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The United States Occupation (1915-1934)

English-Language U.S. Sources (Via Internet Archive/ Download Available in Multiple Formats)

Haitian-American Treaty of September 1915– Treaty detailing U.S. management of finances, economic development, and security forces, negotiated in the fall of 1915.

Inquiry into the Occupation and Administration of Haiti and Santo Domingo– Transcript of a 1922 U.S. Senate inquiry into the occupation of the island of Hispaniola.

Annual Report of American Financial Adviser-General Receiver to Haiti– 1926-1927 Report submitted to the Secretary of State for the Finance and Commerce of Haiti.

James Weldon Johnson, “Self-Determining Haiti”

Based on an investigative journey to Haiti carried out on behalf of the NAACP, this account presents a strong critique of the U.S. Occupation.

Haitian Sources on Occupation and Post-Occupation Period from the Digital Library of the Caribbean (Online Consultation/ No Download)

Sténio Vincent, En posant les jalons (1939) (via Digital Library of the Caribbean)

The former president of Haiti reflects on the recent history of the country. The work provides detailed insight into the attitudes of the Haitian political leadership during and after the U.S. Occupation.

Arthur Holly, Les daïmons du culte voudo (1918) (via University of Florida Digital Collections)

In this volume, Dr. Arthur Holly expands on the role of Vodou in Haitian society and sharply critiques the appropriation of religious materials by the foreign occupiers as alleged evidence of barbarism. According to Holly, Haitians must embrace the “Africanism” of their heritage and beliefs in order to offset the European and North American “civilizing” influence.


  1. Je recherche le texte numérique du livre de D. Trouillot, Le vaudoun. Aperçu historique et évolution. Port-au-Prince. 1885. (72p.) Je pense qu’il est dans une bibliothèque à Miami. J’en ai vraiment besoin. Je travaille sur un abécédaire du panthéon vaudouiste.

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