“Pelada” Reviewed at Sports Illustrated

By | February 21, 2010

Last fall we had a screening at Duke of the wonderful work-in-progress documentary Pelada. It will soon make its premier at the South by Southwest film festival in Austin, Texas, and Sports Illustrated has just published this review of the documentary. We’ll hope to see the film return to Durham in the not-too-distant future. Congratulations to Gwendolyn, Rebekah, Ryan and Luke!

Category: Films Women's Soccer Tags:

About Laurent Dubois

I am Marcello Lotti Professor of Romance Studies and History at Duke University. A specialist on the history and culture of France and the Caribbean, notably Haiti, I am the author of Soccer Empire: The World Cup and the Future of France. I founded the Soccer Politics blog in the Fall of 2009 as part of a Duke University course called "World Cup and World Politics," whose students helped me develop the site.

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