EIA Bolivia Pedestrian Footbridge TeamEIA Bolivia Google Drive and the Slack Channel (Slack Channel ID: C05QKLHRR9C). If you have any questions about the team, please reach out to Lily Jarosz (lily.jarosz@duke.edu) or Jackie Ong (jackie.ong@duke.edu)!
Engineers in Action (EIA) is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting development of sustainable systems and infrastructure with underserved communities, local expertise, and global partners. EIA works with university students, companies, and rural communities to build over 110 footbridges in 12 countries. EIA provides students with the resources needed to take on these projects, though they may start out with relatively no experience. This year, DEID is partnering with Virginia Tech to design and build a pedestrian footbridge in Potosí, Bolivia over the Castilla Mayu River. The Project Managers, Lily and Jackie, have been holding team meetings, assigning project roles for DEID members, and working with Virginia Tech to create a collaboration plan to layout future work. Each project role has been working in their respective courses provided by the EIA Bridge Program. The design team, led by design managers Maya Reeves and Kate Flanagan, have been working on the Mock Review Call, a practice report, geometric bridge design, and presentation for the team’s bridge site to get feedback from the EIA staff. The general Bolivia team meetings are held on Sundays @ 6 PM in Trinity Cafe. The design team meetings are held on Mondays @ 4:30 PM via Zoom. If interested in joining the Bolivia team, join the