Call for Student Researchers and Artists: The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive

The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive (KDH) is a pilot project for the Humanities Research Center’s Computing in Arts and Humanities (CAH) Initiative. The pilot project, and the initiative as a whole, aim to foster the integration of computing, data, humanities and arts. Continue reading “Call for Student Researchers and Artists: The Kunshan Digital Humanities Archive”

Call for Proposals: Humanities Labs at Duke Kunshan University

The Humanities Research Center (HRC) is soliciting proposals from faculty interested in hosting a humanities lab. Each lab will receive funding of up to $20,000 per year, to fund activities relevant to the lab’s theme. The labs will start in January 2020. Each lab will initially be funded for one year, with a possible renewal for a second or third year. Continue reading “Call for Proposals: Humanities Labs at Duke Kunshan University”

2019-2020 Call for Funding Proposals

The DKU Humanities Research Center (HRC) invites proposals from all DKU/Duke faculty and affiliates working on humanities-related projects. Projects should be based at DKU and/or connect Duke and DKU faculty. Proposals should be sent to Chi Zhang (, administrative assistant for the Humanities Research Center, by the specified deadlines. Continue reading “2019-2020 Call for Funding Proposals”