with Hiroyuki Kotaki, “Islam and the Economy,” Nikkei newspaper (Tokyo), December 13, 2014.
Category Archives: In the media
Op-ed: “Economic and Political Effects of European Restrictions on Muslim Religious Freedom”
“Economic and Political Effects of European Restrictions on Muslim Religious Freedom.” Cornerstone, December 2014 .
Interview: “Study Explores Ottoman Empire’s Upside Down Lending System”
With Steven Richmond and Jared Rubin on financial markets in Ottoman Istanbul: “Study Explores Ottoman Empire’s Upside Down Lending System.” BadCredit.org, November 6, 2014.
Op-ed: “Religious Freedom Promotes Economic Development”
“Religious Freedom Promotes Economic Development.” Cornerstone, April 28, 2014 .
Interview: “Daha Şiddetli Bir Diktatörlük Gelecek”
Can Uğur ile söyleşi: “Daha Şiddetli Bir Diktatörlük Gelecek,” Birgün, 22 April 2014, p. 1.
Op-ed: “Turkey’s Electoral Dictatorship”
“Turkey’s Electoral Dictatorship.” Project Syndicate, April 10, 2014.
Video: “Unlikely Heroes of the Arab Spring, with Hernando de Soto”
“Unlikely Heroes of the Arab Spring, with Hernando de Soto” (educational video of Free to Choose Network for PBS; includes segments from a Duke interview), 2013.
Op-ed: “Political Islam’s Loss of Democratic Legitimacy”
“Political Islam’s Loss of Democratic Legitimacy.” Project Syndicate, August 2, 2013.
- Arabic translation: الإسلام السياسي يخسر شرعيته الديمقراطية
- Chinese translation: 政治伊斯兰的民主合法性损失
- French translation: La perte de légitimité démocratique de l’Islam politique
- German translation: Der Verlust der demokratischen Legitimität des politischen Islams
- Spanish translation: La pérdida de legitimidad democrática del islam político
Interview: “Islamic Finance Sits Awkwardly in a Modern Business School”
with William Barnes: “Islamic Finance Sits Awkwardly in a Modern Business School.” Financial Times, July 21, 2013.
Interview: “Arap Baharı’nın Sonrası”
with Metin Under, “Arap Baharı’nın Sonrası.” Optimist, Mayıs 2013, 26-29.
Op-ed: “Arap Demokrasilerinin Zayıf Temelleri”
“Arap Demokrasilerinin Zayıf Temelleri,” Optimist, Kasım 2012, 92-93.
Interview: “Free Speech in the Islamic World”
with Toni Johnson, Council on Foreign Relations: “Free Speech and Muslim Unrest,” September 28, 2012.
Interview: “Crescent Moon Capitalism”
with Noah Blazer, “Crescent Moon Capitalism: Timur Kuran Weighs the Legacy of Islam’s Divergence from the West,” Today’s Zaman, June 28, 2012.
Policy brief: “Building Arab Civil Society to Promote Economic Growth”
“Building Arab Civil Society to Promote Economic Growth.” Addressing the 100 Million Youth Challenge: Perspectives on Youth Unemployment in the Arab World 2012, World Economic Forum, 4-6 June 2012, 15-17.
Radio discussion: “Middle East: Too Soon for Democracy?”
BBC Radio Analysis, moderated by Edward Stourton, “Middle East: Too Soon for Democracy?” Several participants, May 28, 2012.