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You’re invited to Humanities Research Lunch

You are cordially invited to attend the Humanities Research Lunch. The event, hosted by DKU’s Humanities Research Center, will be showcasing humanities research at DKU. You will meet the humanities faculty, learn what the humanities are, and what humanities research looks like.

Registration is open. To participate, you must register by Wednesday, February 1, 9am China time. Scan the QR code to register, or visit: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0HxNnm8jxflzf7M

Scan to register

Date: Friday, February 3, 2023

AB Ballroom
1100 Lunch buffet opens
1130-1230 Presentations about Humanities Research at DKU
1300 Lunch buffet ends

We look forward to seeing you!


Film Night: Chungking Express

Date/Time: Wed, Jan 11, 6:30pm
Location: IB Auditorium
Food (good pizza) & drinks will be provided

Wednesday night will be the screening of  Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express (1994).  Prof Richard Davis and Prof Seth Henderson will both say a few words of introduction to the film and facilitate a discussion after the screening.

There will be free pizza (from a GOOD place for pizza) starting at 6:20pm. The screening will be at the IB Lecture Hall.

See you there!

Statelessness Conference: Part Two – Refugees in Asia and the Pacific during the Second World War

‘Statelessness’ meeting part two will be held in Melbourne from December 15-16, 2022. Learn more about part one of ‘Statelessness’ and the conference that just concluded in Barcelona on December 1-2, 2022.

This meeting is organized by Kolleen Guy and Jay Winter, co-sponsored by the Humanities Research Center and the Arts and Humanities Division at Duke Kunshan University.

Melbourne Conference Dates: December 15-16, 2022
Location: Catholic University of Australia, Level 3, 250 Victoria Parade, in Fitzroy.
Zoom: 680 6042 755



HRC Presents: Mysticism Colloquium, Dec 2-3, 2022

Humanities Research Center’s Mysticism Colloquium led by Professors Ben Van Overmeire, Bryce Beemer, and Yitzhak Lewis, featuring keynote speakers Boaz Huss (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev) and Benoît Vermander (Fudan University)

*Recordings for this event is now available. Please scroll down to the program below. 

Dates: December 2-3, 2022
Location: AB 1079
Zoom ID: 92946097674

See program below.


Student Report: Research Lab Presentations and Guide to Undergraduate Student Research

Reported by Shivam Mani, Class of 2025.

Oct 7, 2022 Research Lab Presentations and Guide to Undergraduate Student Research was presented as part of 2022 Humanities Fall Conference: Ciencia y Caridad.

After a series of student research presentations, James Miller, Co-Director of the HRC led us into a presentation of the several research labs within the HRC. Prof. Miller began by praising the students for their research and said that the Humanities labs provide a beginning for undergraduate students interested in conducting research.

The Humanities labs are time limited and receive funding for only 2-3 years, after which they are closed, and new projects are started. (more…)

Student Report: Student Presentations of October 8

Reported by Maya Peak, Class of 2026 

During the Ciencia y Caridad, Humanities Fall Conference held in Barcelona by DKU’s Humanities Research Center, multiple student presentations were held. Projects ranged from Art and Humanities to Data and Policy, tying in themes of the intersections of research and charity, stressing the humanity in humanities. Below are the summaries of the presentations that took place on Saturday, the eighth, along with photos from Shuyuan Zhou’s presentation.

My Great Grandmother, My Grand Aunt, My Grandmother, My Mother, and I: A Family Album, presented by Shuyuan Zhou

Shuyuan Zhou presented, My Great Grandmother, My Grand Aunt, My Grandmother, My Mother, and I: A Family Album, a series which collected, questioned, and answered on the intergenerational female experience. Through images of her and her family along with some of the storytelling ability of objects in the collection, Zhou shared to us the beauty and suffering in femininity across time.

The Feminine Fabulation: Chinese Women’s Taking In and Spitting Out Bitterness presented by Meixuan Wang (more…)

Student Report: Student Seminar with Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico

Reported by Soumya Lahoti, Class of 2025

October 7, 2022, 15:00-16:30
This lecture was part of the 2022 Humanities Fall Conference: Ciencia y Caridad.

Isabel Duran Gimenez-Rico, professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, welcomed everyone warmly and had an introduction round. She started by explained why we should read sad stories. They are a way of combating sexism and many other societal vices. Humanities have grown as a way of making people aware of how others suffer; literature opens our eyes to women’s, homosexuals, and old-age people’s struggles. They work as they are all intensely sad narratives. They make us, the reader feel a sense of discomfort. (more…)

Student Report: Keynote Lecture of Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico

Reported by Soumya Lahoti, Class of 2025

October 7, 2022, 12:30-14:00
This lecture was part of the 2022 Humanities Fall Conference: Ciencia y Caridad.

Isabel Durán Giménez-Rico is a Professor of English Philology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She based her keynote lecture on revisiting medical conditions through a gendered lens. She focused on an intriguing gender swap in translating literature to visual or medical media. She spoke about the male gaze and the female gaze in medical media and the subtle differences in which they’re dealt with in a way that speaks to both genders. She spoke at length about Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen (1993), which was adapted into the 1999 film of the same name by James Mangold, and The Dying Animal by Philip Roth (2001) was adopted by Spanish filmmaker Isabel Coixet into Elegy (2008). (more…)

Student Report: Picasso and His Times

Reported by Soumya Lahoti, Class of 2025

October 7, 2022, 18:00 – 18:30
This lecture was part of the 2022 Humanities Fall Conference: Ciencia y Caridad.

Patricia Leighten presented an excellent commentary on the depths of Picasso’s psyche, live from Canada. Picasso has been called the most important artist of the last century. He was particularly influential on subsequent and contemporary art practices.

Leighten walks us through the stages of Picasso’s life, from his early works, to where he practiced art in Barcelona and Paris, his Blue and Rose periods, Cubism, and Surrealism. We also learn about how Picasso’s art responded in radical ways to the social and political forces of his times, as well as to the philosophical and aesthetic issues of the rapidly changing period that were spanned by his life and his work. (more…)

Citizenship Lab Welcomes Elena Lopez

Citizenship Lab is proud to welcome their first post-graduate affiliate, Elena Lopez. Read Lopez’s biography below.

Elena Lopez

Elena Lopez is a PhD candidate in anthropology at James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. Her research interests include political philosophy, social- environmental and multispecies justice, conflict, nationhood, and understandings of citizenship. In her doctoral thesis, Elena disturbs current understandings of political community, aiming to learn something new about the conditions that can make living together possible and for decolonial ecologies to flourish. Launching an ethnographic investigation into the White settler and her understandings of shared responsibility, Elena explores the creative processes of political struggle to examine decolonial thought in relation to temporality, citizenship, and notions of white Australian identity.
