Athena 2020

Hello from beautiful California! As we continue our course of study, we have also been fortunate to have opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.  Last Wednesday, a group of fifteen of us elected to attend the launch event for Athena 2020 in San Francisco. For those of you unfamiliar with the organization, Athena 2020 is a non-profit dedicated to

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Introductory Video This video was conceptualized and created by DSV students over the course of two days. It was shown in Apple Town Hall prior to a lecture by Clayton Christensen. The video outlines the program, its students, and their objectives.

Welcome to Silicon Valley.

As I sit at a poolside table with some of my classmates getting this blog organized, I can’t help but reflect on how fortunate I am to be in Silicon Valley — and how incredible this opportunity is for all of us. I’m in awe of the opportunities that I’ve had, the people I’ve met, and the knowledge I’ve gained

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