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Travel & Risk Management

BLUF:  If your event/activity includes any travel, physical activity, alcohol, contracts, or other potentially risky activities, you need to review the information below.

Risk is all around.  We want to minimize it for you as organizers and for Fuqua.  For any event or activity you are planning, please consider the information and issues below to determine what risks are associated and how to properly manage them.  Fuqua consults closely with Duke’s Office of Corporate Risk Management on risk mitigation for student activities. Remember you are representing both your personal brand and Duke/Fuqua brand in all your activities.  Be aware of the reputational risk and consequences of your actions.

Please note:  the guidelines and advice contained on this page are not exhaustive or comprehensive.  They are meant to address the most common sources of risk we see at Fuqua.  Please think carefully about your particular event and the risks associated.  Please contact Student Life with any questions if you are unsure about how to identify or manage your risk.

Common sources of risk include (but are not limited to):

Domestic or international travel: Potential illness or injury during travel or security incidents traveling. See additional information in the "Group Travel" section below. 

Alcohol:  Consumption of alcohol increases risk. Note the Fuqua alcohol policy and adhere to it strictly (see Fuqua alcohol policy). If the policy is ignored, Fuqua could become a dry campus. If alcohol will be a part of your event, use the required caterers/vendors, ensure there is also food and non-alcoholic beverages available, consider providing transportation (buses, etc.) and other strategies to ensure the safety of your participants.

Physical Activities: Risk to facilities or personal injury. Consider potential injuries to participants from physical activities included in your event as well as damages to facilities or property. For high risk activities, you might need certificates of insurance or supplemental insurance coverage (See "Insurance Issues" below).

Contracts:  Students cannot sign contracts with vendors/entertainers when planning a Fuqua event. Instructions for contract review and signing procedures are on the Managing Finances page of the Fuqua411.

Security: Consider the safety of your participants.  High level or controversial speakers or participants may add security risks.

Additional potential sources of risk include:
  • Large events with over 50+ attendees
  • Transportation to and from local events
  • Rides, inflatables, or other mechanical devices
  • Events advertised and open to the public
  • Potential of outside media activity or coverage
  • Fire, explosives, or combustibles
  • Outdoor events and/or exposure to natural elements

Liability waivers help protect you as an organizer of the activity, as well as protecting Fuqua. Assess your need for a waiver using these questions:

  • Does your activity include club, student, or Fuqua-organized travel?
  • Does your activity include physical activities where someone could get hurt?
  • Will alcohol be consumed at the activity?
  • Will there be any other activity or situation as part of event that could be risky?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please connect with the Office of Student Life (OSL) to assess your need for a waiver. If you are traveling on a trip organized by a Fuqua department (e.g. GATE), check with the Fuqua department on what waiver(s) you will need to complete.

Student-Led Treks: Student-led Treks (iTrek, Morocco Trek, etc.) are NOT considered official, Fuqua or Duke-sponsored or organized trips. Trip planners and participants travel on Treks at their own risk. Trip planners should take steps to mitigate personal liability in planning trips (have participants sign liability waivers, work with reputable travel agencies, etc.).

Liability Waivers: Participants of group travel sponsored by Fuqua may be required to complete a liability waiver and the sponsoring organization (e.g. IPO) will provide the waiver(s) you need to complete. Organizers of student-led treks should consider having participants sign a liability waiver. See the section on liability waivers above for additional information.

Health and Safety While Traveling:

  • Duke Student Health Insurance: Student Blue coverage for Duke Students through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina extends throughout the U.S. and worldwide to over 200 countries and territories. To learn more about services and coverage available to traveling students, please visit here.
  • Duke Student Health International Travel Clinic: Students on the Duke Student Blue plan can schedule an International Travel Clinic for themselves or a group to receive any required vaccinations or prescriptions for their destination. Visit the Student Health provided services webpage and view the tab "International Travel Clinic" for additional details on scheduling a clinic.
  • Check the CDC for Health Travel Advisories: The CDC provides health resources, travel notices, and recommendations for travelers. Visit to check notices or recommendations for your destination. Please note: if you schedule an International Travel Clinic, it will encompass all of the recommended vaccines/medications by the CDC.
  • International SOS: If your travel is sponsored by, funded by, or officially organized by Duke, you are covered by International SOS. All you have to do is print an I-SOS card and carry it with you. In case of emergency, call the number on the card for help. Learn more here.
  • Check the State Department: Check travel alerts or warnings for your destination and to determine if you need to secure a visa here. You can also register your travel with the STEP program. See more details below.
  • Travel Insurance and Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage: If your travel is not covered by I-SOS (because it is personal or a student-led trek), you might consider purchasing short-term travel insurance and emergency medical evacuation coverage. Fuqua cannot advise on whether these options are right for you or which companies to choose. However, you can review the information here to help in determining your personal needs.

Register Your Travel:

  • Check whether you should register with the Duke Travel Registry: The Duke University International Travel Policy requires that all Graduate/Professional students enter their travel plans in the Duke Travel Registry if a trip abroad is funded by, sponsored by, or entails earning credit to be transferred to Duke or used to earn a duke degree. Learn more and register your applicable travel here.
  • Register your travel with the State Department: You can register your travel with the State Department by enrolling in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). STEP is a free service of the State Department that allows US citizens and nationals traveling or living abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. This helps the State Department and your family/friends get in touch with you in the case of an emergency (natural disaster, civil unrest, family emergency, etc.). You also can sign up to receive travel alerts or advisories via email or your mobile device. Learn more here.
  • Check the Restricted Regions List (RRL): The RRL is a list of destinations deemed unsafe for travel by Duke University. Specific actions are required if you want to travel to one of these destinations.

Additional Resources:

If you need to verify liability insurance for a vendor, etc., you can get a certificate of Duke’s insurance (which covers most student activities).  Access information and the online request form here.  Allow at least 2-3 weeks lead time.

If you need to secure supplemental insurance for your event or activity, the Corporate Risk Management office will let you know and help you secure the additional insurance needed.

In General:

When in doubt, contact the Office of Student Life (OSL). We can help you assess your risk and find the right resources to manage it.

For Contract Review & Signing:

Review the Managing Finances section of the Fuqua411 for contract review and signing process. You should allow at least 3 weeks lead time in order for your contract to be reviewed and signed.

For Certificates of Insurance:

If you have need to verify liability insurance for a vendor, etc., you can get a certificate of Duke’s insurance (which covers most student activities).  Access information and the online request form here.  Allow at least 2-3 weeks lead time.