Category Archives: Uncategorized

Class Projects from the University of Virginia on the Summer 2024 Copa America, Euros & Olympics

This semester, students in UVA’s “Soccer Politics” class produced a range of digital projects focused on this summer’s tournaments. You can explore them through the links below. Many of the projects will be updated with content and discussion as the tournaments unfold. COPA AMERICA Chelsea Divers, Avery Dougald, James Hawkins, Ian Iskra & Ben Wieland… Read More »

Final Project: A Match of Leagues: MLS vs. CSL This is the link to Tony Davis, Emir Ozsuer and Will von Guionneau’s final project in which we compare the economic approaches taken by the MLS and CSL and provide an assessment of the more efficacious economic structure between the two leagues. Thank you for visiting!


Last summer when I moved to Georgia for a summer internship, I became involved in a project with my cousins to highlight urban soccer in a way that hasn’t been done before. It is common to come across social media pages that showcase young football and basketball players across the nation, but this is not… Read More »

¿Es justo el Balón de Oro?

Antes de entrar en detalle sobre tema título del artículo, explicaré brevemente qué es el Balón de Oro y cómo surgió, como una pequeña introducción para aquellos fanáticos “light” del futbol o que son nuevos en estos temas. El Balón de Oro es un premio que fue creado en el año 1956 por la revista… Read More »

The Political Dilemma of Players

  Just like politics, the world of football has also joined the field where controversies fetch higher scores than the actual goals on the playground. One of the worst victims of this politicization of soccer, in my opinion, are the football players who want to make their independent views about any national or international affairs… Read More »

An Ode to Rebecca from a Rebecca

Premier League mornings tend to look a little different for everyone. There are the diehard fans who camp out on their couches at early hours, with total and utter disregard for the time difference. There are the more casual fans of whom rely on Twitter for commentary and highlights because they accidentally slept through their… Read More »

A World without Soccer? Not Everywhere

As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in cancellation of sports leagues and shuttered stadiums around the world, several countries’ soccer leagues stand as outliers. The Belarus Premier League never ceased play and is the only European league still active, with its stands remaining open to fans. However, teams are drawing fractions of their normal… Read More »

Player-Owner Disputes in English Premier League

I was disappointed but not surprised to read about a labor dispute between English Premier League owners and players. As companies around the world furlough workers, and employees worry about paychecks and unemployment benefits, the Premier League is going through its own labor relations crisis. As New York Times soccer correspondent Rory Smith discusses, players… Read More »