What has your involvement with DEID looked like?
I have been involved with DEID since my freshman year as a general body member, then got selected as a co-Cultural Relations Manager and travel team member for the 2022 Japo Bridge Build with EIA. Getting to experience the culture and construction work in country furthered my excitement with DEID and pushed me to become a Project Manager for the 2023 Nyawoluhle Bridge Build with EIA. I really enjoyed looking at the project from start to finish on multiple aspects, like construction, design, and logistics, and absolutely loved my time in-country this past summer. I am also on DEID 2023 exec as the Secretary, and I make and send out emails on Listserv, student and alumni newsletters, and handle any and all major organizational channels like Slack and Google Drive.

Why are you a part of DEID?
Before I came to Duke, I found out about DEID and wrote about it in my application. I loved the fact that not only could students get to work on real projects during the school-year, but also get to travel and truly experience building relationships with community members and getting to see the physical applications of the engineering concepts you learn about in class. DEID has pushed me to critically think about what community engagement and ethics in engineering really looks like, and how to make a truly collaborative and effective project. I also love the people I’ve met through DEID that have created an entire community of support throughout my time at Duke.

What you are most excited for about your project or DEID?
I’m most excited for helping new members cultivate an understanding and love for the EIA projects we have. Though it may seem daunting to start working on a project, the amount of resources and community you have to learn more is absolutely right at your fingertips. I’m also excited for DEID as a whole to expand its membership and engage its members in more activities to help them prepare for the build season!

Fundraising Goal


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