Global Engagements: Asian, African American and Asian American Internationalisms and Solidarities, 1918-2018
An exhibition co-hosted by Duke University and Duke Kunshan University
Co-organizers: Sucheta Mazumdar (Duke) and Selina Lai-Henderson (DKU)
Dates: February 10 – March 10
A major event of the Freedom Lab involves an exhibition on Afro-Asian historic collaborations titled, “Global Engagements: Asian, African American and Asian American Internationalisms and Solidarities, 1918-2018.” It is a Duke-DKU initiative, aiming at introducing students and faculty on both campuses on the important and yet under-studied chapters of Afro-Asian solidarities throughout the 20th and into the 21st century.
Our project aims to create a transnational dialogue by integrating visual and textual materials on Asian and African American encounters, alliances and international exchanges made accessible via exhibits and workshops. Our goal is to produce research and teaching tools for interrogating existing frameworks of knowledge production that invite epistemic rethinking.
Featured Speakers at DKU
Michio Arimitsu, Associate Professor of English, Keio University (Feb 18; details to be announced)
Nico Slate, Professor of History, Carnegie Mellon University
Featured Workshop at Duke University, March 26-27
To be announced soon.