Continuing the conflict over the wearing of veils in France, France’s top administrative body issued a statement in which they said that a full ban may be unconstitutional. The statement also included necessary precautions, and advised that any legislation would have to be very specific.
Despite the warning, there are indications that the panel drafting legislation may ignore the advice and continue ahead with their original plan. Regardless of what happens, this is sure to add more fuel to the fire and may prove divisive among the French government.
Overall, I find this longstanding French issue on the veil extremely interesting. To me, it seems to be a very common clash between politics and cultural values. At one sense, many in the French government feel that the veil and other pieces of clothing that cover those of islamic faith as ” a challenge to the republic” those who wear the veil do it at times because they chose to. Interestingly, within the whole discussion of the veil, one of the voices that I have yet to hear are the women, who in my opinion hold the most important voice in the discussion. The variable I believe is in the highest importance to protect is free choice, and the free choice of women need to definitely be heard.
Malgré ces événements en France, la Belgique est sur le point d’être le premier pays européen à interdire complètement la « burqa. » C’est intéressant de voir les différences et les similarités entre les Belges et les Français sur ce sujet :
“The French-speaking liberals who have proposed the law argue that an inability to identify people presents a security risk and that the veil is a ‘walking prison’ for women.”
Qu’est-ce que vous pensez de ce développement dans un pays francophone ? Est-ce qu’une loi contre la burqa en Belgique peut encourager d’autres pays européens à faire la même chose ?
L’article complet (en anglais) est ici :
Cet article de Time a plus de détails :,8599,1977350,00.html