During the break between the two Spring sessions, the Humanities Research Center and the Center for the Study of Contemporary China will collaborate to offer an intensive writing retreat from Monday 15 to Friday 19 March. The aim is to offer time and space for DKU faculty to make serious progress on an important project and to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and discussion.
The retreat will take place in a quiet location (TBD) in Jiangsu not too far from Kunshan. Transport from and to DKU, meals, and accommodation will be provided by the two research centers. Faculty are expected to work on their writing projects during the day. An optional light exercise activity such as a walking tour will be offered in the afternoon. Faculty will be grouped into small thematic clusters and invited to discuss their research with their colleagues after dinner in the evening. Each center will fund eight to ten faculty, who will be expected to participate for the full five days.
All DKU faculty working on writing projects broadly related to arts and humanities, interpretive social sciences or contemporary China are eligible to apply. Faculty working on equivalent projects in creative arts, such as editing a film, are also eligible to apply. Priority will be given to tenure-track professors who will make substantial progress on an project relevant to their eventual tenure application. Other applications will be considered if space permits.
Application Process
Applications are due via Qualtrics form by January 31. Faculty will be asked to briefly describe their project, its state of completion, its significance for their research career, and the concrete goals that they hope to achieve by the end of the retreat. Decisions will be made by the center directors and announced within one week.
Further Information
For further information, please contact James Miller, co-director of the Humanities Research Center, or Keping Wu, co-director of the Center for the Study of Contemporary China.