Category Archives: Turkish – Türkçe

Article: “Islam and Economic Performance: Historical and Contemporary Links”

Article in English: “Islam and Economic Performance: Historical and Contemporary Links.” Journal of Economic Literature, 56 (December 2018): 1292-1359.



Turkish translation (by Cemal Balcı): İslam ve Ekonomik Azgelişmişlik: Tarihsel ve Çağdaş Bağlantılar (Istanbul: Efil Yayınevi, 2019), 111 pp.   Arka kapak   İçindekiler


Article: “The Economic Roots of Political Underdevelopment in the Middle East: A Historical Perspective”

The Economic Roots of Political Underdevelopment in the Middle East: A Historical Perspective.” Southern Economic Journal, 78 (2012): 1086-95.

Co-edited book: Aptullah Kuran, “Selçuklular’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de Mimarlık / Architecture in Turkey from the Seljuks to the Republic”

kuran-a-selcuklulardan-cumhuriyete-2-originalAptullah Kuran, Selçuklular’dan Cumhuriyet’e Türkiye’de Mimarlık / Architecture in Turkey from the Seljuks to the Republic, ed. by Çiğdem Kafesçioğlu, Lucienne Thys-Şenocak and Timur Kuran (İş Bank Publications, 2012), 788 pp. Table of contents + preface by Timur Kuran + Introduction by  Çiğdem Kafesçioğlu and Lucienne Thys-Şenocak.

Book: The Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East

long divergence coverThe Long Divergence: How Islamic Law Held Back the Middle East (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011).
The Long Divergence on Facebook. Read reviews.

For more information click here

Edited book set: Mahkeme Kayıtları Işığında 17. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Sosyo-Ekonomik Yaşam / Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court Records

cover-ib-book-vol-1-340-510-s(Ed.) Mahkeme Kayıtları Işığında 17. Yüzyıl İstanbul’unda Sosyo-Ekonomik Yaşam / Social and Economic Life in Seventeenth-Century Istanbul: Glimpses from Court Records, 10 vols. (Istanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2010-13).

Topics of volumes:

  • 1. Guilds and Guildsmen + Communal Affairs of Christians and Jews + Foreigners (932 pp.),
  • 2. Commercial Partnerships (659 pp.),
  • 34. State-Individual Relations, including Taxation (544+708 pp.),
  • 5678. Waqfs (584+650+677+651 pp.),
  • 910. Credit Markets and Uses of Interest (529+497 pp.).

For more information click here.

Book: Islam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism

islam1-originalIslam and Mammon: The Economic Predicaments of Islamism (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004), xviii + 194 pp.