Ruiheng Xu and Daniel Lim, a student and faculty member at Duke Kunshan University, interview Mark Coeckelbergh, Professor of Philosophy of Media and Technology at the University of Vienna, on his new book, AI Ethics (2020 – MIT Press).
Kevin Macnish: Ethics of Surveillance
Runya Liu and Daniel Lim, a student and faculty member at Duke Kunshan University, interview Kevin Macnish, Assistant Professor of Ethics and Information Technology at the University of Twente, on the ethics of surveillance.
Hayley Evans: International Regulation and Killer Robots
Annemieke van den Dool and Daniel Lim, faculty at Duke Kunshan University, interview Hayley Evans, a Frank Knox Research Fellow at Harvard University, on the international regulation of Lethal Autonomous Weapons.
Ron Arkin: Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Runya ‘Agnes’ Liu and Muhammad Usama, undergraduates at Duke Kunshan University, interview Ron Arkin, Regents’ Professor in the College of Computing and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory at Georgia Tech University, on Lethal Autonomous Weapons.
HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface
Ege Duman, a 2nd year DKU undergraduate recently published an open-peer commentary in the American Journal of Bioethics: Neuroscience entitled “The Continuity of BCI-Mediated and Conventional Action.” The article was written with Professor Daniel Lim, Co-Director of the Planetary Ethics and Artificial Intelligence Lab (PETAL).
This is the first paper published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal by a DKU undergraduate with a DKU professor. Continue reading “HRC Student Ege Duman Co-Authors Paper on Brain-Computer Interface”
Paul Scharre: Lethal Autonomous Weapons
Runya ‘Agnes’ Liu, an undergraduate at Duke Kunshan University, and Daniel Lim interview Paul Scharre, Senior Fellow and Director of the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for a New American Security and award-winning author of Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, on Lethal Autonomous Weapons.
Philip Brey: AI and Surveillance
Hsien-Yao Chee and Leonardo Barbara, undergraduates at Duke Kunshan University, interview Philip Brey, Professor of Philosophy of Technology at the University of Twente, on Artificial Intelligence and Surveillance technologies.
Azim Shariff: The Moral Machine Experiment and Autonomous Vehicles
Anika Kuchukova, an undergraduate at Duke Kunshan University, and Daniel Lim interview Azim Shariff, an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, on the Moral Machine Experiment and autonomous vehicles.
Robert Seamans: AI and the Economy
Bella Jia, an undergraduate at Duke Kunshan University, and Daniel Lim interview Robert Seamans, an Associate Professor of Management and Organizations in New York University’s Stern School of Business, on Artificial Intelligence and the Economy.