Superdeep Nighthawks: “Trois couleurs: Rouge” (Kieślowski 1994) | Nov 9, 8:24pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

This week the Nighthawks are showing their true color – one of them, at any rate – with Krzysztof Kieślowski‘s Trois couleurs: Rouge (& food & drink). Thu, Nov 9, 8:24pm, IB 1008 (Auditorium).


Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (~8pm till late). For more info, or to submit proposals for the Nighthawks, follow this link; for info on Superdeep more generally, follow this one.

Superdeep is sponsored by DKU’s Humanities Research Center.

The Superdeep Well

The Well is Superdeep‘s joint research & reading group. We meet weekly to discuss work on a shared theme (over coffee, tea, & Pocki chocolates). Everyone (faculty, students, staff, visitors) is invited to attend and to source & draw from the Well.
The Well meets on Tue ~5pm in IB 1017 (Zoom attendance: …conceivable. Reach out for a link).

Inaugural theme: Creatures of Habit. We are considering materials on such issues as practical capacity, skill, & expertise; disposition, habit, & habitus; engrossed coping, flow, effortless or non-action (无为), etc; drawing on contemporary historical sources, across disciplines.*

“Social reality exists, so to speak, twice, in things and in minds, in fields and in habitus, outside and inside of agents. And when habitus encounters a social world of which it is the product, it is like a “fish in water”: it does not feel the weight of the water, and it takes the world about itself for granted.”
(Bourdieu, An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology)

Meeting plan:

    • Tue Dec 5: John Dewey, “The Place…”, up to sec. 4. (“Custom and Habit”)
    • Tue Nov 28: John Dewey, “The Place of Habit in Conduct” (Pt I of his Human Nature and Conduct), sec. 1-3.
    • Tue Nov 21: William James, “Habit” (from his Principles of Psychology); DF Wallace, “This is Water”
    • Tue Nov 14: initial planning meeting

☛ Reach out for access to our Zotero group & copies of readings!

Continue reading “The Superdeep Well”

Gender+ | Revolutionary Women’s Practice to Bury Colonialism

Please join us for an engaging lecture presented by Professor Elizabeth Armstrong on November 7, 2023, from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM at the IB 1047. If you have questions about this event, please email Prof. Megan Rogers, Ph.D.( or Prof. Jesse Olsavsky( or Prof. Hyun Jeong Ha, Ph.D.(

Light refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to your participation in this enlightening event.

The Professional Divide Between Writing & Language Studies in the US: History, Epistemology, and Implications for DKU

Date and Time: Friday, Nov.3rd 2023 11:00am -noon

Location: AB 2101

Speaker: Dr. Tyler J. Carter w/an addendum by Laura Davies (LCC)

Abstract: Is there a difference between teaching writing as a language and teaching writing as a process? The short answer is yes, there is and this difference matters. In this presentation I will contrast the socio-historical development of (English) writing and language instruction in the United States via a discussion of the development of the audio-lingual approach to language instruction, US higher education reform in the 1960’s, and the development of the process approach to writing. Essentially, I argue, the contrasting epistemological commitments of language and writing studies, perhaps best exemplified by language standards and expressivist writing; in conjunction with the pressures of professionalization, has prevented the consolidation of knowledge across these closely related fields. Broadly, this work has curricular and pedagogical implications for writing instruction as well as implications for the ways our professional commitments shape our teaching and research. As an addendum to this presentation, Laura Davies will discuss how this material relates to the British system of writing and language and why all of this has particular importance within the context of LCC and DKU.

GSI Presents a Talk: White Man Walking

On Wednesday November 8th from 18:00-19:30,  join us at the IB 1046 for a talk by Wibke Schniedermann from Ghent University, “White Man Walking: Unhoused Lives and the Gendered Mobility of the Road”. In collaboration with the Gender Studies Initiative, Schnierdermann will discuss narrative and visual forms to show how “the road” consolidates the gendered meanings of feminized domesticity and masculinized mobility at the same time as it affirms the urban-rural divide in the American spatial imaginary.