Home » Flora and Feminists The Subversive Science of Botany: About

Flora and Feminists The Subversive Science of Botany: About

The scientific field of botany was one that was accessible to women as it was unlikely to excite their sensitive nature.  However, through regulation of reproduction, developing agricultural practices and exploitation of plant reproduction, the concept and practice of multiple forms of sex and reproduction was elucidated. The use of plant and plant products by women to control reproduction is an ancient knowledge and cross-cultural practice.  This photographic exhibition, workshop and conference will explore the relationship between women and plants in regards to feminist scholarship, traditional practices, botanical art and modern science.

To be held in the Fall of 2025, this Duke/DKU collaborative effort program will offer a diverse presentation of the vegetal world and the intimate relationship of plants and women. Including a workshop on the plant body, a photographic and media-based exhibition and presentations by organizers Dr. Renee Richer  and Dr. Aunchalee Palmquist.  Dr. Richer is a desert plant specialist.  She has co-authored a book on developing university courses for environment, development and sustainability studies (Central European University Press), and has published two guides to the flora of Qatar including Hidden Beauty (Akkadia Press 2022).  Dr. Palmquist is feminist ethnographer, and internationally recognized breastfeeding and human lactation researcher. Inspired by feminist anthropology, Indigenous methodologies, bioethics, and human rights frameworks, she uses research to uncover root causes of health inequities and to imagine new directions for policy, practice, and advocacy.