Continue reading “DKU’s First Hackathon, Hosted by the HRC Anthropocene XR Lab”
HRC Citizenship Lab Grants for Faculty-Student Research Collaboration
The Citizenship Lab invites applications for funding from faculty, Class of 2023, and Class of 2024 students working on or developing Signature Work (SW) projects related to citizenship. Continue reading “HRC Citizenship Lab Grants for Faculty-Student Research Collaboration”
Recovering the Lost Art of Thinking in Education
Selina Lai-Henderson, DKU Associate Professor and American Literature and History and Co-Director of Humanities Research Center’s Freedom Lab, has been invited to speak at “Recovering the Lost Art of Thinking in Education – How to Think like Shakespeare: Lessons from a Renaissance Education ” presented by Princeton University Press.
Date/Time: April 28, 2022, 9-11am Beijing time
Speakers: Scott Newstok
Guest Speakers: David S. Hogsette & Selina Lai-Henderson
The event is open to the public:
The Citizenship Lab Presents: Bicultural approaches to extractivism in the Río de la Plata Basin
This event has passed. You can watch the recording here:
Date & Time: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 @ 9AM China Time
Speaker: Alejandro Meitin
Zoom ID: 933 1519 3947
The Río de la Plata Basin is China’s primary source of soy, and the world’s largest site of soy production. The Basin has become a laboratory to observe the social and ecological consequences of extractive industry, including the spawning of new political and ecological alliances and forms of resistance. Many local artists have focused their work on these urgent issues, asking a series of linked questions: On what territorial imaginaries does monoculture rest? What exercises of political imagination should we perform to move beyond monoculture? How might this lead us to reconceive the relationship between the cultural and the biological?
Speaker Bio:
He is an artist, lawyer, social innovator, and founder of the art collective Ala Plástica (1991-2016) based in the city of La Plata, Argentina. More recently, he founded Casa Río Power to Do Lab, collaborating with youth, farmers, artists, activists, architects, local authorities, and pollution control experts to create international alliances and proposals for wetlands management.
The Classical Confucian Conception of Heaven’s Mandate and Human’s Destiny
The Classical Confucian Conception of Heaven’s Mandate and Human’s Destiny
Time and Date: April 27, 2022, 8:00-9:00pm, China time
Online Webinar: Zoom ID: 979 2614 7323, Passcode: 369690
Speaker: Prof. Jinhua Jia, University of Macau, Wuhan University, Yangzhou University.
Abstract Continue reading “The Classical Confucian Conception of Heaven’s Mandate and Human’s Destiny”
Third Space Lab Presents: Multilingual China – Realities, Key Policies, and Multilingual Education Models
Date/Time: May 5, 2022, 8pm China time
Speakers: Prof Anwei Feng and Prof Bob Adamson
RSVP by May 4th:
Abstract: While the national language is rigorously promoted in China, minority languages and Fangyan (dialects/topolects of Chinese) are still widely used all over the country. Despite apparent tensions, many scholars and policy makers argue that multilingualism benefits both societies as it is crucial for preservation of national language resources, and individuals for their cognitive, affective and economic needs. How multilingual is China? What are the key state policies and practical models found to be adopted to encourage or lessen multilingualism in schools and universities? In this talk, we, the editors of two volumes1&2 that focus on multilingual China, will present an account of the multilingual phenomena in China and address some key challenges facing policy makers and researchers in language education in general.
- Adamson B. and Feng, A.W. (eds.) (2022) Multilingual China: National, Minority, and Foreign Languages. London and New York: Routledge.
- Feng A.W. and Adamson B. (eds.) (2015) Trilingualism in education in China: Models and challenges. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Speaker Bios: Continue reading “Third Space Lab Presents: Multilingual China – Realities, Key Policies, and Multilingual Education Models”
Freedom Lab: Call for Faculty Research Projects
The Freedom Lab is excited to announce that it will support two to four faculty-student research projects. All faculty members are welcome to apply.
Research projects should relate very broadly to the Lab’s theme of “freedom” and “unfreedom.” Please see the Freedom Lab Website for a sense of the kind of work the lab does All research projects must include student researchers, as the funding will be primarily allocated in the form of student research assistantships. Apart from maintaining their research agendas, Faculty and student RA’s must actively participate in the lab’s activities.
To apply, please send a one-page proposal briefly describing your project, the kind of research it requires, and the kind of work student RAs will do.
Proposals can be sent to Selina Lai Henderson ( and Jesse Olsavsky ( by Monday, April 25th.
So far, the Freedom Lab has funded four faculty projects and eight student RA’s, leading to conference presentations, student Signature Work projects, and publications. We hope to continue this support of student and faculty research!
Student Report: Superdeep #9 “Benjamin’s Aura and NFT”
Benjamin’s Aura and NFT Presented by Tian Leiyuan
Reported by Zishuo Wu

This was the last Superdeep meeting in this session. TIAN Leiyuan, presenter of this workshop, brought her audience two delicious pizzas, making the atmosphere in the meeting room marvelous and enjoyable.
To begin, Prof. Nathan Hauthaler introduced the host, TIAN Leiyuan, (image below). Leiyuan is junior majoring in media arts who is also involved in a lot of work in philosophy. In this presentation of “Benjamin’s Aura and NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens),” she shared one of her research projects connecting philosophy in media arts.

First, Leiyuan introduced what NFT arts look like by showing the audience two esteemed NFT artworks. The first one was The Five Fears by the Aeforia collection, a 3D image with peculiar sound effects. The second was Every Day: The first 5000 days (1981).
NFT was described by Leiyuan as a type of unique, indivisible, and indestructible digital verification of purchase recorded on blockchains. Why did NFT emerge? Leiyuan said it offered a way to acknowledge the ownership of reproducible pieces, allowing them to be associated with digital art. Continue reading “Student Report: Superdeep #9 “Benjamin’s Aura and NFT””
Health Humanities Lab’s MediHealth Presents “Sit With Your Emotions”
Health Humanities Lab’s MediHealth Presents: Sit With Your Emotions
A mindfulness break you won’t want to miss with Professor Ben Van Overmeire
Date/Time: Friday, 4/8, 3-3:30pm
Location: Zoom: 925 8818 1112 (Passcode 123)
The Female Robot: Beneath the Skin, Between the Machines Panel Series
Date: Saturday, April 30, 2022
Time: 10:30am-4:30pm
Location: Online (see zoom info below)
Special guests: Bogna Konior, Wang Yanran, Rosa Bartosi, and James Burton
DKU Students-led WORKSHOP
10:30am – 12:00pm (China time)
2-4:30pm (China time)
Continue reading “The Female Robot: Beneath the Skin, Between the Machines Panel Series”