Highlights of the week:
ACC.22: Looking Back
There were so many excellent presentations across ACC – great job, everyone! Sana Al-Khatib submitted the following thoughts to us regarding the outstanding presentations by our cardiology fellows:
It was very uplifting to connect with friends and colleagues at ACC22 and learn about the latest scientific discoveries that will benefit our patients. To me, the main highlight of the meeting was our fellows’ strong presence and participation.
Vishal Rao gave a very informative and interesting presentation on intravascular blood volume analysis and hemodynamic measures of vascular compliance in patients hospitalized with heart failure. Kelly Arps did a great job presenting novel data on time to relapse after weaning immune suppressive therapy in cardiac sarcoidosis. Vanessa Blumer gave a very engaging and insightful presentation on whether a PA catheter is needed for the cardiogenic shock patient (to which my answer is always ‘yes ’; my view on this has not changed since my fellowship ). Josephine Harrington did an excellent job presenting powerful data on NOAC use in patients with atrial fibrillation and reduced renal function in the COMBINE-AF database (the largest analysis on this topic to date). Anthony Peters gave a very important and clinically relevant presentation on decongestion, quality of life and outcomes among patients hospitalized for HFrEF versus HFpEF. Michelle Kelsey masterfully facilitated a discussion on managing the patient with obesity, new onset diabetes, and a family history of CV disease. Both Josephine and Vanessa did a great job moderating poster sessions.
Seeing our fellows share their research findings and knowledge on a national stage was incredibly rewarding. Indeed, having the opportunity to work with superb trainees is one of the best aspects of our work at Duke. Kudos to our fellows and the faculty mentoring them!
We agree, Sana! Our trainees are superb and we are so proud of them!
Additionally, Schuyler Jones let us know that the VALOR HCM team presented positive trial results on Saturday at ACC. Duke was the 6th highest enrolling site and Kim Biever was one of the CRCs recognized on the enrollment ranking. Great job, Kim and to Duke’s VALOR HCM team!
We also learned that Midge Bowers led Cardio-OB simulations at ACC. Way to go!
Our late-breaker teams received quite a bit of news coverage this week. Check it out below in our news section.
Mentz Recognized with Master CardioNerd Award
We were thrilled to learn this week that Robert Mentz was selected for the Master CardioNerd Award by the CardioNerds team.
“It is with the utmost respect, gratitude, and privilege that we offer you the Master CardioNerd Award. This honor is awarded to a faculty who ‘supports the mission to democratize cardiovascular education.’
The CardioNerds Clinical Trials Network is a major credit to your mentorship, innovation, and vision. We are hopeful that the lessons from this program will be applicable to other subspecialties as we learn how best to enhance trial enrollment that is both efficient and equitable as well as nurture careers in clinical research.
We are also very excited to produce the Decipher the Guidelines Series for the 2022 HF Guidelines with yourself and Dr. Anu Lala as Series Mentors.
CardioNerds is just a 28-month old toddler. Your constant support, mentorship, and encouragement has helped us mature into the platform it is today. We are eternally grateful and will continue benefiting from your inspiration as we look beyond our terrible twos.”
The message was signed by CardioNerds co-founders Amit Goyal, MD, cardiovascular fellow at the Cleveland Clinic and Daniel Ambinder, MD, interventional/structural cardiology fellow at Johns Hopkins.
The video is a must-see: https://twitter.com/i/status/1512374750114459654
Congratulations, Rob!!!
Rymer, Greene Receive AHA Career Development Awards
Congratulations to Jennifer Rymer, MD and Stephen Greene, MD! Both have
been notified that they’ll be receiving Career Development Awards from the American Heart Association.
Rymer’s project title is Implementation of a Medication Adherence Instrument Among Patients with Symptomatic Peripheral Artery Disease after PVI. Her mentors include: Tracy Wang, Schuyler Jones, Hayden Bosworth, Sharron Docherty, and Manesh Patel. Her funding is for three years, effective April 1.
Greene’s project title is Use and Effectiveness of Outpatient Intravenous Diuretic Therapy as Treatment of Worsening Heart Failure. He will study the clinical and economic implications of treating select patients with worsening heart failure using an outpatient IV diuretic strategy, as compared with a traditional strategy centered on hospitalization. His mentors include G. Michael Felker, Adrian Hernandez, Brad Hammill, Javed Butler of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, and Greg Fonarow at UCLA. Funding is for three years, effective April 1.
Such great news! Congratulations!
Kudos to Glower
We received the following note regarding Donald Glower, MD:
“Good Afternoon, I had the opportunity to spend time this afternoon with a patient who was being discharged from 3300 after valve surgery by Dr. Glower. He was effusive in his praise for his team. He noted that Dr. Glower communicated well and rounded on him, personally, often 2 times/day. He felt lucky to have had the very best for his surgery. He noted that his nurses, especially all in the ICU (whose names he could not recall) and Connie on 3300 were outstanding. He also called out by name Valerie, who kindly took his food order and was so professional and caring. He feels like he has a new lease on life and is grateful for your care. Thank you all for the part you have played and please forward this to those whose last names I do not have. Very best wishes, Lisa”
Lisa Clark Pickett MD FACS
Assistant Professor of Surgery and Medicine, Duke University & Chief Medical Officer, Duke University Hospital
Great work, Don!
Harpole Named Geller Distinguished Professor
We are pleased to share with you that thoracic surgeon David H. Harpole, Jr., MD, professor of surgery in the Division of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, will be named the George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor for Research in Cancer effective July 1, 2022.
Wonderful news, David! Congratulations!!
Kudos to Carlisle
We received the following note regarding cardiology fellow Matt Carlisle:
“Dr. Matt Carlisle came to see a rapidly decompensating patient in the Emergency Department recently. He had just began his shift when he received a phone call from the ED Cardiology Consult provider about an unstable patient. He came immediately to bedside to assess the patient. Ultimately, he placed an urgent temporary pacemaker in the patient. Dr. Matt Carlisle is always attentive to patient needs, and is super kind and helpful to his coworkers.” — Jordan Hausladen, Advanced Practice Provider, Division of Cardiology
Way to go, Matt!
Duke Sonographers Attend NCUS
The North Carolina Ultrasound Society’s 42nd annual Spring Symposium was held last weekend in Wilmington, NC. Congratulations to the Duke Heart CDU and Duke Cardiac Ultrasound Program for representing Duke at the conference this year!
Cardiac Sonographer Jon Owensby gave the Saturday morning lecture on Aortic Stenosis Evaluation and cardiac sonographer Jayne Leypoldt gave the Sunday morning lecture on Mitral Regurgitation; student Courtney Snyder entered the Scientific Exhibit competition, winning 3rd place for a stellar exhibit on Pericardiocentesis!
We have an incredible and active sonography team within Duke Heart! Great job!
Duke Heart Network Visit to Frey Regional
Members of the Duke Heart Network and Duke Heart leadership team received a warm welcome at Frey Regional during a site visit held on March 21.
Shown L-R are: Jill Engel, Katie Troxler, Desiree Bonadonna, Lisa Kotyra, Trevor Krawchuk, Dr. Edward P. Chen, Dr. Brett Starr (CT surgeon at Frey) and Pam Peaks.
Palma Appointed Commissioner for CAAHEP
Richard Palma, program director of the Duke Cardiac Ultrasound Certificate Program, has been appointed as a commissioner for the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) representing Hospital/VA Based Educational Institutions.
His 3-year term began late last month. Congratulations, Richie!
Join the NC Walk for Victory, April 23 – Support Marfan!
We are looking forward to the upcoming NC Walk for Victory in support of the Marfan Foundation and the many families they help. The walk is coming up on Saturday, April 23. Event details are below, under “events”. We have 125 registered participants with seven new families joining the walking teams from 2021. Please consider joining us! To learn more, visit: https://duke.is/phzdy.
COVID-19 Updates
Second Booster Shot Available for Eligible Faculty, Staff and Students
Duke is now offering second booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine for eligible faculty, staff and students over the age of 50, as well as anyone who is considered severely immunocompromised to increase their protection against severe disease.
Following approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week, Duke will offer the Pfizer vaccine as a second booster shot for those who have had their first booster shot at least four months ago. The second booster shot is not currently required for Duke students, faculty or staff, but it is offered as an option for those who are eligible.
Second booster shots are available by appointment or walk-in at the Duke Medical Pavilion in Conference Room 2w91, Duke Clinic 1J, Duke Regional Hospital and Duke Raleigh Hospital. For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit the Duke COVID Vaccine website. Eligible faculty, staff and students are also encouraged to consider vaccination options at local pharmacies or their healthcare provider.
All the latest Clinical Operations updates related to COVID can be found at https://covid-19.dukehealth.org. Patient-facing resources on DukeHealth.org can be found here: https://www.dukehealth.org/covid-19-update/resources. Duke University maintains a resource page as well, which can be accessed here: https://coronavirus.duke.edu/updates/for-staff.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities
Cardiology Grand Rounds
April 19: Treating the Epidemic after the Pandemic with Mark Newman (University of Kentucky). 5 p.m. In-person, DN2002. Online link coming soon.
April 20: Alignment for a Healthier State (Reves Lecture) with Mark Newman (University of Kentucky). 7 a.m. In-person, DN 2001. Online link coming soon.
Dr. Mark Newman currently serves as Executive Vice President of Health Affairs at the University of Kentucky. The Reves Visiting Professorship and Lecture is supported by the philanthropic efforts of our donors in honor of Jerry Reves, MD, former chair of Duke Anesthesiology and a co-founder of Duke Heart Center. Note: seating for the in-person lectures will be limited to half the room capacity due to COVID protocols.
Duke Heart CME
April 23: Duke Sports Cardiology & Sudden Death in Athletes Symposium with course directors Jim Daubert and Bill Kraus. Virtual. For information or to register, please visit: https://duke.is/gkffw. If you have additional questions, please contact Christy Darnell christy.darnell@duke.edu or 919-880-8686.
Marfan NC Walk for Victory, April 23
The North Carolina Walk for Victory to support Marfan patients and their families will take place on Saturday, April 23, 2022 from Noon to 3 p.m. at Laurel Hills Park on Edwards Mill Road in Raleigh.
Duke Heart is proud to serve as the presenting sponsor and we are excited for Chad Hughes, MD to serve as medical chair for the walk.
Please help us support all Marfan families as well as those with Loeys-Dietz (LDS), Vascular Ehlers-Danlos (VEDS), and related conditions. Donate or come join us at the event! Parking is easy to access and free.
Walk for Victory is The Marfan Foundation’s global walk program. The event is low-key, fun and family-oriented. To learn more or to register for this event, please visit: https://give.marfan.org/event/2022-north-carolina-walk-for-victory/e353032.
To learn more about The Marfan Foundation, please visit marfan.org.
MDEpiNet Spring 2022 Virtual Mini-Think Tank
May 5: MDEpiNet Spring 2022 Virtual Mini-Think Tank. Noon – 5:30 p.m., ET
MDEpiNet Predictable And SuStainable Implementation Of National CardioVascular Registries (PASSION CVR) Registry-Supported Prospective Clinical Trials
Join and invite your colleagues to join for updates from, and dialogues across our Registry-supported Prospective Trials Working Groups:
- Data Governance & Access
- Operational Roles & Responsibilities
- Global Regulatory Acceptance
- Use Cases:
- Aortic Intervention
- Heart Valves
- Mechanical Circulatory Support
- Peripheral Arterial Intervention
Registration now open: https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2f6JBD6WfaF9jBc.
Have news to share?
If you have news to share with the Pulse readership, please contact Tracey Koepke, director of communications for Duke Heart at tracey.koepke@duke.edu. We would love to hear about your latest accomplishments, professional news, cool happenings, and any events or opportunities that may be of interest to our Duke Heart family. Please call with any questions: 919-681-2868. Feedback on Pulse is welcome and encouraged. Submissions by Noon, Wednesdays, to be considered for weekend inclusion.
Duke Heart in the News:
March 31 — Harold Koenig (psychiatry) and Rachel Tobin (internal medicine)
Spiritual Interventions Improve QOL, Outcomes in HF
April 3 — Sean Pokorney and Jonathan Piccini
Cardiac Rhythm News
ACC.22: Analysis shows low rate of device removal in case of CIED infection
April 4 — Robert Mentz
CBS News*
*carried by 152 additional news outlets
April 4 — Manesh Patel and Jonathan Piccini
New type of anti-clotting drug reduces bleeding incidents among patients with atrial fibrillation
April 4 — Stephen Greene
Practical Cardiology
Q&A on SODIUM-HF and Impact of Salt Restriction, with Stephen Greene, MD
April 4 — Sean Pokorney
Just 18% of patients have their infected heart devices removed, even though removal is recommended
April 4 — Sean Pokorney and Jonathan Piccini
Cardiology Today
Most patients with implantable device infections do not receive extraction
April 4 — Sean Pokorney
Most Infected Cardiac Implanted Electronic Devices Not Removed Fast Enough
April 4 — Sean Pokorney
Modern Healthcare
Doctors aren’t removing infected heart implants, resulting in patient deaths, study finds
April 4 — G. Michael Felker
Experimental heart failure drug has little impact on exercise tolerance
April 4 — G. Michael Felker
Cardiovascular Business
Cholesterol medications, flu shots and heart failure: Day 2 at ACC.22
April 4 — Manesh Patel
Endpoints News
Running behind Bristol Myers and J&J, Bayer inches forward in the next-gen blood thinner race
April 5 — Sean Pokorney and Jonathan Piccini
Medtech Dive
Nearly 80% of patients with infection following cardiac implant not treated appropriately: study
April 5 — Stephen Greene
Practical Cardiology
Don’t Miss a Beat: ACC.22 Recap of DIAMOND, SODIUM-HF, and PROMPT-HF
April 5 — Sean Pokorney
Few Patients Have Infected Heart Devices Removed Despite Lifesaving Benefits
April 6 — Manesh Patel
Less Bleeding With Factor XI Inhibitor Anticoagulant? PACIFIC-AF
April 6 — G. Michael Felker
Medical Dialogues
Omecamtiv Mecarbil Has Little Impact on Exercise Tolerance in HF Patient: METEORIC-HF Trial
April 6 — Sean Pokorney
Extraction of infected implanted cardiac devices rare, despite guidelines
April 7 — Sean Pokorney
Extraction of Infected Implanted Cardiac Devices Rare, Despite Guidelines
Division of Cardiology Publications Indexed in PubMed March 31 – April 6, 2022
Avezum Á, Oliveira GBF, Oliveira H, Lucchetta RC, Pereira VFA, Dabarian AL, D O Vieira R, Silva DV, Kormann APM, Tognon AP, De Gasperi R, Hernandes ME, Feitosa ADM, Piscopo A, Souza AS, Miguel CH, Nogueira VO, Minelli C, Magalhães CC, Morejon KML, Bicudo et al. Hydroxychloroquine versus placebo in the treatment of non-hospitalised patients with COVID-19 (COPE – Coalition V): A double-blind, multicentre, randomised, controlled trial. Lancet Reg Health Am 2022 Jul;11:100243. PM: 35378952.
Bishawi M, Lee FH, Abraham DM, Glass C, Blocker SJ, Cox DJ, Brown ZD, Rockman HA, Mao L, Slaba TC, Dewhirst MW, Truskey GA, Bowles DE. Late onset cardiovascular dysfunction in adult mice resulting from galactic cosmic ray exposure. iScience 2022 Mar 16;25(4):104086. PM: 35378858.
Coylewright M, Dodge SE, Bachour K, Hossain S, Zeitler EP, Kearing S, Douglas PS, Holmes D, Reddy VY, Nair D. Women in procedural leadership roles in cardiology: The Women In Local Leadership (WILL) observational study. Heart Rhythm 2022 Apr;19(4):623-629. PM: 34923161.
Dong OM, Poonnen PJ, Winski D, Reed SD, Vashistha V, Bates J, Kelley MJ, Voora D. Cost-Effectiveness of Tumor Genomic Profiling to Guide First-Line Targeted Therapy Selection in Patients With Metastatic Lung Adenocarcinoma. Value Health 2022 Apr;25(4):582-594. PM: 35365302.
Dzau VJ, Ellaissi WF, Krishnan KRR, Balatbat CA. How Academic Health Systems Can Be Ready for the Next Pandemic. Acad Med 2022 Apr 1;97(4):479-483. PM: 34966030.
Khan MS, Segar MW, Usman MS, Singh S, Greene SJ, Fonarow GC, Anker SD, Felker GM, Januzzi JL, Butler J, Pandey A. Frailty, Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy, and Outcomes in HFrEF: From the GUIDE-IT Trial. JACC Heart Fail 2022 Apr;10(4):266-275. PM: 35361446.
Martin CK, Höchsmann C, Dorling JL, Bhapkar M, Pieper CF, Racette SB, Das SK, Redman LM, Kraus WE, Ravussin E. Challenges in defining successful adherence to calorie restriction goals in humans: Results from CALERIE™ 2. Exp Gerontol 2022 Jun 1;162:111757. PM: 35240264.
Morrill J, Qirko K, Kelly J, Ambrosy A, Toro B, Smith T, Wysham N, Fudim M, Swaminathan S. A Machine Learning Methodology for Identification and Triage of Heart Failure Exacerbations. J Cardiovasc Transl Res 2022 Feb;15(1):103-115. PM: 34453676.
Rao VN, Fudim M, Wang J. Beyond the Anatomy of Renal Nerves: Functional Diversity of Renal Nerves. J Cardiovasc Transl Res 2022 Feb;15(1):27-28. PM: 35212975.
Tobin RS, Cosiano MF, O’Connor CM, Fiuzat M, Granger BB, Rogers JG, Tulsky JA, Steinhauser KE, Mentz RJ. Spirituality in Patients With Heart Failure. JACC Heart Fail 2022 Apr;10(4):217-226. PM: 35361439.
Vinson AJ, Singh S, Chadban S, Cherney D, Gaber O, Gill JS, Helgeson E, Herzog CA, Jardine M, Jha V, Kasiske BL, Mannon RB, Michos ED, Mottl AK, Newby K, Roy-Chaudhury P, Sawinski D, Sharif A, Sridhar VS, Tuttle KR, Vock DM, Matas A. Premature Death in Kidney Transplant Recipients: The Time for Trials is Now. J Am Soc Nephrol 2022 Apr;33(4):665-673. PM: 35292438.
Xiong X, Nazo N, Revoori R, Rajagopal S, Sparks MA. G protein- and -arrestin Signaling Profiles of Endothelin Derivatives at the Type A Endothelin Receptor. Kidney360 2021 May 17;2(7):1124-1131. PM: 35368349.
Xu H, Granger BB, Drake CD, Peterson ED, Dupre ME. Effectiveness of Telemedicine Visits in Reducing 30-Day Readmissions Among Patients With Heart Failure During the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Heart Assoc 2022 Apr 5;11(7):e023935. PM: 35229656.
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