Due to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, Duke Kunshan University is transitioning to online learning until the situation returns to normal. During this online period, the Humanities Research Center will take advantage of the high tech infrastructure developed at Duke University and Duke Kunshan University to continue its activities, ensuring that students and faculty can continue to advance the research mission of the university. Continue reading “Humanities Research Center Continues Online”
COVID-19 Memory Archival Project
The COVID-19 Memory Archival Project is an initiative from Duke Kunshan University’s Health Humanities Lab to create an archive of the community’s individual and shared experiences during the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak utilizing ArcGIS StoryMaps, rich media and storytelling. We not only hope to preserve experiences through a memory archive, but also through personal narration, bring comfort, peace, reflection and healing to participating individuals. In times of anxiety and adversity, we retreat to an old human practice—storytelling—combined with online multimedia tools, to bring forth the human experience in times of crisis. Participants are encouraged to utilize an array of mediums including but not limited to video, audio, hyperlinks, interactive interfaces and GIS maps, paired with written text. The collected stories can provide a rich library and digital history that can act as source material for future reflection, research and project outcomes. Continue reading “COVID-19 Memory Archival Project”
The Coronavirus: Human, Social and Political Implications
(Image By Hao Zheng)
On Tuesday March 3, please join the Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center in partnership with the Franklin Humanities Institute for a panel on the human, social and political implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The seminar presents an opportunity for Duke Kunshan University and Duke University faculty and students to collaborate in a discussion about COVID-19 and share perspectives from China and around the world.
- Benjamin Anderson, Assistant Professor of Global Health, Duke Kunshan University
- Benjamin Bacon, Associate Professor of Digital Media, Duke Kunshan University
- Chen Chen, Duke University Undergraduate Student
- Robert Delaney, US Bureau Chief, South China Morning Post
- Ralph Litzinger, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University
- Andrew MacDonald, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Duke Kunshan University
- Melanie Manion, Vor Broker Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Duke University
- James Miller, Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Strategy and Co-Director of the Humanities Research Center, Duke Kunshan University
- Yanping Ni, Duke University Graduate Student
- Carlos Rojas, Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies; Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies; and Arts of the Moving Image, Duke University; and Co-Director of the DKU Humanities Research Center
- Denis Simon, Executive Vice Chancellor, Duke Kunshan University
Continue reading “The Coronavirus: Human, Social and Political Implications”
2020年伊始,人文研究中心便迎来了三位来自世界不同角落的客人:他们分别是美国杜克大学文化人类学教授Charles Piot,美国杜克大学纪实摄影师、摄影记者、人道主义公共卫生工作者Fati Abubakar Gangaran, 以及南非开普敦大学历史学副教授Shamil Jeppie。他们应人文研究中心的邀请,作为昆杜非洲主题活动周《非洲:移民,文化,冲突》的主讲人,为昆山杜克全体师生带来了一次关于旨在促进其对非洲大陆古老文明与现状,以及全球化社会下的移民浪潮了解的难忘体验。 Continue reading “非洲:移民,文化,冲突—2020昆杜非洲主题活动周精彩回顾”
Freedom Lab Calls for Student Researchers
Freedom Lab is excited to announce opportunities to hire student researchers on a part-time basis to work with various professors on their research projects. Students are allowed to work no more than 40 hours a month, and will get an hourly rate of 40 rmb. Below please find a list of research work that may interest you: Continue reading “Freedom Lab Calls for Student Researchers”
HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface
Ege Duman, a 2nd year DKU undergraduate recently published an open-peer commentary in the American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience entitled “The Continuity of BCI-Mediated and Conventional Action.” The article was written with Professor Daniel Lim, Co-Director of the Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (PETAL).
This is the first paper published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal by a DKU undergraduate with a DKU professor. Continue reading “HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface”
The Religion of the Heart: Spirituality in 21st Century North America
Spirituality is the new cultural buzzword. Increasingly, North Americans prefer to call themselves “spiritual but not religious.” Yoga studios, and mindfulness programs, offering people help along their spiritual paths, are popping up left and right, and discussions of ‘spiritual intelligence’ are increasingly the norm. This talk will delineate and historicize the religious tradition that informs what goes by ‘spirituality’ today— a ‘religion of the heart’ that has ties to a religious legacy that has longstanding North American roots. Why is this religion of the heart so popular in late modernity, and what implications does its recent rise have for questions of community and societal wellbeing in liberal democracies? Continue reading “The Religion of the Heart: Spirituality in 21st Century North America”