Harmony Lab: People

Research Team

  • Hwa Yeong WANG, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Duke Kunshan University
  • James MILLER, Professor of Humanities, Duke Kunshan University
  • Yong LI, Professor of Philosophy, Wuhan University
  • Qin LIU, Associate Professor of Philosophy
  • Effy BAT-ERDENE, undergraduate student research assistant, Duke Kunshan University

Student Assistant

Sue Wang

Sue Wang, undergraduate student research assistant, Duke Kunshan University Trained in an interdisciplinary manner, my previous and ongoing projects during my undergraduate study cover different philosophical and literary themes, from meaning and understanding in philosophy of language to embodiment in Daoist thoughts and the gender construction.

When reading Confucianist work, one of the concepts that has captivated me is “三纲五常” (Three Cardinal Guides and Five Constant Virtues), which has historically defined roles within traditional Chinese families, particularly the principle that “the husband is the head of the wife” (“夫为妻纲”). This understanding has led me to view feminism as potentially conflicting with Confucianism. However, I am deeply intrigued by the possibility of uncovering hidden feminist perspectives within Confucian thought.

Additionally, I am interested in exploring how the concepts of “harmony” and a holistic worldview can influence thought in the era of the Anthropocene.

Enkhkhuslen Bat-Erdene

My name is Enkhkhuslen Bat-Erdene, and I am from Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Raised in a Tibetan Buddhist household, I follow Buddhist philosophy, as do the majority of Mongolians. My Signature Work, titled “Political Empowerment of Women in East Asia,” aligns closely with the Harmony Lab’s exploration of Confucianism and Feminism. Currently, I am working on an international project focusing on the political empowerment of women in East Asia, funded by NEF and USAID. After gr

aduation, I plan to continue my work on this project as a coordinator, with the long-term goal of becoming the first female Prime Minister of Mongolia. I am sure the Harmony Lab project will provide me with more in-depth knowledge of East Asian culture and philosophy.


  • David WONG, Professor of Philosophy, Duke University
  • Wenjie LIU, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Duke University
  • Roger AMES, Professor of Philosophy, Peking University
  • Sor Hoon TAN, Professor of Philosophy, Singapore Management University
  • Heisook KIM, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, Ehwa Womans University