Film Night: Chungking Express

Date/Time: Wed, Jan 11, 6:30pm
Location: IB Auditorium
Food (good pizza) & drinks will be provided

Wednesday night will be the screening of  Wong Kar-Wai’s Chungking Express (1994).  Prof Richard Davis and Prof Seth Henderson will both say a few words of introduction to the film and facilitate a discussion after the screening.

There will be free pizza (from a GOOD place for pizza) starting at 6:20pm. The screening will be at the IB Lecture Hall.

See you there!

Student Report: Superdeep #15 “Relational Egalitarianism & Economic Liberty” by Jiyuan (Dmitry) Sun

Reported by Dongkun Lyu, class of 2025

Dmitry conducted a seminar on “equality” in the field of political philosophy on December 1st. He started with a hook question, “what is the point of equality”, and proposed some possible answer by resorting to the scenario of Titanic story. Continue reading “Student Report: Superdeep #15 “Relational Egalitarianism & Economic Liberty” by Jiyuan (Dmitry) Sun”

Student Report: Mysticism Colloquium

Reported by Siyu Wang, Class of 2025

This is a hybrid colloquium in the theme of mysticism.

On December 2nd and 3rd, Duke Kunshan University’s Humanities Research Center held a colloquium themed on mysticism with three lectures given by Boaz Huss, Benoît Vermander, and Wendell Marsh, one student workshop hosted by Wendell Marsh and three panels with the topic of Practices of (De-)mystification, Mysticism and Modernity East and West, and Mysticism and Technology respectedly. Meanwhile, participants all got the chance to enjoy fine food at Dayu Bay and DKU Executive Dining Hall.

Continue reading “Student Report: Mysticism Colloquium”

Student Report: Superdeep #14 “Knowing One’s Dreams” by Weifan (Michelle) Mo

(The content of this seminar is a part of Michelle Mo’s signature work, interests or further discussion please contact

Reported by Dongkun Lyu, class of 2025

Michelle attracted us by starting with a general discussion of the intended object(s) of our investigations into dreams and distinguished different disciplines and objects of dream research. The first object is a scientific mechanism underlying the phenomenon of dreaming. The second object is the happenings in the dreams (dream contents) which can be divided into two forms, content assisted by third-party empirical evidence and content which appear to the dreamers in a retrospective sense.

Michelle reinterpreted the second form of happenings in dreams and proposed her first claim: Continue reading “Student Report: Superdeep #14 “Knowing One’s Dreams” by Weifan (Michelle) Mo”