Monthly Archives: December 2014
Maurice, Rachel, et Jackson
Maurice, Rachel, et leur fils Jackson sont arrivés à Durham en novembre 2014. Ils viennent de Rwanda et rejoignent deux autres enfants de la famille qui habitent ici depuis cinq mois : leur fils Lenny et leur fille Alice. La famille est Congolaise … Continue reading
Maurice, Rachel and Jackson
Maurice, Rachel, and their son Jackson have been in Durham for around a month. They came from Rwanda to join their son and daughter, Lenny and Alice, who have been in Durham for several months. Their family is from the … Continue reading
RC is a 25 year old man who fled from the Democratic Republic of Congo just 10 months ago. Upon arrival in America, he has quickly learned of the importance of working hard and staying positive in order to achieve his … Continue reading
D’où viens-tu? Je suis venu au Congo. Je suis né au Congo. C’est mon pays natal. Je suis arrivé ici décembre deux milles treize. J’habite ici pour dix moins. Quelle est votre partie favorite des États-Unis? Et pourquoi? Je préfère … Continue reading
JL est un garçon de 13 ans. Sa famille est congolaise et ils ont déménagé aux Etats-Unis en 2014 après avoir passé de nombreuses années dans un camp de réfugiés au Rwanda. L’arrivée aux Etats-Unis un procès difficile pour lui, parce … Continue reading
JL is a 13-year-old boy from Rwanda who is one of the members of MASTERY, a weekly program held at Duke University that acts as an afterschool-mentoring program for refugee children of all ages in Durham. His mother and sister … Continue reading
My name is Lenny. My sister and I arrived here in America on the Fourth of July. Q: And where are you from? A: We came from Rwanda. But, my nationality is Congolese. … Continue reading
Je m’appelle Lenny. Nous sommes arrivés en Amérique le quatre juillet. Q: Et d’où est-ce que vous êtes venus? A: Nous sommes venus de Rwanda. Mais, je suis congolais pour ma nationalité. … Continue reading
Pierre is from the Central African Republic, and he arrived in Durham in 2013. He enjoys watching sports, especially soccer, and was a a professional soccer player in his home country. Now he spends most of his time … Continue reading
F. and Family
“My behavior has changed. The food has changed. All of that. Life has changed.” – F. Interview with F. Everyday, I go to my work as a housekeeper. I enjoy my work, and I like the United States as … Continue reading