Editions of primary texts consulted for passages:
Césaire, Aimé. Cahier d’un retour au pays natal. Paris: Présence Africaine, 1983.
Additional works by Césaire can be explored here!
Secondary critical and journalistic sources consulted:
“Aimé Césaire joins Voltaire and Rousseau at the Panthéon in Paris.” France Guide: Official website of the French Government Tourist Office. Web. <http://us.franceguide.com/Aime-Cesaire-joins-Voltaire-and-Rousseau-at-the-Pantheon-in-Paris.html?NodeID=1&EditoID=232794>.
Arnold, A. James. “Césaire and Shakespeare: Two Tempests.” Comparative Literature 30.3 (1978): 236-248. Accessible through JSTOR.
Barker, Anaya M. “Understanding “Notebook of a Return to the Native Land” by Aime Cesaire.” HubPages. N.p., 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. <http://anayambaker.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Read-Aime-Cesaire-Notebook-of-a-Return-to-My-Native-Land>.
“Cahier D’un Retour Au Pays Natal.” Oasis. Oasis FLE. Oasis FLE. Web. 25 Nov. 2012. <http://oasisfle.com/ebook_oasisfle/aime-cesaire-cahier_d’un_retour_au_pays_natal.pdf>.
Donnelly, Mary E. “Aimé Césaire.” Great World Writers: Twentieth Century. Ed. Patrick M. O’Neil. New York: Marshall Cavendish, 2004. 195-204. Print.
Maximin, Daniel. “Aimé Césaire, Lam, Picasso: ‘Nous nous sommes trouvés.'” Réunion des musées nationaux. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://rmn.fr/english/les-musees-et-leurs-expositions-238/aime-cesaire-lam-picasso-nous-nous-2329>.
Nielson, Cynthia R. “Aimé Césaire.” Per Caritatem. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://percaritatem.com/category/cultural-theoristscritics/aime-cesaire>.
Ojo-Ade, Femi. Aimé Césaire’s African Theater: Of Poets, Prophets and Politicians. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2010. Print.
Ritz, Brooke. “Aimé Césaire.” Postcolonial Studies. Emory University Department of English. Web. 30 Nov. 2012. <http://www.english.emory.edu/Bahri/Cesaire.html>.
Seri, Ernest. “Cahier D’un Retour Au Pays Natal Comme L’expression D’un Malaise Existentiel.” Ethiopiques 60 (1991). Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <http://ethiopiques.refer.sn/article.php3?id_article=1110>.
Szelezak, Thomas. “Notebook of a Return to the Native Land.” : Notebook of a Return to the Native Land. Queens College English Department, 26 July 2009. Web. 24 Nov. 2012. <http://en170wsummer2009.blogspot.com/2009/07/notebook-of-return-to-native-land.html>.
Rochmann, Marie Christine. L’esclave Fugitif Dans La Litterature Antillaise: Sur La Declive Du Morne. N.p.: KARTHALA Editions, 2000. Print.