The eSwatini team is currently working on finalizing the bridge design! Design managers Franny Lee and Emily Hallock met with our design engineer in charge to compare designs and make some edits to stay conservative of the bridge loadings and material usage. We are scheduled to turn in our final design to Engineers in Action (EIA) on Monday, March 13. In addition to the design work, Cultural Relations managers Maya Reeves and Jack Balint-Kurti are working on finalizing a draft report of the Community Engagement Plan, which details how the travel team will interact with the community, what to do when a conflict or disagreement arises, and how the travel team can prepare before travel. They have also been working on taking an online SiSwati language course and will be starting some workshops after the break! We are super excited now that the travel team has been finalized to get them on boarded to the project! The team has started looking at the bridge construction course and other pre-travel deliverables to get prepared.