Welcome to Duke in Silicon Valley 2014!
Hello everyone, and welcome to the site for Duke in Silicon Valley 2014!
We will be building on the blog from last year, so you will be able to look back at old posts to see differences and similarities in the program. Between the nineteen students on this trip, we will try to keep this blog regularly updated with what we have been up to. As we visit companies, meet people, and go through our class with Matt Christensen, we will keep posting to this blog. Sometimes it will be a short post with a few pictures. Other times, it will be a lengthy discussion of what we learned.
The site is still a little under construction for this year’s group. We will be updating the “Meet the Students” page this weekend, so you will be able to get to know the group. Also, we are looking into a way to easily share photos with all of you, so keep an eye out for that. The goal for the blog this year is to include pictures and, perhaps, other multimedia elements. The more you can see, the better! Over the next few days, we will post about the first few days of orientation and the first day of class, which was today.
We are all extremely grateful and extremely excited to be on this program together. We have many people to thank for setting this all up, including Kimberly Jenkins, Amy Unell, Matt Christensen, and everyone else involved at Duke (and Yale!) University. Additionally, we owe a massive amount of thanks to the students who participated in DSV last year and helped shape it into the fantastic program it is today. Those are certainly some big shoes to fill.
We are looking forward to sharing this fantastic experience with you all! Thanks for following along.
-Sid Gopinath