
By Young Yang (Class of 2023)

         1121日晚上,昆山杜克大学蓝色绿洲学生中心(Blue Oasis Student Center)迎来了四位特殊的客人。他们是专注于蓝草音乐(Bluegrass Music)演奏的“新草乐队”(NewGrass Band),由来自中国的曼陀铃手Tom Pang,主唱Nancy Nan,贝斯手Shun Z,以及来自美国的吉他手John Crespi组成。他们运用自己的才华与热情,给昆山杜克大学的学生带来了一场难忘的视听盛宴。 Continue reading “在蓝草音乐中打破文化隔阂”

Hum/Animal: Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference Call for Papers

Please note that due to the uncertain health situation in China, the undergraduate humanities research conference has been postponed. We hope to hold the conference once the situation returns to normal.

Duke Kunshan University is pleased to announce its second Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference from March 13-15, 2020. Distinguished keynote speakers will speak on the conference theme of hum/animal.

Students may present papers on all topics broadly within the humanities and interpretive social sciences; they need not relate to the conference theme.

Panels will be formed around themes based on the applications. Continue reading “Hum/Animal: Undergraduate Humanities Research Conference Call for Papers”