Superdeep Nighthawks: The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Buñuel 1972) | Feb 22, 8:04pm

8:04pm   |   IB 1008

With New Year’s & Spring Festival relishes still fresh in your memories, join us this week for Luis Buñuel‘s very topical 1972 Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie (Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie; …& food & drink).  Thu Feb 29, 8:04pm IB 1008.


Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (~8pm till late); more info here. To propose events or screenings, follow this link; for info on Superdeep generally, follow this one.

Superdeep is sponsored by DKU’s Humanities Research Center.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Philo Night” (DKU Philosophers 2023) | Nov 23, 8:04pm

8:04pm | secret venue

This week the Nighthawks return to one of their original callings: following the philosophers’ convergence in Superdeep #20 we will venture out into the night for a good old time together. Join the Philo Night!
To find out where they’ll be headed (which they may or may not know in advance, quite frankly), find them during Superdeep #20 (6:04~7:42pm) in the Water Pavilion.


Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (~8pm till late). For more info, or to submit proposals for the Nighthawks, follow this link; for info on Superdeep more generally, follow this one.

Superdeep is sponsored by DKU’s Humanities Research Center.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Take Shelter” (Nichols 2011) | Thu Apr 27, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Don’t say the Superdeep Nighthawks & Jeff Nichols 2011 hadn’t told you to Take Shelter (& food & drink). Just to be safe: Thu, Apr 27, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Being John Malkovich” (Jonze 1999) | Thu Apr 20, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Superdeep Nighthawks Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Spike Jonze‘s 1999 Being John Malkovich (Malkovich & food & drink…Malkovich). Malkovich Malkovich Thu, Apr 20, 9 pm, IB Auditorium. Malkovich.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks Malkovich Thu eve (9pm till late, Malkovich). Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich HouTu Research Malkovich Unforgotten Dreams. Malkovich Malkovich.

Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “A Metamorfose dos Pássaros” (Vasconcelos 2020) | Thu Apr 6, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Superdeep Nighthawks unchangingly converge on Thu night, this week for Vasconcelos’s 2020 A Metamorfose dos Pássaros (& food & drink…). Thu, Apr 6, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Neighboring Sounds” (Filho 2012) | Mar 30, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Also in session 4 the Nighthawks render Thu nights Superdeep, this week by capturing Kleber Mendonça Filho‘s 2012 Neighboring Sounds (& food & drink…). Thu, Mar 30, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Blade Runner” (Scott 1982; Final Cut) | Mar 9, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Session 3 Finals Week – a time to wish for more time; to bring the androids in us to more life; & to revel in Superdeep dreams of electric sheep… Join the Nighthawks for Ridley Scott‘s 1982 Blade Runner (Final Cut, & food & drinks…). Thu, Mar 9, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.

Superdeep Nighthawks: “Waking Life” (Linklater 2001) | Mar 2, 9pm

IB 1008 (IB Auditorium)

Week 7 — homework tests finals Signature Work Superdeep thoughts early till late… Are we even still awake or already dreaming…or still dreaming or already awake again?  Join the Nighthawks to find out: this week with Richard Linklater‘s 2001 rotoscoped feature Waking Life (& food & drinks…). Thu, Mar 2, 9 pm, IB Auditorium.

HRC Superdeep Nighthawks meet on Thu eve (9pm till late). Their current screening series, revolving around dreams in film, is hosted in collaboration with the HouTu Research project Unforgotten Dreams.

Superdeep #17: “Lucid Dreams Elucidated” (Mo, Wang, & Hauthaler) | Thu Feb 23, 6pm

IB 2026 | Zoom 69 79 89 79 69

Join us for our next  Superdeep workshop meeting, in which  Weifan Mo (E&L Philosophy ’23), and Siyu Wang (E&L Philosophy ’25), and Nathan Hauthaler will revel in “Lucid Dreams Elucidated”.

Soon after the workshop, the Superdeep Nighthawks will continue to shine their late projector light on dreams of Michel Gondry‘s 2004 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

As always, everyone is welcome to join; no prior knowledge of philosophy is required. And, as always, snacks and refreshments will be served at the meeting.

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For more information on DKU’s Superdeep workshop,
or contact Nathan Hauthaler.