Urban Religion Reading Group First Discussion | The Souls of China: The Return of Religion after Mao by Ian Johnson

Thursday 11 February 09:00 China Time (20:00 EST February 10)

Zoom ID : 975 8445 4966

Passcode: 170411

About the speaker:

Ian Johnson has been engaged with China for the past thirty-five years, writing on long-term social issues such as the country’s search for faith and values, as well as political challenges including efforts to control dissent and history. His most recent book, The Souls of China: The Return of Religion After Mao was named by The Economist and Christian Science Monitor as one of the best books of the year. The online version of the book can be found on Duke library.

About Urban Religion Reading Group:

Urban religion reading group is a reading group on the theme of “Religions and Cities” broadly conceived. In recent years, with the rapid urbanization processes, increaing  academic interests have been turned to religious groups, organizations, sites and practices in the city. This reading group would serve as a portal through which faculty and students alike can engage in direct conversation and exchange with the most current scholarship on religions and cities. In the Spring 2021 semester, four reading group discussions would be held. People will read one book for each discussion, and the author of that book would be invited to join the live discussion.

In this discussion, the chair will first introduce the author and the book briefly and ask the author about the background and the origin of the book, then the floor will be open for discussion. Everyone is welcome to prepare a set of questions or comments for people to discuss. While it would be helpful to read the book before this discussion, everyone who is interested in the topic is welcome to join no matter if you have read the book.