The Coronavirus: Human, Social and Political Implications

(Image By Hao Zheng)

On Tuesday March 3, please join the Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center in partnership with the Franklin Humanities Institute for a panel on the human, social and political implications of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The seminar presents an opportunity for Duke Kunshan University and Duke University faculty and students to collaborate in a discussion about COVID-19 and share perspectives from China and around the world.


  • Benjamin Anderson, Assistant Professor of Global Health, Duke Kunshan University
  • Benjamin Bacon, Associate Professor of Digital Media, Duke Kunshan University
  • Chen Chen, Duke University Undergraduate Student
  • Robert Delaney, US Bureau Chief, South China Morning Post
  • Ralph Litzinger, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology, Duke University
  • Andrew MacDonald, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Duke Kunshan University
  • Melanie Manion, Vor Broker Family Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Duke University
  • James Miller, Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Strategy and Co-Director of the Humanities Research Center, Duke Kunshan University
  • Yanping Ni, Duke University Graduate Student
  • Carlos Rojas, Professor of Chinese Cultural Studies; Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies; and Arts of the Moving Image, Duke University; and Co-Director of the DKU Humanities Research Center
  • Denis Simon, Executive Vice Chancellor, Duke Kunshan University


Tuesday March 3

0800-0930 Eastern time / 2100-2230 China Time: Online Forum

The online forum will take place via Zoom: 272-114-035. DKU students and others are warmly invited to participate in the forum.

0930-1000 Coffee and Light Refreshments

Franklin Humanities Institute, Bay 4, Smith Warehouse, Duke University

1000-1130 Seminar

The seminar will take place in the Ahmadieh Family Lecture Hall in the Franklin Humanities Institute, Smith Warehouse Bay 4, Duke University.