Lassana Diarra’s Statement on the Paris Attacks

By | November 14, 2015

Lassana Diarra issued a statement about the Paris attacks today. Here is the original. Below is a translation of the statement.

“In the wake of the dramatic events that took place yesterday in Paris and Saint-Denis, it is with a heavy hard that I speak today.

As you have perhaps read, I was personally touched by the attacks. My cousin, Asta Diakite, was one of the victims of the shootings that took place yesterday, like thousands of innocent other French people. She was a reference point, a source of support, and a big sister to me.

In this climate of terror, it is important for all of us who represent our country and its diversity to speak out and stay united in the face of a horror that has neither color, nor religion.

Let us together defend love, respect and peace. I thank all of you for your comments and messages. Take care of yourselves and others, and may our victims rest in peace.”




Category: France

About Laurent Dubois

I am Professor of Romance Studies and History and the Director of the Forum for Scholars & Publics at Duke University. I founded the Soccer Politics blog in 2009 as part of a course on "World Cup and World Politics" taught at Duke University. I'm currently teaching the course under the title "Soccer Politics" here at Duke. My books include Soccer Empire: The World Cup and the Future of France (University of California Press, 2010) and The Language of the Game: How to Understand Soccer (Basic Books, 2018)

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