Academic Journals Served
- Journal of Comparative Economics: Co-editor, 2017-.
- Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization: Associate editor, 1989-2011; Acting editor, Feb. 1993-May 1993; Managing editor, 1988-1989; Managing associate editor, 1984-87; Managing assistant editor, 1983-1984.
- Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics: Associate editor, 1989-present.
- American Journal of Sociology: Consulting editor, 1994-1996.
- Rationality and Society: Member of Editorial Board, 1995-present.
- The Independent Review: A Journal of Political Economy: Contributing Editor, 1995-present.
- Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics: Member of Advisory Board, 1998-2012.
- International Journal of Middle East Studies: Associate Editor, 1999-2005.
- Turkish Journal of Public Choice and Constitutional Economics: Member of Editorial Board, 2001-present.
- Review of Behavioral Economics: Associate Edtor, 2012-present.
- Middle East Quarterly: Board of editors, 2010-present.
Cambridge Studies in Economics Choice and Society
This interdisciplinary series promotes original theoretical and empirical research as well as integrative syntheses involving links between individual choice, institutions, and social outcomes. Contributions are welcome from across the social sciences, particularly in the areas where economic analysis is joined with other disciplines, such as comparative political economy, new institutional economics, and behavioral economics.
General Editors
- Timur Kuran, Duke University
- Peter J. Boetke, George Mason University
Economics, Cognition and Society Book Series
Published by The University of Michigan Press, this series provides a forum for theoretical and empirical investigations of social phenomena. It promotes works that focus on the interactions among cognitive processes, individual behavior, and social outcomes. It is especially open to interdisciplinary books that are genuinely integrative.
Founding Editor
- Timur Kuran, Professor of Economics and Political Science, and Gorter Family Professor of Islam and the Social Sciences, Duke University
Series Editor
- Peter J. Boettke, Professor of Economics, George Mason University
Editorial Board
- Tyler Cowen, Professor of Economics, George Mason University
- Diego Gambetta, Reader, Sociology, University of Oxford, and Fellow, All Souls College, United Kingdom
- Avner Greif, Bowman Family Professor in the Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University
- Daniel Klerman, Charles L. and Ramona I. Hilliard Professor of Law and History, University of Southern California
- Richard Swedberg, Professor of Sociology, Cornell University
- Viktor Vanberg, Professor of Economics, Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat, Freiburg, Germany
- Paul Zak, Professor of Economics, Claremont Graduate University
Advisory Board
- James M. Buchanan, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, George Mason University
- Albert O. Hirschman, Professor Emeritus, School of Social Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study. Princeton
- Thomas Schelling, Emeritus Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland
- Bruno Frey, Professor of Economics, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Douglass North, Spencer T. Olin Professor in Arts and Sciences, Washington University
- Vernon Smith, Professor of Economics and Law, Chapman University
The series is available at The University of Michigan Press website.