

The Rethinking Global Cities Conference will be held on Duke University campus on 5-7 February, 2015. Six conference panels of invited experts will focus on the following categories: Curation, Infrastructure, Margins, Global Cities/Local Histories, City/Novel/Film, and the Middle Eastern City.

International experts will be joined by Duke faculty with research interests in specific global cities that represent the core of this critical humanities conference: Bangkok (Ara Wilson); Beijing/Shanghai (Ralph Litzinger); Cape Town/Johannesburg (Anne-Maria Makhulu); Doha/Dubai (miriam cooke); Istanbul (Erdağ Göknar); Sao Paulo/Medellín (Miguel Rojas-Sotelo);  Taipei/Hong Kong (Guo-Juin Hong); Tokyo (Gennifer Weisenfeld);  and Vienna (Malachi Hacohen).

RGC Conference

A Duke project funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation's "Partnership in a Global Age"