What has your involvement with DEID looked like?
As the head of the structural design team for the Miwani Kenya Health Center I help facilitate the design and layout of the health care facility. So far, I have researched building standards and codes in Kenya and used this research to design a number of layout options with my team. From there, we have spent the last few weeks narrowing down layout options to a final two designs which we will present to our community partner for approval.

Why are you a part of DEID?
I joined DEID because I wanted to learn new engineering skills while working towards a unique and impactful goal. Through DEID, I am able to work on real projects to address real problems and know my work will have a measurable impact.

What you are most excited for about your project or DEID?
What I am looking forward to most in DEID is the opportunity to travel to Kenya and finally construct this health center in summer 2025.

Fun Fact
I can play the guitar

Fundraising Goal


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