Category Archives: Women’s Soccer

Dan Borislow and magicJack, a century earlier

In the opening chapters of Gail J Newsham’s In a League of Their Own!, I found it mildly intriguing that Alfred Frankland so easily convinced some exceptional players to join the Dick, Kerr Ladies team and hired them at the factory.  It crossed my mind that something seemed vaguely similar to the almost effortless compilation… Read More »

L’autonomisation des femmes à travers le foot

The Dick, Kerr Ladies Club a joué un rôle déterminant dans la formation du football pour les femmes en Angleterre. Cependant, cela marquait aussi l’influence qu’une organisation dirigée par des femmes pouvait avoir, à une époque où cela était inouï, surtout à cause l’interdiction de la FA. L’interdiction de la FA resterait pendant cinquante ans… Read More »

Dick, Kerr Ladies y el Fútbol Americano

En su libro, In a League of Their Own! The Dick, Kerr Ladies 1917-1965, Gail Newsham cuenta la historia de un equipo de mujeres ingleses. En 1921, la FA decidió no permitir a las mujeres usar los estadios y las canchas de la federación. Esta decisión claramente restringió sus oportunidades de jugar y practicar y,… Read More »

Un équivalent de Title IX en Angleterre ?

La réalisation de Title IX aux États-Unis était un catalyseur du développement du football féminin. Car les universités devaient offrir les mêmes opportunités athlétiques pour les hommes et les femmes, ils commençaient à développer les équipes de football pour les femmes afin qu’ils pussent continuer à offrir les opportunités pour les hommes sur les équipes… Read More »

Dick, Kerr Ladies Football, More Than a Game

While reading our assigned book “In A League of Their Own”, by Gail Newsham, I couldn’t help but take extreme notice to how the Dick, Kerr Ladies Football Team was founded. The story of the team’s conception is quite incredible given the context of what was happening around the world. In 1914, England declared war… Read More »

Women’s Soccer Powers

Reading about the dominant women’s soccer team in In a League of Their Own!: The Dick, Kerr Ladies Football Team made me consider what makes certain countries strong in women’s soccer. At the time, it seemed that England had a huge advantage over the US in women’s soccer and probably over everyone in the world.… Read More »

Wage Inequality in Football

Introduction Wage Inequality in Society In 2017, for every dollar a man earned, a woman was paid 82 cents  (Farber, 2017). While this difference has seen significant improvements, from the 54 cents to every dollar prior to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the 18-cent deficit is not insignificant when looking at equal pay for… Read More »

“Welcome to Russia”: Gwendolyn Oxenham

In the chapter “Welcome to Russia” from Gwendolyn Oxenham’s book Under the Lights and in the Dark: Untold Stories of Women’s Soccer, she reinforces soccer’s ability to lift a player and their family out of the depth of depravity, a narrative our class has explored throughout the semester. Omolyn Davis, a Jamaica and Dani Foxhoven’s… Read More »

Quote from Gwendolyn Oxenham’s Book

In the chapter “Welcome to Russia” from Gwendolyn Oxenham’s book Under the Lights and in the Dark: Untold Stories of Women’s Soccer, she reinforces soccer’s ability to lift a player and their family out of the depth of depravity, a narrative our class has explored throughout the semester. Omolyn Davis, a Jamaica and Dani Foxhoven’s… Read More »

The dual lives of women’s soccer stars

It’s 2009, I am in 7th grade, at Phillips Middle School in Chapel Hill, NC. We have a student teacher in our social studies class, a UNC student finishing up her Education major. Her name is Heather O’Reilly, you may have heard of her? Of course we were all excited to have her as a… Read More »