Book: Freedoms Delayed: Political Legacies of Islamic Law in the Middle East (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023), xviii+430 pp.
All posts by Timur Kuran
Podcast: “Why the Lies We Tell in Public Are So Destructive,” Three Takeaways, with Lynn Thoman, 15 November 2022.
Podcast: “Why the Lies We Tell in Public Are So Destructive,” Three Takeaways, with Lynn Thoman, 15 November 2022.
Podcast: “The Peaceful Explosion of Rights in Ottoman Istanbul,” GrowthChat, with Marco Lecchi and Sascha Becker, 15 December 2021.
Podcast: “The Peaceful Explosion of Rights in Ottoman Istanbul,” GrowthChat, with Marco Lecchi and Sascha Becker, 15 December 2021.
Interview: İyi tasarlanmış bir koleksiyon, tarih kitaplarında bulamayacağınız bilgiler sunar.” (with Nadirkitap)
Working Paper: “The Islamic Waqf: Instrument of Personal Security, Worldly and Otherworldly”
(with Serkant Adıgüzel) “The Islamic Waqf: Instrument of Personal Security, Worldly and Otherworldly” (29 December 2020).
Working Paper: “Economic Harbingers of Political Modernization: Peaceful Explosion of Rights in Ottoman Istanbul, 1600-1839”
(with Aslı Cansunar) “Economic Harbingers of Political Modernization: Peaceful Explosion of Rights in Ottoman Istanbul, 1600-1839” (Economic Research Initiatives at Duke Working Paper, SSRN, December 22, 2020).
Podcast: “A Conspiracy of Silence,” Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedankar
Article: “Zakat: Islam’s Missed Opportunity to Limit Predatory Taxation”
“Zakat: Islam’s Missed Opportunity to Limit Predatory Taxation.” Public Choice, 182, (2020): 395-416.
Book: Türkiye’de Postanın Mikrotarihi, 1920-2015 / Microhistory of the Turkish Posts
(with Mehmet Akan) Türkiye’de Postanın Mikrotarihi, 1920-2015 / Microhistory of the Turkish Posts, 1920-2015, vol. 1: 1920-50 (Istanbul: İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, 2019), xxi+791 pp.
Look here for author bios, table of contents, and sample pages
Podcast: “The Economics of Revolution and Mass Deception,” The Portal with Eric Weinstein
Podcast: “Revolutions, Authoritarianism, and Democracy”, The Good Fight with Yacha Mounk
Listen here
Date of conversation: July 17 2019
Interview: “‘Another Road to Serfdom’: Q&A with Timur Kuran”
A conversation with Timur Kuran Duke Economics, Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Article: “The Logic of Revolutions: Rational Choice Perspectives.”
(with Diego Romero) “The Logic of Revolutions: Rational Choice Perspectives.” Oxford Handbook of Public Choice, vol. 2, ed. Roger D. Congleton, Bernard Grofman, and Stefan Voigt (New York: Oxford University Press 2019), pp. 345-62.
Article: “Islam and Economic Performance: Historical and Contemporary Links”
Article in English: “Islam and Economic Performance: Historical and Contemporary Links.” Journal of Economic Literature, 56 (December 2018): 1292-1359.
Turkish translation (by Cemal Balcı): İslam ve Ekonomik Azgelişmişlik: Tarihsel ve Çağdaş Bağlantılar (Istanbul: Efil Yayınevi, 2019), 111 pp. Arka kapak İçindekiler
Op-ed: “The Economic Costs of Erdoğan”
(with Dani Rodik) “The Economic Costs of Erdoğan” Project Syndicate, August 24, 2018
- Arabic translation: التكلفة الاقتصادية لأردوغان
- Chinese translation: 埃尔多安的经济代价
- French translation: “Les coûts économiques d’Erdoǧan”
- German translation: “Die wirtschaftlichen Kosten Erdoğans”
- Russian Translation: “Цена Эрдогана для экономики”
- Spanish translation: “Los costos económicos de Erdoğan”
- Turkish translation: “Erdoğan’ın Ekonomik Maliyeti