and religion and author, most notably, of Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race. Her work offers a vision of exploring space without reproducing the atrocities of earthly colonialism, and encourages stories that put cosmic caretaking over corporate profiteering.

1030-1100 Coffee Break

1100-1230 Panel 3: Vision, Technology and Media

Kiu-wai Chu: Native Soil Goes to Space: Chinese Planetary Fictions in the Anthropocene

Ting Zheng: Technoecological Eyes: The Compound Eyes in Space and Nature

Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko: On Star work and Dharma: Contemporary Buddhist Visioning of the Universal and the Universe

Lukáš Likavčan: Elemental Mediality of Light: Infrared Waves in Cosmic Information Ecologies

1230-1400 Lunch

1400-1530 Space Research At DKU: Scientific Perspectives

  • Kai Huang
  • Changcheng Zheng
  • Marcus Werner

1530-1600 Coffee Break

1600-1730 Space Research at DKU: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Travis Wilkerson, Ding Ma, and Erin Wilkerson: Gaia Theory as a Cosmological Investigation of Buddhist Dharma

1800 Dinner

1930-2130 Film Screening and Discussion with Travis Wilkerson and Erin Wilkerson

  • A Long Day’s Journey into Night (Bi Gan, 2018)
  • Pluto Declaration (Travis Wilkerson, 2011)

Saturday, June 8

0930-1100 Panel 4: Philosophy and Outer Space

Lance Gharavi: The New Transcendence Narrative for U.S. Space Exploration

Mohamed Zreik: Bridging Traditions: The Confluence of Eastern Philosophies and Space Exploration in China’s Contemporary Astroculture

Ujjwal Kumar and Haoqin Zhong: Exploring the Philosophical Underpinnings: Buddhism and the Possibility of Extraterrestrial (=Alien) Life

1100-1130 Coffee Break

1130-1230: Keynote Address: Eastern Religions in Chinese Space SciFi

Chen Qiufan (aka Stanley Chan) is one of China’s leading science fiction authors, and a translator, creative producer, and curator. He is a Berggruen Institute Fellow and a Yale University research scholar, and  co-author, with former Google China president Kai-Fu Lee, of AI 2041: Ten Visions for our Future.

1230-1300 Closing Ceremony and Photograph


Please contact James Miller <> or Ben Van Overmeire <> if you have any questions.


The Face of Space: Qian Xuesen and Chinese Astroculture
Alexander C.T. Geppert and Lu Liu
Qian Xuesen (1911–2009), widely recognized as the Chinese ‘father of spaceflight,’ is a household name within China but remains relatively obscure on the international stage. Trained at the California Institute of Technology, he co-founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory before returning to China in 1955, where he became instrumental in the space program and missile industry. Interrogating the discrepancy, this article investigates the social, cultural, and political rationale behind the making of a space persona. Utilizing digital visualization and reading methods, it charts the transformation of Qian from an aeronautical engineer known only within expert circles to China’s foremost rocket star. The analysis deconstructs key facets of Qian’s public image and explores forces and paradoxes that underlie the ongoing construction of this image. Transforming Qian into the face of space plays a crucial role in popularizing spaceflight activities, rendering outer space a conceivable frontier, and producing a Chinese astroculture. Examining a comprehensive body of visual materials, media reports, over 150 biographies, and posthumous memorialization activities reveals the celebrification of Qian as a carefully orchestrated transmedial project braiding together efforts of the state, science and education institutes, private publishers, professional and amateur writers, and the general public.

“Sinicizing” the Moon: the Promotion of Chinese Astroculture through Lunar Nomenclature
Tonio Savina
During the last decade, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) paid particular attention to the denomination of the topographical features on the Moon, submitting proposals of names ‘with Chinese characteristics’ to the International Astronomical Union (IAU), which is responsible for the official lunar nomenclature. For example, after the successful mission Chang’e-4, launched in 2018, a cluster of lunar sites was assigned with Chinese names, such as Statio Tianhe for the landing area and Zhinyu, Hegu, and Tianjin for three small craters around it. In trying to interpret the PRC’s interest in “sinicizing” the Moon, this paper looks at a corpus of Chinese names approved by the IAU between 2010 and 2021 as a sign of Beijing’s search for a national astroculture, a set of space-related practices used to promote national cohesion and to enhance the country’s soft power. The assignation of names to the Moon’s terrain is put in the context of the revival of tradition in contemporary China, showing how this operation is, in fact, the enactment of a practice deeply rooted in Chinese culture – the so-called “art of naming”. In doing so, the paper will also discuss how naming the Moon is an exercise of national power that seems to contradict, symbolically at least, the PRC’s rhetoric against the US, accused of claiming territories on the Earth’s satellite in the context of the alleged “New Moon Race”.

Chinese Perspectives on the NASA Voyager Golden Record
Evander Price, CUHK
What message should China send into space? What is the best face to show the cosmos? At the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, I introduce my students to the Golden Record, a literal LP—made of gold—strapped to the Voyagers 1 and 2, launched into space in 1977. The Golden Record contains images, greetings, and most importantly, music, all meant as a collective snapshot of humankind to whoever (aliens maybe?) might retrieve one or the other of these golden gifts in some distant future. Safe in the erosionless vacuum of space, these golden records might very well be the most lasting vestige of humankind into eternity. Such an object is rife with mythical and religious interpretations. As an exercise, I ask my (mostly) Chinese students to propose what they think is missing from the Golden Record and make an argument for what they might add. The actual Golden Record contains only one piece of music from China,“流水”. In this paper, I analyze my students’responses to this strange, far-flung object, and consider what it means to them to make a Chinese Gen-Z Golden Record.

The Question Concerning Technology in Outer Space
Brad Tabas
In 1961, Heidegger proclaimed the dawning of a new era. He called it the “Rocket Age”(2000, 577). He thought Sputnik ruptured the fabric of history, meaning that rockets were not merely a new technology but that they brought a new cosmology. He felt they had so radically changed the relationship between the earth and the celestial sphere that the fundamental distinctions underwriting occidental metaphysics were shattered. That implied that the very relationship between words and world, the poetically generated sense of the order and place of the human with respect to what might be called the whole, were annihilated. As he himself put it: “There is neither ‘earth’ nor ‘heaven’ in the sense of man’s poetic dwelling on this earth. What the rocket’s orbit achieves is the technical realization of what since three centuries has always more exclusively and decisively been framed as Nature and which now stands as a universal, interstellar, standing reserve. The rocket’s orbit pushes ‘earth and heaven’ into oblivion” (2020, 157). The question thus arises: after the loss of heaven and earth, what remains? Moreover, is this cosmological deconstruction planetary, affecting not only western metaphysics but all terrestrial aesthetic orders, including Chinese thought? Is it a catastrophe after all and for all, or merely a re-articulation and an opening? This paper will pursue these questions, foundational for thinking critically about contemporary astroculture, in conversation with Yuk Hui’s presentation of what he calls Chinese “cosmotechnics” (Hui 2016, 2020).

Dreaming of Space in the USSR
Olga Dubrovina
It is generally accepted among Cold War historians that space exploration on both the Soviet and American sides is primarily related to the goal of achieving military-strategic priority. Thus, in the USSR, enormous financial, scientific, and human resources were spent on the intercontinental missile project starting in the mid-1940s. However, it was not only the interest in state security that drove the space exploration process. The key figures who were directly involved in the development and production of space technology were driven not only by the desire to prove the superiority of communism over capitalism. These Soviet engineers and scientists at the dawn of the space age regarded space as the main source of energy that fuelled their boundless enthusiasm. The latter was not backed by hopes of world fame (due to the secrecy of the entire sector), nor by material benefits in their Western sense, nor by guarantees of personal safety (just remember the purges of the 1930s). So, what drove these pioneers of Soviet space? Based on their memoirs, as well as biographies written by their relatives, contemporaries, and historians, I will try to reconstruct the ideas about space that guided the space explorers in the USSR at the early stage of the Cold War.

Dark Space in NewSpace: Jeff Bezos’s “Great Inversion,” William Shatner’s “Black Ugliness,” and the History of the Cosmological Imagination
Vladimir Brljak
On 13 October 2021, the second crewed flight by Jeff Bezos’s Blue Origin company included the actor William Shatner, famous for his role in the original Star Trek series of 1966–69. One of few civilians to witness stratospheric descent in daytime, Shatner singled out the experience in a widely reported post-flight statement, notable for its emphatically negative response to space: ‘[E]verybody in the world needs to do this. […] To see the blue colour whip by you, and now you’re staring into blackness’, ‘black ugliness’, and ‘death’. Drawn from a larger project titled When Did Space Turn Dark?, the paper discusses Shatner’s statement, along with the ‘NewSpace’ moment more generally, as episodes in the long shift from bright to dark space in the Western cosmological imagination. Analysis of the statement reveals it as a carefully coached performance, promoting not only Bezos’s space tourism venture but also his concept of the ‘Great Inversion’: a model of space colonization influenced by the work of Gerard O’Neill, where heavy industry is moved off-Earth, preserving the planet as humanity’s ‘national park’. The paper situates these developments within broader perspectives on the perceived colour of space and its complex cultural and political dynamics.

Transcendence of Time and Space: Outer Space Religion as a Trans-Cultural Phenomenon
Thore Bjørnvig
The idea that imaginings of outer space exploration and religion are intertwined has been gaining traction during the last 10 years. Before this it was common to argue that UFOs and religion are connected, just as it was common to point out the religious dimensions of what I call “psycho-occult” ways of exploring outer space and the encounter with extraterrestrial beings. Likewise is has been pointed out that the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence displays spiritual dimensions. The appearance of religious sentiments in these areas indicates that a common spiritual ground unites them. This common ground might be termed “outer space religion” and its mythos can be uncovered by studying science fiction. Stipulating that sci-fi is apocalyptic in nature, apocalypticism is the key to unlocking the religious underpinnings of both space exploration, SETI, the UFO-phenomenon (when seen as origination from outer space) and psycho-occult experiences of outer space. Theoretical in nature this paper explores the possibility that a common outer space religious mythos unites the aforementioned areas across cultures, from the West to the East, the latter exemplified by science fiction movies such as the Indian Koi… Mil Gaya (2003) and the Chinese Wandering Earth (2019).

Native Soil Goes to Space: Chinese Planetary Fictions in the Anthropocene
Kiu-wai Chu
Focusing on the new Chinese science fiction wave in the literary, cinematic and visual art scenes, this presentation offers an ecocritical examination of recent fictional narratives that center on space travel, and discuss how they could foster transcalar perspectives and tackle ecological concerns across local, global, and planetary scales. Drawing from examples such as Chen Qiufan’s short story “Space Leek”(2019) and Liu Chuang’s multi-screen video art installation “Lithium Lake and the Lonely Island of Polyphony” (2023), this presentation explores how Chinese “planetary fictions” navigate the intricate balance between local/regional and global planetary concerns. Do we see a revival of the spirit of “native soil” (xiangtu) and hometown writing that characterized the 20th century modern Chinese literature in recent works about space travel and exploration? How do they expand the notion of “home” in the Anthropocene present and the post-Anthropocene future? This presentation argues for a need to develop a comparative, pluralistic ecocritical paradigm that is built upon concepts such as eco-cosmopolitanism (Heise 2008); cosmopolitics/ cosmotechnics (Hui 2017,2021); and classical Daoist and Confucian thoughts, in order to examine the interplay between technology and religion, modernity and tradition, when facing the environmental challenges in the Anthropocene epoch.

Technoecological Eyes: The Compound Eyes in Space and Nature
Ting Zheng
In 2018, China started constructing a new radar system called “China’s Compound Eye” to observe asteroids and Earth-like planets for planetary defense. Inspired by insects’ compound eyes, this system employs an array of smaller radars to extend its reach into deeper space, overcoming the constraints of traditional centralized aperture radar systems. Similarly named, Wu Mingyi’s ecofiction The Man with the Compound Eyes portrays a natural environment inundated with the detritus of modern material civilization from a non-anthropocentric perspective. Thinking with Latour’s actor–network theory, this paper juxtaposes this space exploration radar system with this ecofiction to explore the relationship between human, animal, nature, and space. Focusing on the concept of compound eyes, this paper studies the plural form of vision and the extended vision, investigating how multifaceted perspectives can lead to a comprehensive understanding of complex systems, and how this extended cognition/perception can shape our relationship with environment and space. By drawing a parallel between the planetary defense purpose of “China’s Compound Eyes” and the allegorical “man with compound eyes” Wu’s fiction—an anthropomorphization of nature/a mosaic vision of nature—this paper argues that how scientific and artistic expressions offer dialectical insights into the dynamic between technology, human, the Earth and beyond.

Elemental Mediality of Light: Infrared Waves in Cosmic Information Ecologies
Lukáš Likavčan
Situated within the nascent field of outer space humanities, this contribution brings together recent scholarship focused on exploration of media affordances of waves (Greenspan 2023, Helmreich 2023) with the concept of elemental media (Peters 2015, Schuppli 2020), while applying these theoretical elaborations to the context of contemporary space exploration, mostly in the field of exoplanet astronomy (Turrini 2022). By doing so, it poses two key questions: What does exoplanet research tell us about the nature of mediation and information on cosmic scales? How are these insights relevant for conceptualizing human condition in the Anthropocene? Answering these questions, the first part of this contribution introduces research of exoplanet atmospheres using analysis of emission and absorption spectra of infrared light waves (Seager 2010), and it theorizes these light waves as cosmic information infrastructure if sorts, using the vocabulary of elemental media (Jue and Ruiz 2021). The second part of the paper then turns the focus to the discussion of waves as both metaphors and media phenomena, elaborating especially on Anna Greenspan’s unique synthesis of media theory with Chinese thinking. The paper then concludes with addressing the human condition in Anthropocene through concepts of human mediality (Likavčan 2023) and cosmic media ecologies.

Gaia Theory as a Cosmological Investigation of Buddhist Dharma
Travis Wilkerson, Ding Ma, and Erin Wilkerson
Gaia theory, developed by chemist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis, is a hypothesis that the Earth is a self-regulating and complex system of entanglement of matter that works towards the homeostasis necessary to maintain life, questioning the western binary between organic and inorganic and their perceived sentience, or lack thereof. This work was expanded by biologist and anthropologist Donna Haraway’s work on “sympoiesis,” wherein multispecies entanglement, or the diversity of species working in collaboration, is described as essential for the prevention of mass extinction. Some of these relationships are currently understood, such as lichen as a composite organism of fungi and algae, and the inseparability of rocks and the carbon cycle, but many of these relationships, in regards to microscopic organisms and other scales beyond human visibility, remain unknown, making the extractive policies of the Anthropocene, and accompanying climate change, particularly troublesome. Buddhist dharma’s cosmic law provides an opportunity to explore Gaia theory in an expanded scale, looking out towards the cosmos. This can be read alongside physicist and posthumanist theorist Karen Barad’s “agential realism” and her investigation of the materiality of nothingness, wherein she describes void as anything but empty. Utilizing Graeme L. Sullivan’s practice-led research methodology of collaborative cross-disciplinary invention, this panel will also function as sympoietic inquiry.

Bridging Traditions: The Confluence of Eastern Philosophies and Space Exploration in China’s Contemporary Astroculture
Mohamed Zreik
This paper aims to explore the intersection of Eastern philosophical and religious traditions with contemporary space exploration efforts in China, drawing a contrast with Western narratives in astroculture. China’s burgeoning space program, reflecting its rich cultural and scientific heritage, offers a distinct perspective on outer space, diverging from the dominant Western narratives often influenced by Christian ideology and the notion of space as a frontier to conquer. By examining the philosophical and religious underpinnings of China’s space endeavours, the paper seeks to uncover how traditional Eastern thought, particularly Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, interplays with the nation’s aspirations and ethos in space exploration. This analysis will highlight how these age-old philosophies might inform and shape China’s approach to extra-terrestrial exploration, ethical considerations in encountering alien life, and the broader implications for global space norms. The paper will contribute to the dialogue on global astroculture by providing an alternative viewpoint, one rooted in Asian cosmologies and ethical systems, thereby enriching the discourse on humanity’s place in the universe and our collective responsibility towards our home planet in the face of space exploration.

Exploring the Philosophical Underpinnings: Buddhism and the Possibility of Extraterrestrial (=Alien) Life
Ujjwal Kumar and Haoqin Zhong
The concept of extraterrestrial life and its relation to Buddhism sparks contemplation regarding the existence of beings beyond our planet. Buddhism, primarily focused on understanding suffering and the nature of existence, does not put much emphasis on the existence of aliens, though the mahabodhisattvas and devas in Trāyastriṃśa (Pāli Tāvatiṃsa; thirty-three heavens) might have reminded us of the modern concept of extraterrestrial life. Moreover, its philosophical perspectives offer intriguing parallels and considerations when pondering the idea of extraterrestrial life. This paper will explore the intersection between Buddhism and the concept of aliens, emphasizing the multiplicity of worlds in Buddhist cosmology and its implications for contemplating the existence of extraterrestrial beings.

On Star work and Dharma: Contemporary Buddhist Visioning of the Universal and the Universe
Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko
For many people around the world the experience of the night is heavily mediated by the presence of electric lighting which, whilst illuminating building interiors and city streets, simultaneously conceals the night sky. Yet, as the heavens recede behind artificial lighting and smog, there is a new wave of ambition for travelling into outer space. This talk will look at a Buddhist community in Western Australia for whom the contemplative practices of absorption animate an expansive vision of the Earth’s place in the solar system, while other practices such as Star Work encourage an experiential mode of exploring the cosmos. Within Buddhism light, and its capacity to illuminate, is often seen in opposition to darkness and ignorance. Electric lights are frequently used to enhance the revelry of Buddhist festivals, yet the night time can provide a space for quietude and reflection. Buddhist practitioners frequently sit in dimly lit rooms, reading mantras, practicing meditation and carrying out rituals before dawn. Buddhist astrologers interpret the stars, and the lucent glow of the full Moon is auspicious, marking important ritual dates and the renewal of calendars. This talk will offer an exploration of the dynamic tensions between the partial divorce with the cosmos attendant to obscuration, the vertiginous immersion of an unobstructed night sky and modernist imaginaries of intergalactic travel from a Buddhist perspective.

The New Transcendence Narrative for U.S. Space Exploration
Lance Gharavi

Since its genesis in the Kennedy administration, the dominant story driving U.S. space exploration has been the frontier narrative. With roots deeply embedded in U.S. history, mythology, and the religious concept of Manifest Destiny, this narrative has been used to sell U.S. space exploration and, to this day, organizes the thinking of many scientists, engineers, and others directly involved in designing and building space futures.

This narrative has been the target of much critique in recent decades for its colonialist framework, yet no new narrative has arisen to compete with it. Until recently.

In the 21st century, a new narrative of space exploration has emerged that I will tentatively refer to as the Transcendence Narrative. This narrative—associated with a set of philosophies and social movements including transhumanism, Effective Altruism, Longtermism, and others—is an explicitly apocalyptic vision of the future.

In this presentation, I will briefly discuss the narrative and philosophical characteristics of this story, its social connections, and the significance of where it is (and is not) found.

“Shooting Down Souls… Good Luck with That”: Some Paradoxical Thoughts on the UFO Phenomenon from a Historian of Religions.
Jeff Kripal

The convergence of recent events prompts reflection on the intersection between academic initiatives and the broader exploration of anomalous phenomena, particularly within the context of university research and Jacques Vallee’s work. This talk explores the relationship between scientific inquiry and the study of religious and mystical experiences in understanding the UFO phenomenon. Drawing from historical, comparative, and altered states of consciousness perspectives, the speaker discusses the implications of UFO encounters within the frameworks of technology, public policy, and religion.

The presentation delves into the complexities of interpreting UFO encounters, highlighting the limitations of traditional disciplinary boundaries and the need for a multidisciplinary approach. It addresses the challenges posed by the UFO phenomenon to conventional scientific paradigms and suggests avenues for integrating spiritual and apophatic perspectives into the discourse. Ultimately, the talk advocates for a nuanced understanding of the UFO phenomenon that transcends simplistic categorizations and embraces the inherent complexities of human experience and consciousness.

 For All Humanity: Chinese Transvaluations of American Space Rhetoric
Mary-Jane Rubenstein

In the wake of the Soviet launch of Sputnik, Dwight Eisenhower demanded that the US develop a national space program “for the benefit of all mankind.” Answering the call eleven years later, Neil Armstrong dubbed his own small lunar step a “giant leap for mankind.” 

The initially American meme of “all-mankindism” has recently been adopted and redeployed by the Chinese National Space Agency, state media, and popular culture. Insisting it is working “for the benefit of all humanity,” China is offering a self-consciously earth-centered, collective, non-antagonistic alternative to the escapism, individualism, and militarism that generated this phrase in the first place. In other words, China is using US space rhetoric against itself, exposing and refusing cosmic imperialism in favor of an ethos it swears is genuinely collaborative and actually universal.

Biographies of Presenters

Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko is an anthropologist and the author of Enlightenment and the Gasping City. She has published on the topics of plastics, global warming and pollution, doubt and materiality, Buddhism, shamanism, postsocialism, and economic anthropology in Australia, Mongolia, and India. She is currently a Marie S. Curie FCFP Senior Fellow at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Dr Abrahms-Kavunenko is dedicated to the role of anthropologist as co-communicator and collaborative agent. Her work is situated at intersections between environmental changes and cultural praxis, in multi-scalar and trans-species contexts. She has held research positions at the University of Copenhagen, IMéRA Aix-Marseille Université, the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, New York University Shanghai, the Max Weber Center for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies, and the Institute for Advanced Studies at the University of Edinburgh. She is the co-founder of Cenote (seh-notay) a traveling multi-disciplinary residency program committed to bridging the communicative gap that yawns ever wider between human cultures and the living systems and intelligences which support and co-constitute our existence.

Thore Bjørnvig
Thore Bjørnvig is a historian of religion based in Copenhagen. His research focuses on religious aspects of spaceflight, SETI and science fiction. He has contributed to two volumes on European astroculture, edited by Alexander Geppert, and co-edited a special issue of Astropolitics on spaceflight and religion together with Roger Launius and Virgiliu Pop. Thore Bjørnvig’s most recent article is ‘Leaving the Cradle: Apocalypse, Transcendence and Childhood’s End, ’in Andrew M. Butler and Paul March-Russel, eds., Rendezvous with Arthur C. Clarke: Centenary Essays (2022).

Vladimir Brljak
Vladimir Brljak is Associate Professor in the Department of English Studies at Durham University, UK. In addition to his primary specialization in English and comparative literary history, he also works on the literary and cultural history of outer space. His main current project in this field, When Did Space Turn Dark?, examines the shift from bright to dark space in the Western cosmological imagination. He has given invited presentations on this research, including at the NYU Space Talks, and several publications emerging from it are now nearing completion. The project was also the focus of his recent Frances A. Yates Long-Term Fellowship at the Warburg Institute (2022–23), during which he co organized the conference Space in Time: From the Heavens from Outer Space, exploring long perspectives on the subject across the humanities and social sciences. He has held the Thole Research Fellowship at Trinity Hall, Cambridge (2015–18), as well as visiting fellowships and research grants at the Bodleian Library (2017), Huntington Library (2018), and Durham University (2022).

Kiu-wai Chu
Kiu-wai Chu (BA London; MPhil Cantab; PhD HK) is Assistant Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is an Associate Editor of Environmental Humanities (Duke University Press); and Executive Councillor of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE-US, 2021-23). In 2022-23, he was named a Luce East Asia Fellow at the National Humanities Center, U.S.A.  His research centers on environmental humanities, ecocriticism, and cinema and visual art in East and Southeast Asian contexts.  He has co-edited The Routledge Handbook of Ecomedia Studies, and published in journals such as Journal of Chinese CinemasAsian Cinema; photographies; ScreenOxford Bibliographies; ASAP/J; and books Transnational EcocinemaEcomedia: Key Issues; Chinese Environmental HumanitiesEmbodied Memories, Embedded HealingThe Bloomsbury Handbook to the Medical-Environmental Humanities, and elsewhere. Webpage:

Olga Dubrovina
Olga Dubrovina (  ), PhD in Humanities (2015, Modena and Reggio Emilia University) and PhD in Contemporary History (2017, Moscow State University Lomonosov). In 2015-2018 she was an adjunct professor at Modena and Reggio Emilia University where she lectured Russian history and culture. In 2020-2021 she participated in Horizon 2020 project InsSciDE (Inventing a shared Science Diplomacy for Europe) with the case study on Russian Science Diplomacy throughout the Space race during the Cold War. Her current position is Research Fellow at Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI), University of Padua. She also lectures on History of international relations at the State University of Milan. Among the latest publications Space diplomacy in the Cold War context: How it worked on the Soviet side, in Mays, Laborie et Griset (eds.), Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe: Interdisciplinary Case Studies to Think with History, Zenodo, 2022, pp. 243-250; Russia’s space diplomacy: why we should look back to the Soviet Years, in Histoire, Europe et relations internationales, vol. 2, no. 2, 2022, pp. 39-51; Gorbachev’s policy in the aerospace sector: from stars to earth, in L’Artico e lo Spazio. Le rotte del nuovo Millennio tra storia e innovazione scientifica, Passerino Editore, 2022, pp. 119-152. 

Lance Gharavi
Lance Gharavi is an experimental artist and scholar, professor in the Arizona State University School of Music, Dance and Theatre, and Associate Director of ASU’s Interplanetary Initiative. An early pioneer in the field of digital performance, his work focuses on points of intersection between performance, technology, science, and religion. He specializes in leading transdisciplinary teams of artists, scientists, designers, and engineers to create compelling experiences and advance research. 

Alexander C.T. Geppert
Alexander Geppert is Associate Professor of History and European Studies, and Global Network Associate Professor at New York University, with a joint appointment at NYU New York and NYU Shanghai. From 2010 to 2016 he directed the Emmy Noether research group ‘The Future in the Stars: European Astroculture and Extraterrestrial Life in the Twentieth Century’ at Freie Universität Berlin. He has held the Charles A. Lindbergh Chair in Aerospace History at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC, served as the Eleanor Searle Visiting Professor of History at the California Institute of Technology in Los Angeles, and is currently Scholar-in-Residence at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. Alexander Geppert’s space-related book publications include a trilogy on European astroculture, consisting of Imagining Outer Space: European Astroculture in the Twentieth Century (22018, ed.), Limiting Outer Space: Astroculture after Apollo (2018, ed.), Militarizing Outer Space: Astroculture and Dystopia and the Cold War (22023, co-ed.). Together with the members of his Global Astroculture research group, he is currently at work on a special journal issue on “rocket stars” in the Global Space Age and two monographs, Astroculture: Europe in the Age of Space, and a sequel, Planetizing Earth: An Extra-Terrestrial History of the Global Present. He also runs the ‘NYU Space Talks: History, Politics, Astroculture’ lecture series (

Ujjwal Kumar
Dr. Ujjwal Kumar, born in 1980, is a distinguished scholar whose academic journey has traversed prestigious institutions, leading to a remarkable career in the field of Pali and Buddhist Studies. He embarked on his educational voyage at Banaras Hindu University, Savitri Bai Phule Pune University (formerly known as Pune University), and the University of Hong Kong. He has authored a total of thirty-four articles, one Occasional Paper, and nine books, each offering valuable insights into various aspects of Pali language and literature. Dr. Ujjwal Kumar is presently involved in a significant research endeavor focused on translating the Aṅguttaranikāya from Pāli to English. This collaborative project is funded by the Department of Religious Affairs, Ministry of Culture, Government of Thailand, and it commenced on June 2, 2022, continuing up to the present day. In addition to his ongoing project, Dr. Kumar is deeply engrossed in researching Pāli Cosmological Literature. In recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of Pāli, Dr. Kumar received the Maharṣi Bādarāyāna Vyāsa Sammāna in 2016 from the President of India.

Lukáš Likavčan
Lukáš Likavčan is a philosopher. His research focuses on philosophy of science & technology and environmental philosophy. He is a Global Perspectives on Society Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU Shanghai, and a guest researcher at Astronomy & Society Group, Leiden University. Likavčan is an author of Introduction to Comparative Planetology (2019) and a member of More-than-Planet Working Group at Waag Futurelab. More info at

Lu Liu
Dr. Lu Liu (Ph.D. 2019, University of Wisconsin-Madison) has been an Assistant Professor of Chinese at the School of Modern Languages, Georgia Tech since 2021, after two years as a visiting Assistant Professor. A scholar of modern Chinese literature and media, her research examines the interplay of science, technology, and medicine with media and visual cultures. Her first book project, Pestering Modern China: Animal, Socialist Subjectivity, and Biosocial Abjection, theorizes the pivotal role of the “pest” in shaping critical issues such as trans-species relationships, public health, and nation-building in modern Chinese history. Her second book project, Viral Cinema: Virology and the Body in Modern China, examines how virological knowledge constitutes the imagination of a Chinese body from the 1930s to the COVID-19 pandemic. She is also developing a collaborative project on China’s space endeavors and the making of Qian Xuesen, the father of Chinese spaceflight.

Ding Ma
Ding Ma’s broad research interests are climate variability, weather extremes, and atmospheric dynamics. The essential motivation for his research is to better understand and predict the behavior of the climate system, which has led to his focus on the variability of the large-scale atmospheric circulation and the related weather extremes. His teaching interests at Duke Kunshan include environmental science and physics. He has had papers published in leading academic journals including Nature Communications, Journal of Climate, and Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. He is a member of American Geophysical Union and American Meteorological Society. Ma has a B.A. in physics for Peking University and a Ph.D. in climate dynamics from Harvard University. After receiving his Ph.D., he joined Columbia University as an Earth Institute Fellow.

Evander Price
Evander Price is assistant professor teaching environmental humanities at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received his PhD in American Studies from Harvard University in 2019 and was the postdoctoral fellow from 2020-2022 at the Center for Religion and the Human at Indiana University, Blooomington.

Tonio Savina
Tonio Savina, PhD in “Civilizations of Asia and Africa” at Sapienza University, Rome, with a thesis on The Chinese Space Program in Perspective: Domestic and International Narratives (2022). He is currently a Post- doc Fellow at the University of Siena, Italy. In 2023 he was selected as a MOFA Taiwan Fellow for a visiting research period at Academia Sinica, Taipei, and in 2022 he received a Post-doc Research Grant in History from the European Space Agency (ESA). During his PhD studies, he carried out research at the main libraries in Mainland China and Taiwan, where he was also a visiting PhD Candidate at National Chengchi University. He is a member of the Italian Association for Chinese Studies (AISC) and of the European Society for the History of Science (ESHS). His research interests include the history of Chinese space exploration, Chinese astroculture, narrative theories, space diplomacy, and the international relations of the PRC. On these topics he published several essays and two monographs in Italian: I rapportitra Cina e Stati Uniti dagli anni Settanta agli anni Duemila: una prospettiva astropolitica (2020) [trans. US-China Astropolitical Relations (1970s-2000s)] and Tra storia e narrazione: il programma spaziale della Repubblica Popolare Cinese (2023) [trans. The Chinese Space Program: Between History and Narrative].

Brad Tabas
Brad Tabas is a philosopher. He is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social and Human Sciences at the ENSTA, a grande école for engineers located in Brest, France. His recent work has particularly focused on the question of historicizing outer space, and in particular thinking critically about how the dawning of the Space Age challenges inherited conceptual categories, above all those relating to ideas about secularity, language, place, life, and the future. His recent work has appeared in Terrain, Cosmos and History, Society + Space, and elsewhere.

Erin Wilkerson
Guerilla gardener, turned guerilla filmmaker, Erin Wilkerson is interested in anti-colonial ecologies, as an expansion of early professional work in landscape architecture, which instilled in her a passion to fight for the natural world. Her solo films have screened at Prismatic Ground (New York), INTERSECCION (Spain), FICUNAM and Untra Cine (Mexico), and DOKUFEST (Kosovo). Since 2010, she has worked collaboratively as Creative Agitation, with her partner, filmmaker Travis Wilkerson, best known for their co-directed and co-written film, Nuclear Family¸ which documents a 2019 road trip to nuclear missile silos of the American West, that premiered at the Berlin Forum, was awarded Mencion Especial at Mar del Plata IFF, and went on to screen at 20+ festivals including the Viennale. She is also known for her mixed media art which was featured in the Slovenian Pavilion of the Venice Biennale (2014). She has published critical texts and poetry, and as the Managing Editor of the online newsreel, NOW Journal, has curated programs on urgent praxis, in response to world events. She is currently working towards a PhD in Research and Practice from Liverpool John Moores University, in partnership with the TransArt Institute, on expanding ideas of Invasive Species, alongside an accompanying film, Strange Flower (little sister to the poor).

Travis Wilkerson
A chance meeting in Havana with the legendary Cuban filmmaker Santiago Alvarez changed the course of Travis Wilkerson’s life. His internationally recognized body of filmmaking crosses boundaries with documentary and fiction, performance, and activism. At the epicenter of his work is the ongoing search for meeting points of aesthetic eloquence and political engagement, produced with an absolute modesty of material resources, as self-sufficiently as possible. In 2015, Sight & Sound called Wilkerson “the political conscience of American cinema.” His films have screened at hundreds of venues and festivals worldwide, including Berlin, Sundance, Toronto, and Locarno. The New Yorker called Did You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? one of the “Sixty-Two Films That Shaped the Art of Documentary Filmmaking.” An Injury to One, was named one of the best avant-garde films of the decade by Film Comment and a “political-cinema landmark” by the LA Times. His latest work, Through the Graves the Wind is Blowing, is a tribute to the Yugoslavian Black Wave. His writings on film have appeared in Cineaste, Kino!, and Senses of Cinema. He is Associate Professor of Documentary Practice, Duke Kunshan University.

Ting Zheng
Ting Zheng is a fifth-year Ph.D. student in modern Chinese literature at Stanford University. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from DePauw University and her Master’s degree in East Asian Studies from the University of Virginia. Her dissertation research focuses on the eyes and the representation of eyes in twentieth-century China at the intersection of literary studies, medical humanities, disability studies, phenomenology, new materialism, and biopolitics.

Haoqin Zhong
Haoqin Zhong got her Ph.D. at the Center of Buddhist Studies at the University of Hong Kong. She received her BS and MS in China from Peking University and Tsinghua University, respectively. Her research interests include Buddhist narrative literature, Feminist Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, early Buddhism, Vinaya Studies, and comparative religions etc.

Mohamad Zreik
Mohamad Zreik, a Postdoctoral Fellow at Sun Yat-sen University, is a recognized scholar in International Relations, specializing in China’s Arab-region foreign policy. His recent work in soft power diplomacy compares China’s methods in the Middle East and East Asia. His extensive knowledge spans Middle Eastern Studies, China-Arab relations, East Asian and Asian Affairs, Eurasian geopolitics, and Political Economy, providing him a unique viewpoint in his field. Dr. Zreik is a proud recipient of a PhD from Central China Normal University (Wuhan). He’s written numerous acclaimed papers, many focusing on China’s Belt and Road Initiative and its Arab-region impact. His ground-breaking research has established him as a leading expert in his field. Presently, he furthers his research on China’s soft power diplomacy tactics at Sun Yat-sen University. His significant contributions make him a crucial figure in understanding contemporary international relations.



Exploring the “Superdeep”: The third DKU Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference

By Junyan Li, class of 2026

The Humanities community at Duke Kunshan University recently hosted its third annual Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference on April 26th and 27th at the Academic Building. Co-hosted by Professor James Miller from DKU, and Professor Carlos Rojas from Duke, the event served as a platform for researchers and students from diverse backgrounds across China and abroad to share their insights and research findings. More than 120 individuals registered for the conference.

This year’s theme, “Superdeep,” was inspired by an ecosystem of activities at DKU designed by Professor Nathan Hauthaler, which aimed to stimulate philosophical thinking in its most expansive sense.

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Scott MacEachern addressed the conference, highlighting that this annual gathering has evolved into a significant event that strengthens the bonds within the humanities community.

The conference schedule included four keynote lectures and twelve parallel sessions featuring contributions from students not only from DKU but also from universities across China. The discussions covered a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from literature and art to gender and power, and extending to beliefs, philosophy, and globalization.

Prof. Tang’s lecture: Attention and Practical Knowledge

DKU was more than delighted to welcome four keynote lecturers. (Chenshan Tian) discussed the Confucian philosophy of family feeling (qinqing), exploring Confucian philosophy as a potential resource for a new geopolitical order. Associate Professor Ru Ye from Wuhan University delivered a thought-provoking lecture titled “Can Rational Beliefs Be Arbitrary?” This sparked deep contemplation among the audience about the possibility of multiple rational responses to the same body of evidence. Hao Tang, Professor of Philosophy from Tsinghua University, led a discussion on attention and practical knowledge, enriching the concept of practical knowledge as a form of self-knowledge or self-consciousness. Seth Jaffe, Associate Professor of the History of Political Thought at LUISS, provided a unique interpretation of Thucydides’ account of the causes of war, delving into debates surrounding the “inevitability” of conflict between America and China.

The central premise of this conference is that while not everyone may be a professional philosopher, we can all benefit from engaging more deeply with the intellectual tools that philosophers are developing.

Jackson Li, a sophomore at DKU, found inspiration in the diverse topics presented, particularly resonating with Jaffe’s perspective. He commented, “Applying ancient Greek stories to modern international relations offers a compelling way to consider the complexity of relations between great powers. It suggests that cooperation between China and the United States is a crucial prerequisite for a mutually beneficial situation.”

In addition to the keynote speakers, student presentations in the parallel sessions also brought fresh insights to the conference. Xi Xiong, a junior majoring in philosophy from Wuhan University, expressed her pleasure in exploring topics that have previously been overlooked or unnoticed, with the aim of eliminating hidden evaluative bias within the field of philosophy.

Xi Xiong was participating in a heated discussion.

Renyuan Zhang, another DKU sophomore, reflected on his journey from being a participant last year to a presenter this year, stating, “My role in the HRC may have changed, but the spark of enlightenment remains.” 

Renyuan Zhang presented his research about Shanghai Lockdown in 2022

The conference was not solely about academic discussions; it also incorporated social events such as a gala dinner, a music and dance night, and student film festival, creating a relaxed atmosphere after a day of intellectual engagement.

Professor Miller expressed pride in what the HRC has achieved, not only fostering intense academic discussions in humanities but also providing “a warm and rich social atmosphere with food and wine to help build a shared community of learning.” He noted that over the years, DKU students have formed friendships with their peers at other universities through these conferences, which he described as “beautiful to see.”

Echoing Miller’s sentiments, DKU sophomore Yuequ Dou said, “It’s amazing to hear all the interesting thoughts that people brought up and to make connections with friends all over China.”

The conference indeed served to reinforce Duke Kunshan University’s (DKU) brand identity as China’s premier global liberal arts university. The mission of the Humanities Research Center is to advance interdisciplinary research in the arts, humanities, and interpretive social sciences, contributing to DKU’s goal of becoming one of the world’s leading cross-cultural, research-intensive liberal arts universities.

This year’s event was particularly notable for the launch of the Nexus Journal, a humanities and social science journal created by and for undergraduates at DKU and Duke. This initiative not only strengthens DKU’s brand identity but also fosters a platform for intellectual discourse and exchange in the arts, humanities, and interpretive social sciences. It’s a testament to DKU’s commitment to advancing interdisciplinary research and contributing to its mission of being a leading global liberal arts university.

The launch ceremony of the journal, Nexus

Miller expressed his appreciation for everyone’s enthusiasm, adding, “Hosting the conference with my co-director from Duke, Carlos Rojas, was a bittersweet experience for me, as this is my last semester as co-director. I wish the center every success in the future.”


The 2nd Gender Studies Initiative Student Conference Program

Date: Friday, April 19th, 9 AM – 3 PM

Venue: AB 2107

9-9:15 AM: Keynote Speech by Professor Selina Lai Henderson

Session 1 – Challenges to Heteronormativity

9:15-10:15 AM Presentations and faculty discussions

10:15-10:45 Q&A

Heteronormativity in Korean Boys Love Comics: A Case Study of Chinese Queer Women’s Gender Discourse – Shuzhe Wang

Faculty discussant: Keping Wu (Zoom)

Masters tools: Oppression, Representation, Stereotype, and Heteronormativity – Sadey Dong

Faculty discussant: Hwa Yeong Wang

A Queer Metamorphosis: Animal Narratives and Lesbian Love in Contemporary Chinese Cultures – Ruohan Wang

Faculty discussant: Nathan Hauthaler

Session 2 – Gendered Economy and Environmental Challenges

10:50-11:50 AM: Presentations and faculty discussions

11:50-12:20 PM: Q&A

The ‘Invisible’ Female Riders in Food Delivery: Exploring the Impact of Platform Algorithms on Female Workers in the Gig Economy – Hanyang Zhou and Yixin Gu

Faculty discussant: Megan Rogers

Gender, Health, and Catastrophe: The Impact of Patriarchal Gender Dynamics on Tribal Women’s Health Outcomes amidst Pakistan’s 2022 ‘Superfloods’ – Arabela Iggesen Valenzuela

Faculty discussant: Hyun Jeong Ha

Gendered Dimensions of Climate Change: A Critical Analysis of Women’s Vulnerability and Representation in Global Environmental Governance – Manal Bidar

Faculty discussant: Jaehee Choi

12:20-13:30 PM: Lunch

Session 3 – Feminist Critiques to Culture and Society

1:30 – 2:30 PM: Presentations and faculty discussions

2:30 – 3 PM: Q&A

A Feminist Triumph or Flop?: Exploring Public Perceptions of Barbie- Yihan Chen, Ni Zheng, and Hsuan-kai Liao

Faculty discussant: Lindsay Mahon Rathnam

The Ornamental Personhood: A Reparative Reading of K-Pop Femininity – Vicky Yongkun Wu

Faculty discussant: Titas Chakraborty

Navigating Ideologies Rifts in the Digital Age: Understanding Relationship Dynamics Amidst Gender Discourse Polarization in China – Wenjing Xu

Faculty discussant: Qian Zhu

Register for the 2024 Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference

The Humanities Research Center is pleased to announce its annual Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference, Superdeep, which will be held in person at Duke Kunshan University from April 26-27, 2024. The conference will feature approximately 40 undergraduate research papers and 4 keynote addresses. Students who register for the conference may attend an exclusive seminar with one of the keynote speakers, as well as a gala dinner with all the presenters.

Register to attend the conference here by April 19

View the draft program here

Keynote Speakers

Roger T. Ames 安樂哲 is Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University, Senior Academic Advisor of the Peking University Berggruen Research Center, and Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Hawai’i. He is former editor of Philosophy East & West and founding editor of China Review International. Ames has authored several interpretative studies of Chinese philosophy and culture, and his publications also include translations of the Chinese philosophical classics. His most recent monograph is Human Becomings: Theorizing ‘Persons’ for Confucian Role Ethics (2021). He has most recently compiled the new Sourcebook in Classical Confucian Philosophy with its companion A Conceptual Lexicon for Classical Confucian Philosophy, and is committed to writing articles promoting a conversation between pragmatism and Confucian philosophy.

Ru YE is an associate professor at Wuhan University. She works on epistemology, more specifically, epistemic permissivism, higher-order evidence, and pragmatic encroachment. She is also interested in formal epistemology and the intersection between ethics and epistemology.  She received her PhD from Cornell University in 2016, and before that, she did undergraduate work at Wuhan University. 

Seth Jaffe is Associate Professor (Research) of the History of Political Thought at Luiss Guido Carli University, Rome (LUISS). His PhD is from the University of Toronto, his MSc from the LSE, and his BA from Bowdoin. He has worked on U.S. foreign policy, been a postdoc at FU Berlin, and is a regular Senior Associate of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. He has research interests in Greek and Roman political philosophy, the history of international political thought, and how classical frameworks can enrich contemporary debates. His first book, Thucydides on the Outbreak of War, was published in 2017 by Oxford UP, and he is working on a book on Polybius. He recently co-edited (with Guillermo Graíño Ferrer) a double special issue of The Review of Politics on populism in the history of political thought.

Hao TANG is Professor of Philosophy at Tsinghua University. He received his MA and PhD from the University of Pittsburgh after graduating with a BSc in Material Science from Fudan University. He is interested in Wittgenstein, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of action.