About Planet X

Planet X has been recruiting for more student members! Learn about what they do below and see images of the game. You can also join the WeChat group and be up-to-date on the latest news by scanning the QR code on the bottom of the page.

Planet X was initiated by Nathan (Cao, 2022) and sponsored by Humanities Research Center as part of PETAL Lab in 2018. It remained to be only an idea and theory until 2019 when Nathan expanded the group. Skylar (Hu, 2023), Eric (Qu, 2023), Leiyuan (Tian, 2023), Audrey (Liu, 2023), and Nathan, formed the first development team. From 2019 to 2021, the team continued working on the conceptualization of the game, and successfully established the game world, including numerical systems, gameplay mechanisms, and artistic styles. Continue reading “About Planet X”

HRC’s Planet X is Recruiting!

Planet X Recruitment
Want to be a member of a whole new world? Our game project “Planet X” awaits!

Applications due Jan 29, 2023.

Details of the Project

The project is supported by the Humanities Research Center.

We adopt the model of a strategy game to create an “alternative world”, in which one plays as a leader of a state on “Planet X”, thus separated from his/her real-life identity & socioeconomic status, and explore people’s possible ethical choices facing the dilemma between development and the need of countering environmental crisis. Continue reading “HRC’s Planet X is Recruiting!”