Category Archives: Hollande

How We Can Beat the Coronavirus with Dutch Soccer

COVID-19 presents a public health crisis unmatched in the last century. At its onset, the disease seemed troublesome. Forcing fever, dry cough, and sometimes pneumonia in its victims, COVID-19 poses a major, global threat. By now, people around the world are beginning to understand the dire stakes of combating coronavirus with coordination and intensity. The… Read More »

Brilliant Orange, Magnificent Yellow

Football is creative and expressive, however, more often than not, the creativity on the field is an expression of the society off the field. In David Winner’s “Brilliant Orange: The Neurotic Genius of Dutch Soccer” he analyzes how the rise of TotalFootball in Holland during the 1960s reflected a theme of “totality” that was evident… Read More »

Football né de la créativité architecturale

Dans son livre, “Brilliant Orange”, David Winner offre une narration de la naissance du football total dans le context de la culture néerlandaise.  J’étais fascinée par le rôle de la géographie hollandaise dans la façon dont le néerlandais conceptualise le football. Winner explique que, “tout comme Cornelis Lely au XIXe siècle conçut et exécuta l’idée… Read More »