Artist in Residence at DKU by HRC DKUNST AH
妖精客厅2(Beauty Salon 2)
by artist collective 老妖精
Curated by Professor Zairong Xiang
The “Beauty Salon” a temporary living room will be set up and open to all DKU community. Feel free drop by and have a chat!
*JOIN THE SALON: Scan QR Code in the poster above
Dates: September 15-17
Opening Hours: All Day
Event Hours: 3-6pm
Location: The Glass Room next to the East Gate of AB
*SPECIAL EVENT: Thurs, 9/15 at 8pm – Learn more – click on link below:
Artist Talk 妖精到场: Meet 老妖精 ensemble (_ao_ao_ing)
Questions and more information, please contact and

How do we have a dialogue?
The Beauty Salon is a happening that spans three days. The artist collective and a group of DKU students will occupy an area at AB and construct a temporary living room, an alternative space that will host dialogues, dance, music and other activities. It aims to transcend through the barriers of different campus social circles, to provoke meaningful oppositions, and to create an opening for dialogues among students, faculty, staff members and management team. Everyone from the DKU community is invited to experience the Beauty Salon. You are free to choose if you want to observe or to participate, to comment or to participate in a conversation. No matter what it is, you will be part of the happening. The whole process of this happening will be recorded on film. Online comments from the internet will also be collected and presented on site.
The new Beauty Salon is based on the first phase of Beauty Salon which occurred during the artist residency in February 2022 in their hotel room’s lounge. In five days, more than 30 students and staff members participated in this part and contributed to this project.

About 老妖精 / _ao_ao_ing
_ao_ao_ing(老妖精)is a performance ensemble that is continuously morphing and finding its shape. Founded in 2018 and based in Shanghai, it has six core members from different disciplines and backgrounds. It is a non-hierarchical group that believes in art through collaboration. _ao_ao_ing makes performances that flirt with the line between theatre and everyday life; and create real-life happenings that cannot be replicated. They have been making works in and out of theatre – on public bus, in open streets, rural villages, sex shops, cafes, art museums, online and so on.
Their past works include:
- Annata: Not A Real Drag Show (2019 – , private apartment, the Pearl, Aranya Theater Festival)
- “Tourist Like Us” Audio Tour Series (2018 – 2020, Dinghaiqiao, Fuzhou Rd., Hangzhou)
- Murder of a Pomegranate (2019, Naxing Space)
- Hi! Hi! Hi! (2020, Power Station of Art)
- Dragon for the Village: A Future Festival (2020, Qingshan Village)
- exe (2020, online streaming at, part of Shenzhen OCAT exhibition: Re-writing Theatre History)
- Rest In Peace, Papa (2021, SDACLab, Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre)
- WeaverGirl Project (2019 – , HOME @ MICRO, Project Terrace, Residence of French Consul General in Shanghai)
Artist-in-Residence at DKU is supported by Humanities Research Center, Division of Arts and Humanities, and DKUNST Art on Campus, convened and organized by DKU’s Associate Director of Arts, Professor Zairong Xiang.