Battiston down.

Because everyone seems to delight in the action-packed soccer clips we have been watching and discussing over the past two weeks, I found the clip of the 1982 World Cup Inicident in which Battistion is left unconscious because of a run-in with Schumacher on the West German team. Professor Dubois makes note of this event in his book, and it is interesting to examine the comments below the video (I made sure to find one in French). I am guessing that this same clip, if in German recorded by Germany, would have an altogether different title, tone, and string of comments.

Battistion suffered damaged vertebrae and a series of teeth were knocked out, needing to be replaced. In hearing this, Schumacher replied, “If that’s all that’s wrong with him, I’ll pay him the crowns”. He later apologized to Battiston, but what was said and done could not be changed. By examining all these different events and pieces of drama that unfold throughout different World Cups, it becomes more and more apparent just how much fans (as well as players) invest into this competition. So much so, that it seems like sportsmanship waivers as ardent fandom and fervor increase (0r at least in some circumstances).

<iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

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One thought on “Battiston down.”

  1. J’ai trouvé le match en allemand (commencez à 0 :48), et Becky a raison. L’émission ne focalise pas beaucoup à Battiston. On ne voit pas bien la faute au ralenti parce que le point centre de la prise de vue est le ballon. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de dialogue à ce moment-là, et éventuellement, l’émission nous montre objectivement les suites. Le ton est vide, comme on attend le match à recommencer au lieu d’analyser ce moment décisif pour Battiston.

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