You may have your personal faxes sent to and from the BMO at no cost.
We have four gender inclusive restrooms at Fuqua.

- Duke employees and students can submit lactation room access requests via this form:
- As there is but one lactation room and multiple users, time in the room should be reserved using the Outlook shared calendar. The above form allows you to schedule a time when the room is available.
- Fuqua HR has lactation room key cards that can be checked out by Fuqua staff for short-term needs (e.g., for visitors and/or special events).
- Up to four key cards are available for short-term use.
- Guest users do not have access to the room scheduling calendar. Their use of the Lactation Room is subject to availability.
- Contact to request access.
- Ensure the club or student group (e.g. "Beer Club", "Class of 2024, etc.) is clearly noted on the shipping label so the BMO knows where to route the package.
- If you are expecting a large shipment (multiple packages and/or heavy ones), alert the BMO ( that you are expecting packages. This will also help ensure those packages get routed to the appropriate people.
- Please Note: The packages will be available for pick up in the BMO mailroom (A08).
- USPS Mail: Outgoing mail with the correct postage (already stamped), should be placed in the "U.S. Mail" slot. This mail will be picked up Monday – Friday by 3 PM. IMPORTANT: The BMO does not sell stamps.
- Campus Mail:Campus Mail is mail going to other areas of the University (not Fuqua). Any mail that is being mailed using a fund code goes into this slot. Campus Mail will add postage to the item and charge the provided fund code.
- Building Mail: Mail going to any on-site Fuqua faculty, staff or department should go in this slot.
BLUF: Pets are not allowed in the Fuqua building or outside on the immediate premises, excluding authorized service animals and working animals as defined below. Emotional support animals are also not allowed in the Fuqua building.
Unauthorized animals are not permitted in any area of Fuqua, including parking lots and grounds.
Service animals
A student or employee who requires the help of a service animal will be permitted to bring a service animal to Fuqua, provided that the animal’s presence does not create a danger to others and does not impose an undue hardship upon the school. Those needing a service animal should first contact Fuqua Human Resources or Duke’s Student Disability Access Office as appropriate.
All service animals must be leashed at all times and must be current on immunizations. Animal must be in the continuous full control of owner. It should be in the physical presence of the owner, in the owner’s office, or in the space around the owner’s desk at all times. Owner is expected to clean up, completely and immediately, after their animal. Anyone who brings an animal to the school is completely and solely liable for any injury or damage to property (personal or office) caused by the animal. Any repair or cleaning/maintenance costs incurred by an animal will be charged in full to the owner. Fuqua may, at its discretion, require the animal owner to maintain a liability insurance policy covering damage or injury caused by the animal while on premises. Fuqua may specify minimum coverage amounts under such a policy and may require the owner to pay for such coverage. Fuqua shall not be liable for loss of, or injury to, any animal on the premises.
"Service Animals" - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines service animals as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.
"Working Animals" - Animals engaged in authorized service to the school (e.g., pest control animals or police dogs)
Duke is an entirely tobacco free-campus. The use of all electronic smoking devices such as e-cigarettes and vaping products, cigarettes, cigars, hookah, chewing tobacco, snuff, IQOS, and all other forms of tobacco is strictly prohibited in all facilities and property owned or leased by Duke. Learn more about this initiative on the Healthy Duke website, including cessation resources and programs available to all members of the Duke community..
Due to parking conditions surrounding athletic events on campus at Duke, it has become necessary to reserve the Fuqua gated parking lot, the preferred lot for student and other tailgating events. Reservation requests should be sent to Fuqua Community parking needs will be reviewed, and approval will be made if enough space is available within the lot to accommodate the tailgate event. Please note that reserving space is not exclusive, and those with Fuqua lot permits will still be provided access.
BLUF: Teams have priority to use team rooms over individuals unless the individual has an interview (subject to rules below). There will be occasions when team rooms are reserved for CMC or academic activities, which have the highest priority. October and January are heavy campus interview times and it’s likely a CMC team room would not be available during business hours. Reservations (CMC/Academic) > Teams = Individual Interviewee > Individual Studying
- If a student has a phone or virtual interview, they should first check the Event Management System (EMS) to see if any interview rooms are available on the CMC's 4th floor, and if so, reserve them (the rooms are labeled "Interview Room 4XX" -“Interview Room 428”- in the EMS). Students may book these rooms during business hours for recruiting activities such as virtual job interviews and informational meetings. Rooms may be reserved for up to 2 hours. After business hours, the rooms are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. CMC 4th floor interview rooms are on the CMC recruiting floor, one floor above the main CMC office. If you are not sure where to find the main CMC office and recruiting floor, here's a handy video to show you where to go. Please note that these rooms may not be available during heavy campus recruiting times (September, October, and January). If you have a virtual interview scheduled through the Career Management Center, please check CareerBridge, as you may have a room assigned for that interview.
- For club-related requests, please work with your CMC Liaison to reserve any interview or team rooms needed instead of directly requesting through the EMS.
- Students are also encouraged to check to see if the phone booths located at the bottom of the semi-circular stairs in the Fox Center are available. The phone booths are first come, first served and cannot be reserved
- If neither phone booth is available and a CMC room cannot be reserved, the student can use a team room as an individual for the purpose of the phone or virtual interview. Use of the team room for an interview will have equal priority to a team or group of students. The individual student with the interview will only have priority for the duration of the interview, with a maximum allowance of 45 minutes. The student with the interview must indicate with a sign on the outside of the team room that they are interviewing.
- NOTE: This is an experiment and relies heavily on your collective integrity to first try to use CMC rooms and if those rooms are unavailable, to only claim use of a team room for interviews when you are truly interviewing. This is a privilege we are creating in order to recognize the need for a quiet place to interview. Any dishonest representation in order to use a team room as an individual may be recognized as an honor code violation.
- Team rooms may be occupied by Fuqua students only on a first-come, first-served basis, and A GROUP ALWAYS HAS PRIORITY over a single student unless the student is interviewing (see above).
- At least one member of a team must remain in the room at all times to hold a room. If other members of the team fail to return in a reasonable amount of time (15 minutes), the single occupant must offer to give the room up to a team waiting to use the space.
- Leaving study materials spread on the table when no team members remain in the room WILL NOT HOLD THE SPACE
Any student who requires an accessible parking space at Duke University must apply for a permit to park. For more information about Handicap Parking and Accessibility, please visit the Duke Parking & Transportation website.
Students may request accessible parking for a qualified medical condition lasting less than three months by providing a note from a health care provider on letterhead, explaining the nature and duration of your disability to the Parking Office. You can email the letter to, or you can visit their office on the ground level of the Science Drive Garage at 302 Science Drive. They will email you a temporary permit that you can print out.
Note: If you do not own a campus permit, you will need to purchase one. Fill out the Student Parking Permit Application to request the parking permit and email the form to