Student Report: Superdeep #8 “Ukraine, Russia, and the Use of Force in International Law”

Superdeep #8 – Ukraine, Russia, and the Use of Force in International Law

Presented by Professor Nathan Hauthaler

Reported by Hantian Zhang (Class of 2025)

In response to current conflict in Ukraine, Professor Nathan Hauthaler delivered a Superdeep legal primer session on “Ukraine, Russia, & the Use of Force in International Law” on March 8th, 2022. Instead of political or philosophical aspects on the use of force, the session focused on legal layer concerning the current conflict in Ukraine. Given that quite a few students reached out on the current conflict in Ukraine, the purpose of the meeting was to provide the general background and legal context as far as it concerns the use of force in international law.

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Student Report: Superdeep #7 “Discrimination and the Metaverse” 

Superdeep #7: “Discrimination & the Metaverse”
Presented by Wei Yi

Reported by Jiahe Yang (class of 2025)

On Mar 4th, 2022, Professor Nathan Hauthaler invited Wei Yi to present the seventh Superdeep workshop. Wei Yi, a senior majoring in data science, gave the presentation about his signature work project themed “Discrimination & the Metaverse”.

The introduction of this workshop states, “both real and virtual worlds are Superdeep.” Bias and discrimination could take place in the virtual space apart from the real world. As the opposite of egalitarianism, there is no uniform definition of discrimination. According to Yi, discrimination is a differentiated treatment toward different cohorts due to the prejudice derived from stereotypes and subjective hatred and will incurs losses to the victims. He pointed out that the extent of losses ranges widely. On the scale of severity, he listed verbal aggression, physical abuse, social exclusion, even genocide as manifestations of discrimination. Thus, the losses could also vary on a different scale, from heartbreaking to life-threatening.

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