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Duke Heart Pulse — September 3, 2023

Highlights of the week:

In Memoriam: Professor Emeritus, Yihong D. Kong, MD

We were deeply saddened this week to learn of the passing of professor emeritus Yihong David Kong, MD, a long-time interventional cardiologist and cardiovascular pioneer at Duke, on Aug. 29. We extend our condolences to our colleague David Kong, MD, and to his family, on their loss. We’ve utilized the majority of his obituary, provided by the Kong family:

With great reverence, we share the passing of Yihong David Kong, MD, our precious teacher, husband, father, and grandfather. He will be missed dearly by his wife of 60 years, Wen Chi Kao Kong (Ellen), his children David and Stephanie (Charles), and his grandson Wesley.

Born on Feb. 12, 1934, Kong had a challenging wartime childhood in Canton province, China, raised principally by his father, Hok-Shiu Kong, as well as his uncles. He received his MD degree in 1958 from the National Defense Medical Center in Taipei, Taiwan, achieving the rank of Captain in the Republic of China Armed Forces. Graduating at the top of his class, he earned a house staff position at Confederate Memorial Medical Center (now Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center) in Shreveport, Louisiana.

He was then recruited by Drs. Henry McIntosh and Eugene Stead to join the fledgling cardiology division at Duke University. McIntosh held Kong’s expertise with the artificial kidney (dialysis!) in particular esteem. After 13 years of courtship and deliberation, he married his faithful wife and most ardent supporter, Wen Chi Kao Kong, in 1963.

Kong’s seminal scientific work in biplane cineradiographic studies of ventricular wall motion earned him the American College of Cardiology Young Investigator Award in 1967. In concert with Drs. James Morris, Jr., Robert H. “Jess” Peter, and Victor S. Behar, he expanded the cardiac catheterization laboratory at Duke and served as its director from 1971-1981. These collaborations produced important early advances for procedures that are now commonplace, including cardioversion for atrial fibrillation and right heart catheterization from the femoral approach. Kong fully appreciated the potential of Andreas Gruentzig’s initial attempts at coronary balloon angioplasty. In 1977, after a pilgrimage to Zurich University Hospital to learn the technique first-hand, he established a percutaneous revascularization program at Duke.

During the course of his career, Kong was appointed Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, Fellow of the American College of Physicians, and Fellow of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.

A perpetual scientist and educator, he tirelessly inspired others to discover, experiment, and innovate. If an off-the-shelf solution did not exist, he would promptly craft his own, using the heat gun if necessary. In addition to catheter-based technologies, problems in congenital heart disease, electrocardiography, hyperbarics, and epidemiology brought him endless fascination and delight. Like Dr. McIntosh, he cherished bedside clinical acumen and spent many summer Saturdays honing the physical diagnosis skills of Duke medical students. Valuing humility and equanimity, he eschewed personal acclaim and accolades, magnanimously aiming the spotlight toward his many brilliant colleagues and fellows.

After retiring from Duke in 1996, his focus turned to photography, travel, computer science, and technical analysis. True to the Hippocratic Oath, with purity and holiness he passed his life and practiced his art, as an exemplar for the generations who might follow him.

Services will be private. In lieu of flowers, gifts can be made to the Duke Heart Center Gift Fund or to the Duke Friends of Nursing, in memory of Dr. Yihong D. Kong.

Additionally, says David Kong, MD, “You can honor Dad every day by living an honest and righteous life, by asking questions to grow in wisdom, and by patiently answering the inquiries of others.”

We reached out to several current and former faculty members for reflections on their time with Dr. Kong:

“I had the pleasure and privilege of working with Yihong “David” Kong in the late 1980’s. It was the era of “PTCA” (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty), before stents, before IIb/IIIa inhibitors or thienopyridines. David was an iconic early adopter of PTCA, a meticulous operator, and a penultimate professional. And as I got to know his son, Dr. David F. Kong, I learned further how well he balanced his fierce professional commitment with his family as a husband, father and grandfather.”Mitch Krucoff, MD

He was an innovative guy, and kind of quiet. I never heard him complain about anything, he was always kind, unassuming, and very polite. He was a hard worker who contributed a lot, he helped get a lot of papers published.” —  Robert H. “Jess” Peter, MD

“Dr. Yihong Kong was among the cardiac catheterization leaders at Duke when Duke Cardiology was just starting to find its footing in the late 1960s. He, along with Drs. Jess Peter and Vic Behar, developed a catheterization reporting system that eventually fed key information into the Duke Databank for Cardiovascular Disease where follow-up was obtained on all patients. The latter has now evolved several times and has emerged as the DCRI. Throughout the decade of the 1970s, Dr. Kong was Director of the Duke Cath Labs. There was always a rumor that when Dr. Kong joined the faculty, Dr. Eugene Stead was unable to pronounce his first name and told him “for now on I will call you David”. Knowing the power Stead had at Duke in those days, no one ever doubted the story. Certainly, the name stuck, and all of us knew him as Dave Kong after that. The Dr. Kong I knew was always very quiet, humble, gracious and unassuming. He was incredibly meticulous and thoughtful. If the cardiac catheters did not seem to go exactly where he wanted them to go during a case, he loved to get out the heat gun and warm them up in order to bend and curve them to the desired shape. Dr. Kong was devoted to his patients. He was kind to everyone and an excellent teacher. He had an infectious laugh. He will be remembered fondly by all of us who owe our training to him. He was one of the foundational pillars that has made Duke what it has become today.”Thomas M. Bashore, MD

I knew Yihong in basically two phases of my career – during my residency, and as a fellow faculty member. When I was a resident he was famous, internally, for doing long runs of imagery. This was well before the days of digital equipment, so the imaging was on 35-millimeter film, and this was before the time where radiation safety became a metric, of course. So, you would have a patient get an imaging study, then you had to have the film developed, then it would be rolled up and put into a can so that it could be safely stored. Back then, Dr. Kong was always the one who had more than one can for a patient. So, whenever we residents had to run to get the films for Dr. Kong’s patients, you had to absolutely make sure you had all of the correct cans. We nicknamed them ‘Kong Cans’. As an attending, he was really great to work with. He was concise, decisive, and generous – he was especially generous with junior faculty. He was a man of few words, but very objective. That’s how I’ll always remember him – for that, and of course, the Kong cans.”Peter K. Smith, MD


ESC News: Intravenous Iron Treatment Provides Some Benefit to Patients with Heart Failure and Iron Deficiency

More than half of all patients with heart failure experience iron deficiency, which is associated with worse symptoms, poor quality of life, and diminished exercise ability.

A new study led by Duke Health researchers with global collaborators finds an intravenous iron treatment provides a measure of benefit to these patients, but the results are nuanced.

The study was published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine and presented at the European Society of Cardiology Congress on Aug. 26. It evaluated the intravenous drug, ferric carboxymaltose, by looking at data on mortality, heart failure hospitalizations, and exercise capacity from more than 3,000 global study participants over a minimum follow-up period of 12 months.

While the results didn’t meet the study’s higher threshold for statistical significance, the therapy demonstrated a numerical improvement across mortality, heart failure hospitalizations, and exercise capacity. The research team also noted results from a pre-specified pooled analysis with two previous studies of ferric carboxymaltose in heart failure, all comparing the drug to placebo for a fuller look at the available data.

Robert Mentz

“In the broader review using all three studies, we saw a 14% reduction in cardiovascular deaths and total cardiovascular hospitalizations and a 12% reduction in cardiovascular death or heart failure hospitalization events overall across data from more than 4,500 participants collectively,” said cardiologist Robert Mentz, MD, corresponding author of the study, associate professor in the Department of Medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, and member of the Duke Clinical Research Institute

“As a practicing heart failure cardiologist, I have felt comfortable prescribing intravenous iron for patients with heart failure prior to this study given the known benefits on improvement in quality of life and exercise capacity,” Mentz said. “Now that we have these results, we have important additional data that show this therapy has potential benefits on clinical outcomes, which could help a broad group of patients with heart failure and iron deficiency across the globe.”

The study was funded by American Regent, Inc., which manufactures ferric carboxymaltose, and is part of the Daiichi Sankyo Group. 

In addition to Mentz, study authors include Jyotsna Garg, Frank W. Rockhold, Javed Butler, Carmine G. De Pasquale, Justin A. Ezekowitz, Gregory D. Lewis, Eileen O’Meara, Piotr Ponikowski, Richard W. Troughton, Yee Weng Wong, Lilin She, Josephine Harrington, Robert Adamczyk, Nicole Blackman, and Adrian F. Hernandez (Duke authors in bold).


Wang Visits Moi Teaching Hospital

We’re excited to have an update from Dr. Andrew Wang regarding his recent visit to the team at Moi Teaching Hospital:

“I am most grateful for the recent opportunity to have visited the Moi University Regional Teaching Hospital (MTRH) and AMPATH program in Eldoret, Kenya. Since 2009, Duke cardiology (under the leadership of Drs. Eric Velazquez, Jerry Bloomfield and Titus Ngeno) and the Hubert-Yeargen Center for Global Health have provided foundational support for developing a Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Disease Center of Excellence initially funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and, since 2013, developed a cardiology fellowship program and cardiac intensive care unit. The fellowship program has trained all of the five busy cardiology faculty at MTRH and has two current fellows. MTRH is now building a cardiac imaging center with cardiac catheterization lab and cardiac MRI suite which will open in 2024.

During my 8 day visit at the MTRH, I had many diverse, meaningful experiences including rounding in the 10-bed Hock Family CCU (with lots of rheumatic heart disease and infective endocarditis cases), teaching fellows, medical and clinical officers, engaging with their cardiology faculty and staff, and learning about the amazing work of AMPATH in Kenya and the Kenyan health care system. I am extremely thankful to Jerry, Titus, and the Hubert-Yeargen Center (Cynthia Binanay, Corrie Walson and Dr. Rebecca Lumsden) for their help in arranging this very memorable and special visit. I look forward to facilitating interactions with their program. Of note, the first two faculty who completed their cardiology fellowship program, Drs. David Lagat and Joan Kiyeng, will be visiting Duke Heart for several weeks in October, so please welcome them soon.”

Thanks for the update, Andrew! We look forward to meeting David and Joan when they visit next month.


Pencina Named Chief Data Scientist

Michael Pencina, PhD, vice dean for data science, professor of biostatistics and bioinformatics at Duke University School of Medicine, and director of Duke AI Health, has been named Duke Health’s first chief data scientist.

Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean Mary E. Klotman, MD, and Duke University Health System Chief Executive Officer Craig Albanese, MD, MBA, announced Pencina’s appointment.

“In the current era of rapid expansion of AI and data science, we created this new role in recognition of the need for a well-articulated strategy for Duke Health that spans and connects both our academic and our clinical missions,” Klotman and Albanese said in their announcement. “Dr. Pencina will facilitate a strategic planning process to best align our priorities and resources and to build upon Duke’s national leadership in trustworthy AI.”

Pencina will also partner with key leaders in Duke University School of Medicine and Duke University Health System to leverage and expand the opportunities afforded by the recently announced partnerships with Microsoft and nference.

As chief data scientist, Pencina will report to Klotman, DUHS Chief Digital Officer Jeffrey Ferranti, MD, and DUHS Chief Medical Officer Richard Shannon, MD. In addition, he will work in close partnership and alignment with the Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics and the Department of Population Health Sciences.

Pencina is uniquely qualified to bridge data science, health care, and AI. As vice dean for data science in the School of Medicine, he is responsible for developing and implementing quantitative science strategies as they pertain to the education and training and laboratory, clinical science, and data science missions of the School of Medicine. Previously, he served as director of biostatistics at the Duke Clinical Research Institute.

Pencina will continue spearheading Duke’s role as founding partner for the Coalition for Health AI, whose mission is to increase trustworthiness of AI by developing guidelines to drive high-quality health care through adoption of credible, fair, and transparent health AI systems. He is an internationally recognized authority in evaluation of artificial intelligence tools and algorithms for health expert panels, and guideline groups frequently rely on his work to advance best practices for application of algorithms in clinical medicine.


Kudos to Gaca & Team!

A grateful patient sent a thank you note to the leadership of Duke University Hospital, remarking on the level of care and service they were recently provided by Dr. Jeff Gaca and the surgical support teams. In part, the patient wrote:

As a patient going thru the biggest surgery in my life, I couldn’t have asked for better care (or) a better surgeon, Dr. Gaca. I think you could be extremely proud of so many individuals involved in my care. If I was a part of the leadership team I’d be proud! These were exceptional persons involved in the care I experienced, something I will never forget.” — name withheld for privacy

The card went to Dr. Craig Albanese and was subsequently shared with all of Duke Heart’s leadership team — and we wanted to share it with each of you, since it takes every single one of us working together to make this type of care possible.

From Dr. Albanese: “Thank you for all you & your teams do every day for our patients – your impact is truly life-changing.”

Jeff – thanks for your excellent leadership and for exemplifying our team values!


Shout-out to Milano & Team!

David Gallagher, DUHS Chief Medical Officer, shared  an observation with us this week, as well as some terrific comments his team recently received regarding care provided by Carmelo Milano and his team. Here is what he wrote:

Carmelo Milano

Dear Carmelo, This week we’ve received a few more patient compliments on you and your team! Thank you again so much for the wonderful care you deliver to your patients. In the time that I’ve been CMO and reviewing these compliments and distributing them, you’ve been the leading physician at Duke Hospital in terms of volumes of these wonderful heartfelt notes from patients regarding your great care. Thanks again very much for everything that you do here at Duke, and have a great week!”David Gallagher, MD

“I received excellent care from all of the nurses, NPs, physicians, EKG techs, CNAs, lab techs and cleaning staff! You have wonderful staff that go above and beyond. Dr. Milano provides the best care I could have ever asked for.” – grateful patient, name withheld for privacy

I underwent CABG with Dr. Milano, I was a new patient at Duke Univ. Hospital and I received the most compassionate, respectful and “top-notch” care during my entire stay. I was blown away with the quality of care/service that I received. I was a long way from home, but attending Duke was the best choice I have ever made! Thank you for going above and beyond.”grateful patient, name withheld for privacy

Way to go, Carmelo!

Kudos to Duke Heart Team Excellence!

We received a note this week from cardiac anesthesiologist Mihai Podgoreanu, MD, regarding outstanding care and collaboration provided by members of our Duke Heart team:

“I want to highlight an example of extraordinary team care and communication from this Tuesday. An unfortunate type-A dissection patient arrived via helicopter with evidence of hemopericardium/pericardial tamponade and hypotensive on arrival, prompt arterial line insertion by our outstanding CTICU team, transfer to the OR within 10 min of arrival, uneventful anesthetic induction and incision within an hour of arrival at Duke. Underwent a textbook ascending repair/hemiarch/David valve-sparing operation by the talented Williams-squared team – and is now extubated in the CTICU and ready for floor soon.

The fact that this level of team mobilization occurred while a simultaneous level 1 cardiogenic shock case was being rushed to the operating room is just the icing on the cake and the difference between good and great. My gratitude to all parties involved and included on this email.” Mihai Podgoreanu, MD

Team members included Adam Williams, Aaron Williams, Scott Snider, Jacqueline Sisto, Bryan Chow, Keith Vandusen, Angelique Arengo, Christine Hayes, Kristen Leroy, Kaitlin Liska, Joshua Watson, Sydney Parker, Shellie Robbins, and Feifei Shi.

“Mihai, first thanks for recognizing the excellence of the team caring for this patient. Kudos to the entire team that made this fantastic care and outcome possible. The care provided by the Duke Heart team is unlike anywhere in the world. I hope each of you will take time to celebrate your amazing talent and the team’s success  – – and again, thank you for all you do each and every day.” – Jill Engel

Nicely done, team!

CTS Residents & Fellows Celebrated

Our cardiovascular and thoracic surgery residents and fellows were celebrated with a pool party last weekend at the home of Dr. Edward P. Chen, chief of the division. The event, planned by Drs. Betty Tong, Jeff Keenan, and Doug Overbey included faculty, fellows, residents, and their family members. Attendance was excellent and a great time was had by all! We’re so grateful for the support shown to all of our residents and fellows.


Many thanks to all who joined us!


Hitting with Heart Tourney results

The Duke Heart 7th Annual Hitting with Heart softball tournament was a great success! The event, held last weekend at the Valley Springs Park athletic fields in Durham, included 13 teams from across DUHS – our largest field of competition yet. All told, roughly 250 people, including players, attended the tournament.

Congratulations to Duke’s vascular interventional radiology team – they took home the 2023 title! The first-time tournament winners were undefeated throughout the entire tournament. Nicely done!

A huge shout-out to Jason Stokes and Jessica Seabrooks, assistant nurse managers on 7 West for all their work to plan and execute the tournament – and thank you to each of our teams for joining us this year, including Duke Engineering & Operations; Duke Birthing Center; Clinical Engineering; the PRT; DRAH Sleep Center; DUH Units 3100/7300; Vascular IR; CTOR; CSC; DMP 6 East, DMP 7 West, and Hospitalists.

A portion of the proceeds from this event helps to support the Triangle Heart Walk. Thanks, everyone! We hope you will join us again next year.


Consumer Engagement Opportunity: Heart Walk

If you or your team would be interested in space for patient education or consumer outreach at the upcoming Triangle Heart Walk on Oct. 8, please reach out to Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart, by Sept. 15. We may have space available for you in our Duke Health sponsorship tent! This can be a great way to engage with consumers from across the Triangle regarding our service offerings.

Note: You must be able to send a representative (or two) who can be at the sponsorship tent while it’s open. If interested, email tracey.koepke@duke.edu.


Symposium Will Celebrate Lefkowitz’s 50 Years at Duke

“Celebrating Scientific Discoveries that Advance Human Health” is a scientific symposium that will be held in celebration of Robert J. Lefkowitz’s 50 years at Duke. Open to the public on October 2-3, 2023, in Page Auditorium, this event will include scientific presentations from 7 Nobel Laureates as well as other eminent scientists. The event also includes a special leadership session with Coach K, Executive Vice President for Health Affairs and Dean Mary E. Klotman, President Vincent Price, and Dr. Lefkowitz, led by Dr. Sim Sitkin.

October 2-3, 2023, Page Auditorium, Duke University

All faculty, staff, trainees, and students are welcome to attend.

For more information, the full schedule, and event registration please visit: https://medschool.duke.edu/celebrating-scientific-discoveries.


Flu Vaccination Season

As a reminder, DUHS requires all team members to comply with our flu vaccination policy by either being vaccinated annually against the flu or receiving an approved exemption. Our vaccination campaign begins on September 21!

Sept. 21 – Flu vaccination season begins

Oct. 24 – Application deadline for medical/religious exemption

Nov. 7 – (10 a.m.) Deadline for staff vaccination (or granted exemption)

Questions about the flu vaccine? Please contact StopTheFlu@duke.edu or EOHWflu@dm.duke.edu.      


ICYMI: Leadership Town Hall Recording Now Available

Thank you to everyone who was able to join the DUHS August Leadership Town Hall. For those of you who were unable to join the live event, a recording of the presentation is now available on Leadership Café.

If you or your team members are interested in booking a bedside musician like William Dawson, please fill out this Qualtrics form to request their time.

The next Leadership Town Hall will take place on Tuesday, September 26, 2023, from 12:00pm-12:45pm.


Upcoming Events & Opportunities

September is National AFib Awareness Month!

Medicine Grand Rounds

Sept. 8: Poverty and Equal Dignity in North Carolina with UNC professor of law, Gene Nichol. 8 a.m., DN 2002.

CD Fellows Core Curriculum Conferences

Sept. 8: Oral Anticoagulants with Christopher Granger. Noon, Zoom only.

Cardiology Grand Rounds

CGR will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 12!

DCRI Research Forum

Sept. 26: A fireside chat with NIMHD director Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD. Noon. Zoom only.

PWIM: Community Gathering, Sept. 6

In honor of Women in Medicine Month, we are excited to invite all Department of Medicine faculty and trainees to the Program for Women in Internal Medicine (PWIM) Community Gathering on Wednesday, September 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Honeysuckle at Lakewood.

The event will be a fun night of collaboration and good conversation, including:

  • “Speed Mentoring,” where faculty will be stationed at different tables to answer trainee and faculty career questions; and a pearls of wisdom moment with special guest DOM Chair Dr. Kathleen Cooney, MD, MACP
  • Beverages and snacks

Mark your calendars now and join us as we honor and recognize the contributions of women in medicine!

If you have questions or need additional information, please email Dr. Daniella Zipkin at daniella.zipkin@duke.edu.

Duke Caregiver Community Event

Sept. 7: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Durham, NC.

More information available. Registration required. $10 for family caregivers; $75 for professionals in the caregiving industry.

Duke Financial Fitness Week, Sept. 11-14

Duke HR invites all employees to participate in their upcoming Financial Fitness Week. They are offering a series of free webinars designed to assist you in assessing your retirement readiness, making informed financial decisions, and unlocking the potential for financial freedom.

The full schedule of events and registration links are available here: https://duke.is/c/qc2t 

CME: Special Care for Pregnant Hearts, Sept. 20

A newly developed CME offering for OBGYNs, PCPs, family medicine physicians and anesthesiologists will take place Wed., Sept. 20 from 6:30 – 8:30. Special Care for Pregnant Hearts, a multi-disciplinary approach to pregnant patients with cardiovascular disease will be held virtually. Presenters include Drs. Jeff Federspiel, Cary Ward, Tori Spates, Sarah Snow, and Marie-Louise Meng.

To learn more and for registration, please visit https://obgyn.duke.edu/education-training/continuing-medical-education.

Duke Football Healthcare Appreciation Day: Sept 30

Duke Football invites all Duke Health employees to Healthcare Appreciation Day on Saturday, September 30 when they take on Notre Dame in Wallace Wade Stadium! As a token of appreciation, all healthcare workers, families, and friends can purchase discounted tickets here: https://duke.is/9/ne4n

Sept. 30: Duke Football vs. Notre Dame. Time TBA.

SOM Academic New Faculty Orientation: Oct. 16 & 17

If you were hired in the past 3 years and haven’t attended New Faculty Orientation yet, please plan to attend. While content specifically targets newer faculty, all are welcome and many topics are applicable to all faculty, regardless of career stage. Event will be held in the Trent Semans Center and is hosted by the Duke School of Medicine.

To see the agenda and learn more, visit: https://medschool.duke.edu/about-us/faculty-resources/faculty-development/our-programs/school-medicine-academic-new-faculty.

To register: https://dukefacdev.wufoo.com/forms/qr1ae7g1aoyckd/

Questions? Contact the School of Medicine Office for Faculty at facdev@dm.duke.edu.  

Black Men in Medicine: Speed Mentoring

October 24, 5:30-7:00 p.m., Trent Semans, Classroom 4

Black Men in Medicine (BMIM) is introducing a “Speed Mentoring” event, where structured conversations will facilitate meaningful connections, potentially paving the way for future mentorships, research partnerships, and avenues for career advancement. The upcoming BMIM gathering presents an opportunity to expand your network, exchange ideas, and delve into collaborative ventures with individuals who share your aspirations and experiences.

Join us for an evening of inspiration and interaction, where the power of connection awaits.

Dinner will be provided – but registration is required!

Featured Faculty:

  • Joseph Jackson, MD, Associate Professor of Pediatrics
  • Kafui Dzirasa, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and Neurosciences
  • Kevin Thomas, MD, Professor of Medicine
  • Leon Herndon, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology
  • Opeyemi Olabisi, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine
  • Rory Goodwin, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery
  • Wilton Williams, PhD, Associate Professor of Surgery

Who Should attend? Any faculty member, trainee, or student in the Schools of Medicine and Nursing, of any race or gender, who supports the objective of BMIM are invited to attend. Black males in these roles are strongly encouraged to attend. This includes trainees and students across the continuum including medical, physical therapy, PA, MBS and residents, fellows, and post-doctoral candidates. 

Questions? Email fiona.johann@duke.edu

15th Annual NC RTP Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium

Nov. 17: The 15th annual NC Research Triangle Pulmonary Hypertension Symposium will be held on Friday, November 17th at the Durham Convention Center. Faculty directors will be H. James Ford, MD, director of the PH program at UNC, and Terry Fortin, MD, co-director of the Pulmonary Vascular Disease Center at Duke. Registration coming soon!

Have news to share?

If you have news to share with the Pulse readership, please contact Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart at tracey.koepke@duke.edu. We would love to hear about your latest accomplishments, professional news, cool happenings, and any events or opportunities that may be of interest to our Duke Heart family. Please call with any questions: 919-681-2868. Feedback on Pulse is welcome and encouraged. Submissions by Noon, Wednesdays, to be considered for weekend inclusion.

Duke Heart in the News:

August 25 — Sana Al-Khatib


Treating atrial high-rate episodes with edoxaban not effective, may be harmful


August 26 — Robert Mentz

ESC Newsroom

Trial of ferric carboxymaltose in heart failure does not meet primary endpoint


August 26 — Manesh Patel


STOPDAPT-3: Don’t Skip Out on Aspirin Immediately After PCI


August 26 — Robert Mentz

HCP Live

Role of Intravenous Iron in Spotlight At ESC Congress 2023


August 26 — Robert Mentz


IV iron modestly improves HFrEF outcomes but misses prespecified endpoint: HEART-FID


August 26 — Robert Mentz


IV Iron Shows Only Modest Benefit in HF: HEART-FID


August 26 — Robert Mentz


IV Iron in HF Misses (Again) in HEART-FID, but Meta-analysis Sees a Role


August 26 — Robert Mentz

Medpage Today

Iron Infusions Narrowly Miss the Mark for Clinical Benefit in Heart Failure


August 26 — Robert Mentz

ACC Journal

HEART-FID: Ferric Carboxymaltose Fails to Significantly Improve Outcomes in Patients With HFrEF, Iron Deficiency


August 26 — Jacob Schroder

WKRC-TV/Local12.com (Cincinnati, OH)

Newer heart transplant method could allow more patients a chance at lifesaving surgery


August 27 — Manesh Patel


ADVENT: Pulsed-Field Ablation for Paroxysmal AF Performs Well vs Thermal Systems


August 28 — Allison Dimsdale

Health Leaders

What does nursing practice redesign look like at your organization?


August 28 — Christopher Granger

Medpage Today

Immune Suppressant Stumbles for Acute Myocarditis in Early Data


August 29 — Renato Lopes

Medpage Today

No Aspirin After PCI? Extended P2Y12 Monotherapy? Trials Weigh In


August 30 — Robert Mentz

Physicians Weekly

ESC: Treating Iron Deficiency May Not Aid Heart Failure Patients


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