Category Archives: Instant Replay

A Case Against VAR

The referee’s role in a soccer match is unique in sports.  In his book Soccer in Sun and Shadow, Eduardo Galeano describes the ref as “An abominable tyrant who runs his dictatorship without opposition, a pompous executioner who exercises his absolute power with an operatic flourish.”  The relationship between the ref and the players is… Read More »

FIFA Approves Trials for Instant Replay

Two weeks ago, I wrote about how instant replay can help improve the game of soccer. It seems that my request was heard, because Gianni Infantino chose to advance technological innovation in soccer. How it works Tests will initially be in private before moving to a live-phase with replay assistance by 2017-2018 season at the… Read More »

How Instant Replay Can Improve Soccer

Do the officials need to get better, or should more technology be introduced to the sport of soccer? In today’s day and age, officials of any sport have been heavily scrutinized thanks to cameras that record every angle of every incident in a particular match. This can cause a slow motion replay to either prove… Read More »